Lin Yang is crazy.

He almost rushed out of the door and drove towards the neighborhood where Su Yu lived.

At the moment, the community is a sea of people, the police have drawn a cordon, a large number of reporters flocked here, crazy capture of every possible news related picture.

"Well, what are you doing? You can't go in! "

At this time, a patrolman saw Lin Yang coming and stopped him immediately.

But where does Lin Yang care? Just pull up the cordon and head inside like crazy.

"Stop him!" The patrolman blew his whistle.

The surrounding patrols immediately surrounded.

"Sir, that's the family of the dead! Please forgive me! Excuse me

Kang Jiahao rushed to explain.

Linyang rushed into the community, almost one floor at a time, and the elevator did not go, but in a dozen seconds, he came to the floor where Su Yu lived.

It's still full of cordons.

A large number of patrols gathered inside and outside.

And the medical staff, who seem to be rescuing.

Liu Manshan's cry came out.

Su Tai was sitting in the living room, smoking one cigarette after another. His appearance was more than ten years old. His temples were suddenly white, his eyes were red, and there were tears to burst out of his eyes, but he resisted.

"Get out of here

Lin Yang rushed into the bathroom and roared.

The medical staff who were rescuing were startled.

"Who are you? What kind of mess? Get out of here

Yelled a medical worker.

Lin Yang was indifferent and his eyes were fixed on Su Yu.

Su Yu was beautifully dressed and made up, but her face was extremely pale. There was a horrible and ferocious trace at the opening of her right wrist. The bathtub beside her was full of blood, and she had lost her breath.

It was a prepared suicide.

Lin Yang did not dare to hesitate. He immediately took out the silver needle and asked Su Yu to examine it.

But two medical staff nearby immediately stopped him.

"Sir, please don't make trouble!"

"Please go out at once!"

People said seriously.

"Patrol! policeman! Get this unimportant guy out of here! What's wrong with this? How can we treat the wounded? " Exclaimed a thin, raw doctor with a goatee beard.

"Treatment? Yes? You saved her? " Lin Yang asked grimly.

The man was stunned and then hummed, "I can't save it. Can you? What are you talking about? I don't know anything. I'm still talking nonsense here! I said, are you going or not? You don't get out of here! If something happens, be careful that your family members will investigate your legal responsibility! "

Two policemen also ran over and whispered, "Sir, please come out quickly! Or we'll have to force you to go! "

"Sir! This is a misunderstanding! This is my niece in law! He is not very sensible. Please forgive me. "

Su Tai put out the cigarette end, came over and said hoarsely, "Linyang, don't make trouble. You... You come out quickly."

However, Lin Yang still did not pay attention, only took out a small book from his pocket and handed it to the doctor in front of him.

The doctor was a little confused, but when he saw a few words on the small book, his face turned white in an instant.

"Medical Association? Are you a member of the medical association? "

Lin Yang did not speak. He pushed the people around to examine Su Yu.

"Hello! You are so impolite

Several medical staff angry way, to block.

But the doctor had stopped them.

"Dr. Li, you..."

people are puzzled.

But Dr. Li opened the little book.

The records in the book immediately made everyone gape.

"Take this idle man away!"

The patrolman couldn't look down and drank at once.

"No, no, sir. In fact, this gentleman is very professional." Previously, Dr. Li was busy squeezing out a smile.


The patrolman was at a loss.

"My nephew and son-in-law did read several medical books and was interested in this, but he was professional..." Sutai did not go on.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. Let this gentleman check it. In fact, there's nothing we can do about it." Dr. Li said.

"Nothing to do?" Su Tai was in a hurry and said, "doctor, my daughter, she...

" in fact, your daughter died long ago. We just went through the procedures! " Dr. Li sighed.

Su Tai was unable to step back two steps, and her body was a little unstable.

Although he guessed it would be so, he couldn't accept the fact...


Liu Manshan collapsed on the spot, howled and rushed to the bathroom.

The people next to her quickly pulled her."We have investigated and ruled out the possibility of homicide at the scene. Mr. Su Tai, please cooperate with us to make a record, and then... Take care of Miss Su Yu's death." A policeman sighed.

"OK... OK!" Sutai lit a cigarette again, his hands shaking.

At this time, Lin Yang was already in.

"Which hospital are you from?" Lin Yang asked hoarse.

"District hospital."

"Send Miss Su Yu to Xuanyi school immediately." Lin Yang said without expression.

"This gentleman, Miss Su Yu, she is... Dead..."

"send it."

Lin Yang clenched his fist and clenched his teeth.

"Lin Yang, don't make trouble." Sutai couldn't help saying.

"Shut up

Lin Yang almost roared.

Sutai was startled.

He has never seen Lin Yangfa so angry!

At the moment, Lin Yang's eyes are red.

Sutai was surprised and surprised.

But the scene is not what Lin Yang said. Naturally, people will not agree.

Fortunately, Kang Jiahao came forward in time to mobilize relations and forcibly took Su Yu's body to Xuanyi school.

"Prepare the ice coffin and freeze it quickly!"

Lin Yang said hoarsely.

"Good teacher."

Hearing the news, Qin baisong nodded.

Then, under Lin Yang's gaze, Su Yu's body was covered by frost, and the whole person was sleeping in the ice coffin...

the people around Yanghua did not say anything.

So is Lin Yang.

No one can think of Lin Yang's inner feelings at the moment how fierce resentment and pain.

"Check it for me at all costs! Find out why Xiaoyu committed suicide! Who forced him to commit suicide! Do you understand? " Lin Yang said without expression.

"Yes, Lin Dong."

The crowd nodded.

"Use all relations and energy to dig out the truth even if you dig three feet into the ground!"

Lin Yang roared. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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