The atmosphere of the scene became strange.

The men brought by Su Guang, together with him, were still lying on the ground and wailing.

The man was holding a dagger and staring at Lin Yang.

At this time, Zhang Qingyu ran down the building, saw the scene, immediately cried out: "come on! Kill! Kill

Her voice is particularly sharp, directly covering the entire community.

The residents in the community opened their windows to look down, and the security guards came to inquire.


The man's face and forehead changed, and he immediately turned and ran away.


Lin Yang looked tight and wanted to stop him, but Zhang Qingyu suddenly grabbed his arm and yelled, "Linyang, where are you going?"

"Let go

Lin Yang drank heavily.

"I tell you! You don't want to give it back to that person! Those things belong to our family. It has nothing to do with that person! Don't mess with me Zhang Qingyu yelled.

She was still worried that the thing belonged to the man and that Lin Yang was going to return it.

"Let go Lin Yang jerked his arm.

How can Zhang Qingyu stand his strength? When he fell to the ground and got up, he was furious.

"Good, Lin Yang! On the contrary! On the contrary! How dare you do this to me? Are you going to rebel? " Zhang Qingyu scolded.

The surrounding residents also gathered around.

"Sister Zhang, what's going on?"

"Who is this man? Why not? "

"Are you OK, Sister Zhang? Oh, brother Su Guang, what's wrong with your face? Do you want to go to the hospital? "

The neighbors were full of gossip.

Su Guang and his wife moved into the community not long ago, so we don't know Lin Yang.

But see Zhang Qingyu cross waist, shout at the throat: "everybody! Have a look! This is Lin Yang, the redundant son-in-law of our family who has suffered a thousand stabs! This guy is so lawless that he even beats his mother-in-law! What a killer! God damn it

Then he cried.

"So this man is Sister Zhang's son-in-law?"

"A soft guy, dare to be so arrogant."

"It's lawless."

The people around him immediately pointed.

Lin Yang's face was gloomy and cold, but he had no choice but to take Zhang Qingyu. He had to hum: "Zhang Qingyu! Since you say that! Good! Those cars for your family! I'll ask someone to take it back. If you don't, I'll see you in court. "

With that, Lin Yang shook his hand and left.

Zhang Qingyu heard this and was in a hurry.

"Lin Yang! Dare you! That's my stuff! Who told you to take it

"See you in court, see you in court! I'm not afraid of you

Zhang Qingyu screamed.

But Lin Yang turned a deaf ear and went directly out of the community.

Just now that man has run away.

Originally, Lin Yang intended to explain to the man well that all this was the result of the Lin family's planting.

But the other person doesn't believe in himself...

just, let's try to communicate with that person's family.

Lin Yang took a deep breath and thought.

But at this moment, a little boy suddenly came up.

"Big brother, is your name Lin Yang?"

"It's me. Are you?" Lin Yang looks at the little boy curiously.

But the little boy handed over a note and ran away.

Take a look at the note, Lin Yang's face instantly cold to the extreme.

The note was left by the man.

"Lin Yang! Within two days, please go to Hei's ancestral hall in Makou Town, Shangwan city to apologize for your guilt and make your own judgment! Otherwise, all the relatives around you, including Su Yu, Su Xiaoqing, Su Gang and Subei, will all be killed! You, too, are doomed. You don't want more innocent people to die. I'll see you in the morning

The handwriting is very neat.

It can be seen that the other party is not flustered when leaving this note.

Lin Yang closed his eyes and crushed the note with his hand...

he took out the phone and called Xu Tian.

"Mr. Lin, how is the situation?" Xu Tian over there asked.

"Things may not be as easy to handle as I thought..."

"what should I do?" Xu tianpo is worried.

"It's time to talk! In the morning after tomorrow, ask shangyuanxing and Cao Songyang to go to Shangwan city with me! "

"How many people do you need to take?"

"Three people will do."

"Good! I'll get ready in a minute. "

Xu Tian goes to prepare immediately.

As for Lin Yang, he was completely angry.

He drove directly to the Yanghua headquarters office.

At the same time, there are three people kneeling in the office.

These three people are not others, but the Lin family who have gone back and forth.Among them was Lin Fu, the fat man.

When the Lin family learned that the HEIs had sent someone to Zhang Qingyu's place to get the baby's coffin, they asked Lin Fuchen to return to Jiangcheng and watch the activity here to see if they would fall in with the Lin family's scheme.

Unexpectedly, this time they went back to Jiangcheng, they were caught directly by Gong Xiyun.


The door of the office was kicked open.

Lin Yang, full of anger, came in with a big stride.

"Young master Lin Yang?"

Lin Fu was overjoyed and immediately called out, "master Lin Yang, please help us!"

"Young master Lin Yang, I heard that you have a good relationship with Mr. Lin. please give us a good word in front of him."

"We are not spies! You are not here to deal with Yanghua, master Lin Yang. Please give us a good word. "

The three begged.

"I can't do it." Lin Yang said without expression.

Lin Fu was stunned: "why?"

"The reason is very simple. How can I seek myself?" Lin Yang's three men are cold.

The three stayed on the spot. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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