Many people were astonished and surprised.

What's going on with the HEIs?

"Grandfather? Do you know them? "

An elder asked carefully.

"I've seen them before, but they were not like me. I don't think they know me!" The heijia ancestor returned to God, looked at Yuan Xing and Cao Songyang, and said calmly, "listen, Yutian, quickly order all the Black family members to stop immediately! Beg for Lin Dong's forgiveness, do you hear me? Otherwise, today will be the doom of the Mafia! "


Hei Yutian lost his voice on the spot and thought he had heard it wrong.

All the elders were flustered and came forward one after another.

"Ancestor, what is this for?"

"Do you want us to surrender?"

"Grandfather, why is it so? There are only three of them! And this is in our black family! Let's fight with all our strength! Why fear them? "

"That is, we Black family up and down, still can't kill them?"

The Black family said indignantly.

Because of the death of the ten elders, the people hated Lin Yang so much that they wanted to cut him into pieces.

The same is true of heiyutian.

As the head of a clan, he can't protect his own people in front of so many people. How can he be reconciled to the destruction of his face?

But the black ancestor shook his head again.

"Yutian, do you think you can fight against Dr. Lin?"

"If my ancestors help me, I will not be afraid!" Heiyu is proud of her airway.

"What about adding an ancient school? Did you manage it? " Asked the ancestor of the Black family again.

"Ancient... Ancient school?" Hei Yutian breathed and trembled, but he refused to admit defeat. He gritted his teeth and said, "maybe they are defeated, but even if they win, we can gnaw down a piece of their bones, and never let them feel better!"

"So? Then add another Eastern religion! Did we... Deal with it? " The heijia ancestor said again.

The words fell to the ground, and heiyutian almost choked.

Yanghua, ancient school, donghuangjiao.

These three forces are in one... Who can resist it?

He widened his eyes and looked at the old woman in dismay: "ancestor, what do you mean by this..."

But the old woman pointed to the other side and said, "the two old people standing beside Lin Dong are Cao Songyang, the elder of the ancient sect! One is Yuanxing, the elder of the Eastern Emperor's sect! These two people, are not weaker than my existence! And they can also represent the ancient school and the donghuangjiao respectively. You and Lin Dong are enemies. Do you think that the only thing we have to face is Yanghua? "


The whole person of Heiyu's Tianjing had to jump up.

The Black family around me are all stupid.

All people's brains are blank.

What does that mean?

That is to say, Lin Dong has already controlled the ancient school and the Eastern Emperor religion!

How could it be?

Nobody wants to believe it!

What a shock!

Many people's breathing becomes more rapid because of this.

"No way! Do you... Admit it wrong? " Heiyutian is not willing to accept it.

But the ancestor of the Black family shook his head: "if not, why do others dare to come to my black family? What's more, when you fight with them, don't you realize how terrible their strength is? Who among the three of them can you beat? "

Black jade sky open mouth, speechless.

"Well, Yutian, don't talk nonsense! Go quickly, kneel down in front of Lin Dong and beg for his forgiveness The black ancestor's tone became serious.

This is the only way to save the Mafia.

Black jade day hesitated, his face red and white.

But the grandfather said, he did not dare to listen, so he could only endure the great humiliation, went over, knelt in front of Lin Yang.

"Master of the house!"

Many Mafia people are reluctant to cry for it.

But they also understand.

Even the ancestors are afraid of people, how terrible?

"Mr. Lin! The descendants of the HEIs are not sensible and have offended you. The old lady here, on behalf of the HEIs, apologizes to you. " The heijia ancestor stepped forward, bowed his rickety body, and then said, "although Yutian is over 40 this year, the old lady has lived a long time. He is also a member of my grandson! Today, he made such a mistake, which is unforgivable. He has done harm to the Mafia and offended Mr. Lin. therefore, please punish him. If you want to kill or scrape, please do as you like. My Mafia family has no complaints and will not be investigated in this life! "


"My ancestors!"


The Black family was completely shocked.

Many people immediately rushed forward, knelt down in front of the old woman and cried.

"Laozu Zong, do you really want to give up the owner?"

"The master of the house is not guilty to death."

"Laozu Zong, save the master!"

People were crying and crying and in agony.They don't think that Lin Yang will be merciful. After all, the ten elders kneel down to Lin Yang, but in return, they will die.

Black jade day clenched his fist, full of resentment and unwillingness.

But he had no choice.

He believed that the ancestor's decision was right.

If we continue to fight against Mr. Lin, we will surely bring disaster to the Mafia.

"Get out of here

Black jade sky roared.

The world was shocked and looked at him.

"Listen to me! I'll leave it to Mr. Lin. if he wants to kill or cut, you are not allowed to intervene! "

Heiyutian raised his head, stared at Lin Yang and said, "Lin Dong, do it!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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