"The young master is dead! The young master is dead! "

"Doctor Lin killed the young master!"

"Dead, young master!"

The cry of panic and despair continued.

The Shen family were scared.


The white robe, who was fighting fiercely here, turned his head and looked at it. His face didn't change from fright. He gave up Yuan Xing directly and rushed towards it.

"Don't go!"

Yuan Xing took advantage of the situation to give him a slap.


White robe bareheaded, back middle palm, fly upside down to fall on the ground, quite embarrassed.

"Third Master!"

The Shen family gathered and helped them up in a hurry.

"I'm fine!"

The white robe bareheaded wiped off the blood from the corners of his mouth. Seeing Shen Yuming, who had no movement in his eyes, knew that he was dead, he had to give up.

Yuan Xing still wants to kill.

"Stop it!"

White robe, bareheaded and drunk.

Yuan Xing didn't listen.

"Wait, listen to what he's going to say." Lin Yang road.

Yuan Xing just stopped.

The white robe bareheaded and gasped: "Doctor Lin! We don't have to fight anymore? Shen Yuming is dead, this matter also has an account! Should the hatred in your heart be over? "

As soon as the people around him heard it, they immediately understood the meaning of the white robe and bald head.

This is a plan to calm things down!

After all, Dr. Lin's strength is too strong, and with the help of the supreme elder of the Eastern Emperor cult, how can the Shen family provoke such a big enemy?

"Didn't you say that if I moved Shen Yuming, you wouldn't let me out of this gate? Now that I've killed Shen Yuming, should you honor what you just said? " Lin Yang road.

White robe bareheaded face a burst of red and white, hoarse way: "just now I have no eyes, I don't know the ability of doctor Lin. now I understand that Doctor Lin's methods are omnipotent, and I have more help from the Eastern Emperor's cult. I'm taking it. I'm going to apologize to Dr. Lin for just now..."

"I don't need to apologize. I'd like to ask you, who's the Shen family's idea to force the killing of Su Yu?" Lin Yang asked.

White robe bareheaded a Zheng, immediately understand what, immediately pointed to the dead Shen Yuming way: "this son's idea!"

This is to throw the pot on the dead!

"Are you kidding me?" Lin Yang said without expression: "Shen Yuming can't be the master in your Shen family!"

"Dr. Lin, what I said is true." The white robe bareheaded hesitated.

"I'll give you one minute. Within one minute, I'll tell all the participants in this matter and promise me to hand them over. Otherwise, I will destroy the Shen family." Lin Yang said without expression.

The world breathes and the scalp shakes.

The bald head in the white robe also froze.

"Third Master, what should I do now?"

"With the strength of Doctor Lin and the old man, we are afraid we are not rivals."

People were shaking and scared.

White robe bareheaded a gnash teeth, low voice way: "the matter has come to this, we have no other way to choose, if we don't bow our head, I'm afraid we will die here!"

"Third Master, what do you mean..."

the white robe was not bareheaded, so he just raised his head, looked at Lin Yang and said, "Doctor Lin! I can tell you who participated in this matter, but if I can give it to you, I am not going to has the final say, you must let us go back and invite the owner to give up your anger.

"Let one go back and report, and the rest will wait here!" Lin Yang road.

"Dr. Lin, you..."

"what? Do you have any questions? " Lin Yang swept his eyes, his robe was white and his head was bare.

White robe bareheaded, the heart is full of anger, forced by helpless, can only side first way: "Xiaojia!"

"Third Master!"

Ask Xiao Jia's people to answer the way quickly.

"You go back immediately. According to Dr. Lin, ask the owner to hand over the people who participated in this matter. Let him lead them here and give them to Dr. Lin. can you hear me clearly?" The white robe bareheaded glared at Xiao Jia and blinked.

Xiaojia is not a fool. How can he not understand the meaning of the third master? Immediately nodded: "don't worry, I'll go back immediately."


After a while, Xiao Jia rushed out of the backyard.

The rest of them were honest and waiting, and were guarded by Lin Yang's men.

"Doctor Lin, they seem to have gone to rescue the soldiers!" Yuan Xing looked at the back of Xiaojia's leaving and couldn't help saying.

"Let them move... By the way, when will our rescuers arrive?" Lin Yang asked.

Yuan Xing took out an old-age machine, looked at the time, calmly said: "there should be half an hour!"

"How many people have come?"

"At your command, everyone is here." Yuan Xing respectfully said.


Lin Yang nodded and sat down on the chair beside him.

As for the white robe and bald head on this side, the bile is almost scared out.Dr. Lin... And rescue?

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