The Lin family in Yanjing.

The middle-aged man sitting in the front room drinking tea suddenly got up and looked at the old man who had just walked in.

"Lao Fu, you... You didn't lie to me, did you? How is this possible? "

"How impossible? The news just received shows that Lin Fu has lost contact with others, and he is basically dead! " Lin Fu's hands were attached behind him, and his face was expressionless.

"How could that happen?"

The middle-aged man lost his mind.

"Mr. Ao, the Council asked you to give an immediate reply on this matter. After all, it has caused a lot of people's lives! It's impossible to handle things lightly any more! Your daughter will also make a new judgment and draw up a new punishment! I'm here to inform you. Please get ready

With that, Lin Fu turned to go.

"Wait for Lao Fu!" Lin Ao shouts in a hurry.

"Ao ye, what else can I do for you?" Lin Fu stopped and asked.

"Who killed them, Lin Fu?" Lin Ao hesitated and asked in a deep voice.

"At present, I don't know. According to the preliminary judgment, it may be dong Lin

"No way! We have nothing to do with Mr. Lin this time. What's more, Lin Fu didn't provoke him. Why should Lin kill them Lin Ao said in a loud voice.

Lin Fu was silent for a moment and said, "maybe it has something to do with Su Yan. After all, Su Yan's parents have been implicated in this matter. If Lin Dong really takes a fancy to Su Yan, it's expected that he will be so angry. We have sent someone to negotiate with the Mafia. We must calm things down! Don't make trouble with Lin Dong! "

Finish saying, Lin Fu leaves directly, ignore Lin Ao no longer.

Lin Ao clenched his fist, his eyes were unwilling and resentful.

He took a deep breath, pulled out the phone and dialed the number.

"Where are you, daughter?"

"Dad? I'm packing up in my room. The family rules require me to go to the wall today to think about my mistakes. "

"Daughter, something has happened. Lin Fu is dead. The family will punish you again!"


"Listen to me, you call your master right now and ask him to do it! If things get out of hand, I'm afraid the family will push you out to appease the public anger! "

"Ah?" Lin Ruonan on the other side of the phone is stupid.

"Daughter? Daughter? " Lin Ao exclaimed.

Lin Ruonan came back to his senses and cried, "Dad, how could this happen? What should I do? What should I do... "

Lin Ruonan has no control.

"Daughter, don't cry, call your master! Come on

"Call master?"

"Yes! It can save you now! Only your master

"OK, ok... I'll call..."

Lin Ruonan hangs up the phone tremblingly, finds out a unique number and dials it in the past.

The phone has been ringing for a long time, and it is finally connected.

"Master, help me..." Lin Ruonan issued a cry of pain.



The car stopped in front of a shrine.

The man in the car glared at the door of the ancestral temple out of the window in disbelief. He said, "Mr. Lin, why are we... Here?"

"Didn't you black family want me to come here to have my head cut off?"

Lin Yang said without expression.


The man is stupid.

There are not many people in the ancestral hall today.

The man who threatened Linyang at Zhang Qingyu's house was also there.

They are mainly waiting for Linyang here.

If Lin Yang didn't come according to the time, they would directly take the car at the gate, kill Jiang Cheng and settle accounts with Lin Yang.

When Lin Yang came in with two old men and the man, all the Black family members in the ancestral hall were stunned.

"This is Doctor Lin?"

"Am I right?"

"is as like as two peas on TV."

"What's the matter? Why is Dr. Lin here? "

"Quickly, go and call the elder, please go and invite the patriarch!"

The crowd cried out.

Dr. Lin's name is extraordinary.

The Hei family is also a mix in China's martial arts and Taoism circles. I've heard about some things in the martial arts world.

It has been known for a long time that the famous Yaowang village has been destroyed by Dr. Lin.

What a legendary hidden sect is Yaowang village? Even this kind of existence has been destroyed. How dare an ordinary clan fight against Dr. Lin?

As for the ancient school and the Eastern Emperor religion, it has not been spread. After all, Lin Yang told us that we should not publicize it for the time being, otherwise it would easily become the target of public criticism.

But in any case, Dr. Lin is not something ordinary people can provoke.

However, the man who was in Zhang Qingyu's house was busy coming forward, squeezing out a smile and hugging his fist: "I don't know Doctor Lin's coming. If you have lost your welcome, please forgive me. Dr. Lin, I'm under the black source! I don't know why Dr. Lin came here? "Lin Yang looked at him, did not speak, only took out a note from his pocket and handed it to him.

Heiyuan took a look, his face turned pale.

"This... This is..."

"you have to have a knife to apologize for cutting your head. You don't seem to be prepared. Go ahead and get a knife. I'll cut my head to you now!" Lin Yang said quietly.

The black source a listen, legs a soft, almost did not frighten to kneel down on the ground.

"You... Are you really Lin Dong?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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