"It doesn't matter what my name is. What matters is you. You are Lin Yang, aren't you?" The man asked with a smile.

Lin Yang's eyes were frozen and he didn't say anything.

But Zhang Qingyu can't wait to shout: "yes! This is my son-in-law Lin Yang! I tell you! These things are from my son-in-law. They have nothing to do with you! If you don't have any problems, just leave, you know? "

"From your son-in-law?" The man was smiling: "as far as I know, your son-in-law is just a backward gate. He has no special skills. He is poor and good. How can he get so many luxury cars and antique treasures? Lady, have you ever doubted? These things may have come from a wrong way! "

As soon as he said this, Zhang Qingyu's face was stunned, and he kept humming: "what does this have to do with you? Almost, sir. Let's go! Besides, if the road is not right, the police will deal with it! Are you a policeman? You don't have to go now

Although she was confused, she was no longer interested in asking.

Anyway, these things are really sent to her in the name of Lin Yang, which is enough.

Others, Zhang Qingyu doesn't care.

"Ms. Zhang, let me tell you the truth. These things have something to do with me, because some of them belong to our family." The man made it clear.

"What are you talking about? Fart! These are not yours! Don't talk nonsense here! I tell you! These are from my son-in-law! It has nothing to do with you! Get out of here! If you don't go away, I'll call the police! Do you hear me? " Zhang Qingyu was excited and kept shouting.

The man's words have always been the most worrying for her, which also completely broke through her bottom line.

She couldn't take it.

She also broke out completely.

"Alarm? It's interesting. "

The man squinted, stood up directly, and passed a obliteration in the depth of pupil.

He didn't want to delay any more.

Since Lin Yang has arrived, he should take something back! Also have to give the family an account!

However, at this time, Lin Yang suddenly whispered: "this gentleman, can we talk alone?"

"I don't think it's necessary to talk about it any more." The man shrugged.

"Believe me, it's for you!" Lin Yang looks very serious.

The man looked at him, thought a little, and then said with a smile: "OK, anyway, things have been found, I have a lot of time, I will accompany you nagging, anyway you can't run away!"

With that, the man went to the balcony.

Lin Yang followed suit.

"Lin Yang! Good son-in-law! It's not his thing, is it? You must not give him anything! This is our stuff Zhang Qingyu is extremely nervous and grabs Lin Yang's arm.

Lin Yang's eyes were disgusted, and he said coldly, "do you dare to accept such things of unknown origin? Are you really going to die? "

"Unknown origin?" Zhang Qingyu was stunned: "the person who sent the things didn't say that this is your thing? What is the origin of the unknown? "

However, Lin Yang was too lazy to talk to her any more and went straight to the balcony.

"Lin Yang!"

Zhang Qingyu called several times, but Lin Yang didn't pay any attention. She immediately bit her teeth.

"This fellow! I don't know the size. It's lawless! Forget it! If these things come into my house today, don't try to take them out! "

Zhang Qingyu murmured, took out the phone and dialed Su Guang's number.

"How many people did you call?" Zhang Qingyu asked.

"There are only five of them

"Five? Enough! You'll stay downstairs, and if it's not right, you'll all rush up to me, all right? " Zhang Qingyu is cold.

"Rain and shine, what happened?"

"Don't mind that much! Tell Laozhang and Laoliu that I will thank them again when it is done! "

"Er... OK."

For no reason, Su Guang led some friends to smoke downstairs.

And on the balcony, Lin Yang also lit a cigarette, and at the same time handed a cigarette to the man.

But the man didn't answer, instead, he said in a playful tone: "don't waste your time any more. If you have something to say, I'm in a hurry to take something back to my life! Oh, by the way, do you know what it is? "

"Yes, that infant coffin." Lin Yang took a flue.

"Ha ha, it seems that you still know something, but you can only guess one-third, because I have to bring back two things besides the coffin of the holy baby!"


"You and that stupid woman's head in there." The man pointed to his head and said with a smile.

Lin Yang's eyes were tight and hoarse: "why?"

"The baby's coffin is a sacred object worshipped by our HEIs for generations. It is of great significance, but it was stolen by you this time! They were very angry, so they not only asked to recover the coffin, but also had to bring back the heads of the people involved in this incident! None of the relevant personnel can escape! " The man shrugged."This coffin was not stolen by me, but stolen by the Lin family. The reason why they came here is just to transfer their hatred! If you really want to pursue the blame, I think you'd better go to the yanjinglin family and talk about it. " Lin Yang said quietly.

"Oh, it's just one side of your story. How can I believe it? What's more, people get stolen goods together! The coffin of the baby is here. What can you deny? " The man laughs.

"So you are willing to be shot? Willing to be teased? " Lin Yang asked.

"What evidence do you have for the truth of what you say?" The man squinted.

Lin Yang is silent.

A moment later, he shook his head: "No

"That's it The man said with a smile that he was going to stretch out his hand and head for Lin Yang's neck.

This is to strangle Lin Yang's neck, and then go back to the room to kill Zhang Qingyu.

However, as soon as he reached out his hand, another hand accurately clasped his wrist...

it was Lin Yang's hand.


The man was shocked.

He almost didn't see clearly when Lin Yang captured this hand...

"Sir, I don't intend to be an enemy of your family. I hope you can investigate this matter carefully and don't wrongly treat good people!" Lin Yang said coldly, it seems that he is not going to be polite any more.

"Wronged? At first I didn't believe it, but now I believe it! How can you be so powerful? You have the capital to steal the baby's coffin! " The man said with his eyes fixed.

"So you've identified me?"

"Unless, of course, you can produce evidence."


Lin Yang was indifferent for a moment and said, "OK! You want evidence, I'll give it to you! "

The voice dropped to the ground. He took a seal from his pocket and handed it to the man.

The man looked at it and was stunned.

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