After leaving the Su family, Lin Yang was a little upset and drove 918 on the road. Quan should be dispersing his mind.

At the end of the night, the rich second generation of Jiangcheng are driving all kinds of luxury cars and refitted cars, and they are also crashing on the road.

The roar of the engine seemed to tear the night sky apart, and many people who fell asleep were so noisy that they opened their windows and swore.

"Oh? Three magic cars 918? Man, do you want to try it? " In front of the traffic lights, a rich second generation with blue hair rolled down the car window of Ferrari and whistled at Lin Yang with a smile.

On the co pilot, a girl dressed in exposed heavy make-up is winking at Lin Yang.

"No interest."

Lin Yang simply back a sentence, wait for the green light to go, then drive fast.

However, the blue hair is not willing to give up, sneer, a step on the gas to catch up with the past, an instant passed Lin Yang, don't in front of him and fierce braking.

Lin Yang reacted quickly and slowed down immediately.

He frowned, and of course he could see that the blue hair was on purpose.

However, he was not in the mood to mess with blue hair. He planned to go to the hospital to see Xu Shuangxuan, so he changed his way and went on.

However, that blue hair still does not give up, immediately don't come to Lin Yang's front, decelerate again.

Lin Yang's face was cold and his hand holding the steering wheel was tight.

He was in a bad mood, so he was very upset by the blue hair.

The car stopped at the traffic lights again.

Lin Yang rolled down the window, staring at blue hair and said, "are you on purpose?"

"No one dares to refuse my invitation. If you don't want to be left alone by Laozi, you should compare with Laozi." Blue hair laughs.

"Yes, handsome boy, come and play. If you refuse Liu Shao and make Liu Shao unhappy, you will have a bad time!" The girl next to her in her exposed clothes also covered her lips and laughed.

"Liu Shao?" Lin Yang frowned: "what is the relationship between Liu Er ye and you?"

"He's my second uncle. Why? Have you heard of my second uncle? If you know my second uncle, do you dare to offend me? " The man laughed.

Lin Yang didn't speak. As soon as the green light came on, he stepped on the accelerator.

"Yes, that's interesting."

With a strange cry of blue hair, he immediately chased after him.

However, as soon as Lin Yang passed Lanmao, he immediately stopped in front of Lanmao and slammed on the brake.

Lanmao was surprised and stopped the car in a hurry.

After waiting for the car to stabilize, he saw that Lin Yang had already made a double flash and got off the car.

"Wang Badu, don't you dare to leave Laozi's car?"

Blue hair full of anger, fierce get out of the car to walk toward Linyang.

"Son of a bitch, I don't want your car. It's your pleasure. Do you dare not do it? Are you tired of living? " Blue hair exclaimed.

But the next second, Lin Yang suddenly slapped over.


Lanmao turned around, then fell heavily on the ground. When he got up, half of his face was swollen and his mouth was full of teeth.

"You... Dare you hit me?" Blue hair panic way.

"Can't I hit you?" Lin Yang light road, another kick to.


Blue hair was kicked on the ground several roll.

The girl was scared and quickly took out her mobile phone and dialed the number: "come on, Liu Shao has been hit!"

"Yes, shake people for me. I'm going to throw this dog thing into the river to feed the fish today." Blue hair's voice is not clear.

Lin Yang was expressionless. He pulled out a thin silver needle from the inside of his coat and stabbed it on his shoulder through his clothes. Then he walked over and grabbed the body of Ferrari with one hand and then exerted his force.


a frightening scene appears!

The whole Ferrari was lifted up by Lin Yang with one hand!!

Lanmao and the girl are both stupid...

raise Ferrari with one hand?

It's more than driving a Ferrari with one hand!

But Lin Yang waved lightly!


The whole Ferrari drew a parabola straight in the air and then fell straight into the icy river nearby.


Blue hair was scared and shivered. He rushed to the fence and watched his car sink into the river. The whole person was in despair.

Fortunately, there are not many people nearby, or I'm afraid I can't frighten a few people.

"You want to lose me? Then I'll lose your car first. " Lin Yang light road.

"You son of a bitch!"

Blue hair gas suddenly look back, angry staring at Lin Yang: "this is my uncle's gift to me, you're finished, you wait to be my second uncle's big piece of it! You're completely finished! "

Lin Yang did not say anything, just took out his mobile phone and dialed the number.

"Mr. Lin? Hello There is Gong Xiyun's voice of hesitation and excitement over the phone.

"Changbo has fallen. Haven't you finished it yet?" Lin Yang asked without expression."It is already integrated. In less than three days, the whole Jiangcheng underground world has the final say of Lin Dong!" Gong Xiyun is busy.

"What about Liu Er Ye of the Liu family?" Lin Yang asked.

"The Liu family has been making friends with us. I think he is going to surrender. After all, even Changbo and Ku long have collapsed. His power can't be our opponent. He is a smart man with self-knowledge."

"Since Mr. Liu has dropped in, I'll ask him to come over. I'll wait for him on Yanjiang Road."

Lin Yang said calmly.

Gong Xiyun was stunned and vaguely smelled something wrong. He immediately said, "OK, Mr. Lin, wait a moment. I'll call Liu Er Ye right away."

"I have something else to do. I'll wait here for 10 minutes. If Mr. Liu doesn't come, he will never appear in front of me."

"Yes, yes, don't worry. I'll let him know at once." Gong Xiyun is sweating.

Now she is afraid of death Lin Yang.

Especially when she learned that Xiao Yi and Fang Shimin were all planted in the hands of Lin Dong today, she found that her energy was ridiculous in front of him.

She called the first time.

"If you want to live, go to Yanjiang Road to see Mr. Lin in 10 minutes, or I'm afraid your Liu family will not be here tonight."

With that, Gong Xiyun hung up.

As soon as Liu Er ye heard this, he rushed out of the door like a bolt from the blue.

"Quick, go to Yanjiang Road!"


Lin Yang felt his pocket, then swept his blue hair, and went over to take a pack of cigarettes from his coat pocket and light one for himself.

"You... You son of a bitch! How dare I smoke? " Blue hair was very angry, but he didn't dare to do it.

After all, what can he do with such a monster who can lift Ferrari with one hand?

But he's not going to be intimidated.

Because those who come later will not fight with this person!

No matter how strong you are, can you beat a gun?

Boom and boom...

at this time, bursts of engine roar.

Subsequently, a large number of luxury sports cars appeared on the sparsely populated road along the river.

Porsche, Maserati, McLaren, Lamborghini, the whole night in Jiangcheng seems to be immersed in the roar of these super runs.

The car came and surrounded Lin Yang and Lanmao directly. A large number of young people with fashionable toe and high spirited came down from the sports car.

One of the people who got off the car made Lin Yang a little surprised.

It was Fu Wu and the girl with short hair.

Are they feeling better?

"Oh, it's not that enemies don't get together! Isn't this the barefoot doctor who swindles and swindles

Fu Wu whistled and squinted at Lin Yang.

"Ha ha, brother Wu! Last birthday party, this boy swept our fun. We haven't settled accounts with him. We didn't expect to meet him here this time! " The fat man beside him laughed and looked at Lin Yang's eyes full of fun and malice.

"Xiaowu... Do you know this dog?" Blue hair over there was helped up and asked vaguely.

"Yes, Lanmao. What's wrong with you? Who is this beaten by? " Fu Wu asked in dismay.

"Who else? That's the son of a bitch Lanmao points to Linyang road.

"He? Oh, that's a good feeling. This boy has offended me. It seems that we have to settle the account with him today Fu Wu narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

"Lanmao, you can. Didn't you drive a Ferrari before? How did you get to the 918? " At this time, the girl with short hair nearby couldn't help exclaiming.

The appearance of the 918 is much cooler than that Ferrari.

"That's not my car, that's his..." Lanmao said.

"What? His car? " Fu Wu was shocked.

The short haired girl was also stunned.

"I can't see that this boy is a local tyrant." The fat man was surprised.

"Local tyrants? I haven't heard of this guy in the upper class of Jiangcheng. I'm sure it's rented by him Fu Wu hummed.

"I think it was a lie?" The short haired girl is sour.

If she knew that Lin Yang had such a car, she would not have given up easily at the beginning. She must have caught this champion with a shameless face. After all, Linyang is more than Fu Wushuai.

"I care who he is! If you offend me, I won't let him go today. Brother, break his leg for me Blue hair cried.


Fu Wu also nodded, his face was cold, and then he directly took people to Lin Yang Wei.

There is no Xu Shuangxuan here, and he doesn't have so many scruples!

Lin Yang was too lazy to go to see them. He looked directly at the river and smoked, as if all the people walking behind were air.

This is the second generation of Lin Yang who really wants to waste.But just then...


Several more black cars came.

Then he saw that Liu Er Ye was pale and sweating. He rushed out of the car and ran towards Linyang.

"Second uncle?" Blue hair is stunned.

Fu Wu and others were particularly dismayed.

Liu Er Ye ignored these people and rushed to Lin Yang. He bent down and bowed with respect.

"Mr. Lin... Mr. Lin..."

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