Lin's gate.

A large number of Bentley, Rolls Royce and other luxury cars are parked here.

The people in and out of the car dressed strangely.

Some of them have straight suits.

Some people were dressed in long gowns, antique.

All of them were cold and angry.

The leader is heiyutian.

he froze and stood at the gate. He said coldly, "this piece belongs to Qi Ge Guan, the three big Pavilion of your Lin family. What's your chief cabinet, Kunlun? If he doesn't show up again, I'll send an order to rush in! "

Inside the gate are the Lin family.

Although the strength is not weak, but with the outside of this gang of fierce Mafia elite, is obviously much worse.

The Lin family are very nervous.

How could they have seen such a battle?

After all, this is the Lin family!

Which powerful people will bring people to the Lin family for no reason?

Isn't that a bear heart leopard gall?

However, heiyutian has this confidence!

He is not like before, with the support of Yanghua, ancient school and donghuangjiao. Why is he afraid of the Lin family?

What's more, the coffin of his heirloom son was stolen by the Lin family. How can he not be annoyed? Why would he not do it if he could go to the door and ask a crime?

"Master Hei, please wait a moment. We have sent someone to inform the chief cabinet! I believe you will be here soon A steward said respectfully.

"Hum! If your cabinet master can't deal with this matter, or if he is unwilling to appear in front of him, then call your master to come. " Black jade day impatient hum a way.

This said that, the scene many people's facial expression transiently.

The Lin family is even more angry.

The owner?

What does that mean?

Does the Black family really want to meet the Lin family?

Although the Lin family did not want to provoke the Mafia, it did not mean that they were afraid of the Mafia.

If we really want to fight, the only one who will suffer is heiyutian!

At this time, a indifferent voice came.

"Black master! You should know what will happen if things happen to our owners! I'm afraid at that time, you gangsters can't afford it! "

All around were staring at the sound source.

Then I saw that the man with white chess came out.

Lin AO and others are here.

"Lin Kunlun, you finally appeared! I thought you were hiding Heiyu snorted coldly and said, "and what do you mean by that? Are you scaring me? In that case! Good! I'm going to see your master today! You are not qualified to talk to me. Let your master come! "


The Lin family were filled with indignation.

"Too much!"

"Don't be too arrogant! This is Yanjing

"Don't you want to get out of here?"

The Lin family master who came with Lin Kunlun immediately drank.

The people of the Black family were not willing to be outdone, and they came forward one after another.

The two sides are at daggers drawn and the situation is very tight.

Lin Kunlun frowned.

He didn't expect Hei Yutian's attitude to be so resolute. After thinking about it, Lin Kunlun made a slight concession.

"Master of the Hei family, the Lin family and your Hei family have always been in the water and never offended the river. What happened to make you so enthusiastic?" Asked Lin Kunlun.

"My heijia SAINT BABY coffin was stolen by your Lin family?" Black jade is cold in the sky.

"The man named Linyang has long been expelled from the family by our Lin family. He doesn't belong to our Lin family. If you want to settle accounts with him, you can go there. I don't know anything about it, and I'm not responsible for it!" Lin Kunlun shook his head.

"It's not Lin Yang who can steal the coffin! It's Lin Ruo Nan of your Lin family! Right? " Black jade sky hums a way.

As soon as he said this, Lin Kunlun's face changed slightly, and a trace of doubt passed in his eyes.

Lin Ao in the back was even more scared and almost didn't stand firm.

"Black master, how can you say so?" Lin Kunlun frowned.

"What? Am I not right? "

"Hei Jia Zhu, I don't know where you heard these illusory things. I just want to say that the theft of the holy baby's coffin has nothing to do with our Lin family. If the Hei family insists that it was our Lin family, please provide evidence!" Lin Kunlun cold channel.

Lin Ruonan's evidence of stealing the coffin of the son of God has long been erased by the Lin family. Lin Kunlun does not believe that the Mafia can collect the evidence.

However, at this time, Hei Yutian suddenly waved, and a man came from behind him.

Lin Kunlun several people do not know this person, but later Lin Ao looks pale.

"Who is this?" Asked Lin Kunlun.

"This is the security guard of the community where Zhang Qingyu lives." Light dark sky.


Lin Kunlun breathed heavily.

"He saw with his own eyes that your Lin family members took our black family's holy baby coffin into Zhang Qingyu's community. As far as I know, Zhang Qingyu is Lin Yang's mother-in-law, right? You take the baby's coffin to find Zhang Qingyu. You should blame him? " Black jade sky sneers."The black master thinks a lot. We are good. What's Zhang Qingyu doing? We Lin's family and this man can't get together for eight lives! " Lin Kunlun looks calm, but he glances at Lin Ao from the corner of his eyes. He is very dissatisfied.

Lin Ao is a little sluggish.

"Lin Ao, how do you do things? Why didn't this person get rid of it? " Next to the Qige people lowered their voice and asked.

"I... I dealt with it. To be on the safe side, I asked someone to take him to the barren mountain overnight and bury him on the spot. But... But how could this man... Did I see a ghost?" Lin Ao Na Na Dao.

"I'm afraid he was saved by a superior man."

Lin Kunlun's low voice.

"You Lin family and Zhang Qingyu can't fight each other for eight lives, but what's the connection between Lin Yang and my black family? I don't care about the others. The witnesses are here. You can't deny it. If the Lin family doesn't give me an account of the Hei family today, I'd rather smash myself into pieces, and I won't forgive you! " Hei Yutian cried out.

Lin Kunlun's face was as deep as water.

The rest of them were silent.

The Lin family was in a bad position, and the Black family was so strong that it was hard to handle it.

"Do you want to inform the master of the house?" Asked the man next to him in a low voice.

"If I can't even deal with this kind of thing, what else should I be the master of the Qige pavilion?"

Lin Kunlun snorted, looked up and said, "black master, what do you want?"

"Hand over all those who are involved in this matter and let us deal with it!" Black jade heaven.


Lin Kunlun did not hesitate to say, "I will give you Lin Ruonan! Somebody, go and bring Lin Ruonan! "


The man next to him ran down.

"My Lord

Lin Ao is in a hurry, busy is shouting.

But Lin Kunlun did not go to see him, only calmly said: "Lin Ao, you have to be prepared mentally!"


what else does Lin Ao want to say? You can see Lin Kunlun's cold face. He knows that it's useless to say anything.

Lin Kunlun has decided to sacrifice Lin Ruonan.


Lin Ao had to sigh and shed tears.

However, at this time, the person who went down suddenly turned back and called out: "master of the Pavilion! Lin Ruonan escaped! "


Lin Kunlun was stunned.

There was an uproar.

"Run away? Lin Kunlun, in this case, you can't hand over people? " Black jade is cold.

"Don't be impatient. As a weak woman, where can she escape? I'll get it right away

Lin Kunlun sank, then waved his hand and ordered people to capture Lin Ruo Nan.

But at this time.


A violent explosion suddenly sounded from the back door of the Lin family , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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