
A cry of despair came out.

See a girl in black casual wear with short hair kneeling on the floor of the living room, crying is pear blossom with rain, heartbroken.

And a middle-aged man wandering back and forth in the hall was livid and clenched with fists, eager to slap the girl on the ground.

But as soon as he raised his hand, he finally held back.

"Don't call me dad, I don't have your useless daughter!" The middle-aged man roared angrily.

"Dad, don't be like this. My daughter has already known that she is wrong. She swore that she would not dare to do it again." the short haired girl Wu Yangyang said.

"In a word, it's useless to say anything. The family has already decided to confine for three months, but not one day less!" The middle-aged man didn't wave his hand.

"Dad!! Are you so cruel? "

The girl's face was pale, and she threw herself at the middle-aged man and cried.

"Cruel? Do you know what you did? You almost made us fight over there! Fortunately, your uncle is clever and leads this disaster away! Otherwise, once the war starts, all the losses and expenses of the Lin family will have to be counted on your head, and you will not be able to finish the matter in three months' confinement! I'm afraid your skin will have to be stripped off the next layer, do you know? " The middle-aged man said sternly.

As soon as this word came out, the girl was so scared that she almost didn't stand firm.

She asked, "well, Dad, uncle, have you dealt with it?"

"Not yet! But I don't think it's a problem! "

"Thank you, uncle, this time." The girl was relieved.

"Thanks?" The middle-aged man snorted: "he is not so kind, but he wants to win over your father and me!"

"It's so..."


At this time, the middle-aged man's mobile phone vibrated.

The man looked at the caller ID, eyes a tight, immediately connected.

He hung up without saying a few words.

"Dad, whose phone? What's the matter? "

"What else can I do for you? Isn't it your business? " The middle-aged man hummed: "something happened. The bastard refused to accept the gift from your uncle, and said some rude requests! I can't believe it. "

"What? How dare you refuse that trash? Doesn't he see what virtue he is? Where is he qualified to refuse? " The girl's eyes were wide, and her face was incredible.

"In a word, the matter has been solved. Even if he doesn't accept it, the Lin family has a way to let him take it! Now it's just that trash that stole the baby's coffin, not you! You are safe now! " The middle-aged man said.

"Thank you, Dad." The girl laughed, but she whispered, "but... Dad, I can't go out for a drink in three months. I'm afraid I'll die..."

"still want to drink in disco? Go away

The middle-aged man got angry on the spot.

Seeing this, the girl ran away from the living room.


"Lin Dong, I found it!"

Xu Tian personally went to Xuanyi school to report to Lin Yang.

"Your efficiency seems to be slow!" Lin Yang said without expression.

"Mr. Lin, I'm very sorry. The other party actually used face changing technique. For a while, we didn't notice it." Xu Tian sighs helplessly.

"A change of face?" Lin Yang was stunned: "when did the Lin family know the art of transfiguration?"

"I don't know. When we intercepted the man, he had a fake human skin mask in his hand. He changed his appearance, so we didn't trace the man's whereabouts in time." Xu Tian hands the mask to Lin Yang.

Lin Yang took it, carefully rubbed, observed, and sniffed. His brow immediately frowned: "this man's skin mask is newly made. It seems that the Lin family is prepared for this matter."

"Can the Lin family do this? Who are they hiding from

"It's not to avoid me

Lin Yang thought, eyebrows locked, is a hundred thoughts can not solve.

However, after about five or six minutes, Lin Yang suddenly realized something.

"Is it difficult... To avoid the eyes and ears of people over there?"

"Over there? Is that the man from the coffin where the sacrifice was made? " Xu Tian was also stunned.

"It should be. If someone from the Lin family comes to Jiangcheng, it will certainly arouse suspicion. But... There's something wrong with it! "

Lin Yang touched his chin and pondered: "what else is wrong..."

Xu Tian is also thinking about it.

However, at this time, Lin Yang's mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

Lin Yang looked at the caller ID, and suddenly his face turned pale.

"Not good!"

He lost his voice immediately.

"What's wrong, Lin Dong?" Next to Xu Tianleng asked.

"A hundred secrets and a few secrets!"

Lin Yang secretly clenched his teeth, staring at the pupil of the mobile phone are trembling.Xu Tian is confused. He looks at the caller ID and is stunned. He immediately understands everything.

But see Lin Yang press the connect key.

Zhang Qingyu's voice rang out immediately in the phone.

"Lin Yang, where are you? Come back quickly, mom has something to look for you! "

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