"Lin Dong?"

Black source trembled, feet stiff in place, dare not take steps.

"What? I want you to come? " The first side of Linyang.

"Lin Dong, what is the matter with you looking for Anyuan?" Black five still wants to circle.

But Lin Yang doesn't eat his set.

"Did I call you?" Linyang looks at him.

The black five look changed slightly, and no longer made a sound.

Heiyuan had to go over with his head hard.

"Lin... Lin Dong, what do you want?"

"You asked you to bring me and Zhang Qingyu's head to this apology?" Lin Yang asked calmly.

"No one has given me any advice. It is... I am good at making my own opinions, yes, I am good at making my own opinions!" Black source said in a hurry.

"Is that the case? That's all right. " Linyang waved: "kill him."

"Yes, Mr. Lin!"

The yuan star immediately came up behind, a hand directly seized the neck of black source, that thin old hand was to black source this hundred seventy-eight Jin of the Zhuang Sheng raised up.


The crowd was shocked.

Black source neck by the star pinched deformation, people almost want to die.

"Help! I... I can't breathe! "

"Help me..." br >

black source struggles desperately, and his voice is squeezed out.

But Yuan Xing did not let go, but continued to increase its strength.

"Lin Dong!"

Black five is in a hurry, hurriedly shouted: "please also be angry! The patriarch is coming soon! We will give you a satisfactory reply on this matter. "

"Now it is my personal resentment with heiyuan, not for this matter! This man offended me. I killed him, can't I? " Linyang cold road.

"It's black source, with no eyes on Mount Tai! Please raise your hand Black five emergency road.

"Then I don't want to carry this hand?" Lin Yang asked.

Black five mouth, I don't know how to answer.

now, Hei yuan has turned his eyes white, his mouth spit out foam, and people will soon fall into shock.

If he continues like this, he will be strangled and killed.

The Black family around the eyes set, one by one gathered, is intended to do.

"Oh? It's a little interesting! " Cao Songyang faces with a smile near.

Black five also felt the situation was wrong, but at the moment he also did not know how to deal with it.

Hands? Will be guilty of Lin Dong!

Don't let Lin Dong kill heiyuan? That's not the heart of the Black family?

What do you do?

Black five clenched his fist.

But at this juncture.


A drink and shout came from outside the ancestral hall.

Lin Yang looks at him.

A large group of black family came in quickly.

The first person, directly toward the yuan star, very fast, but want to forcibly save the black source.

"Let me go of him!"

The man roared and killed with a low blow. His strength broke out, and the wind was in a gust, just like a tiger, very scary.

But this punch in the eyes of Yuan Xing, but show no power.

"No measure!"

Yuan Xing Leng hum, raise his hand and wave.


A strong wind rushed directly at the man.


Before the man hit, he was forced by the vigorous wind. The whole man was shot and flew out on the spot, and hit the wall of the ancestral hall. He smashed the wall into a big hole. The man rolled over the rubble and looked very embarrassed!


The Black family changed all the time.

And those elders look especially dignified, stare at Yuan Xing, all of them have insight into the mystery of that vigorous wind.

"This old man's home, it's not easy!"

An old man with long shoulder hair whispered at the side.

"I never thought Lin Dong had such a master around him. It seems that Yang Hua's strength is much stronger than we think!"

"Be careful!"

Several people talked in secret.

"I know, don't wait for more! It's important to save the black source first! "

A man with a thick black face and a long history said.

The man is wearing a gorgeous brocade, ten fingers full of jade rings, a jade ring on his nose, sharp eyes, and a very serious look.

This man is the head of Hei family, heiyutian.

"Big brother!"

"Black five shouted.

But saw black jade days a few steps forward, to Linyang way: "Lin Dong, please let go of my people first, if there is anything wrong with him, jade day would like to bear all!"

"You can't afford it. He said that he wanted to bring my head to this crime. So I would kill him, not without reason, right?" Lin Yang calm road.

Black jade day listen, eyebrow is tight.Looking at the past black source of shock, everyone knows that if you don't rescue, you'll have no choice.

"Patriarch, save my son!"

At this time, the people who came out of the ruins staggered and knelt in front of heiyutian, crying.

It's no wonder that he would be crazy to move towards Yuan Xing. It turns out that this man is the father of heiyuan!

But at this moment, how to help?

Li is in Linyang.

If you want to use force, I'm afraid Lin Dong is not afraid!

People lock their eyes on heiyutian one after another, looking forward to their clan leader's rescue method.

After about five seconds, black jade suddenly fell silent.

And then it opened.

"Lin Dong, let heiyuan go. In fact, all this has nothing to do with him. It's all arranged by the head of my family! If you are angry, you can come to me directly! "

As soon as the words came out, the ancestral hall was silent.

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