The Lin family is very efficient in handling things.

For example, the story of the heijia's coming to the door to investigate and fight with it was blocked by the Lin family. After several hours, no one in Yanjing knew about it.

It was not until the Black family escaped from the Lin family that the matter spread.

So, Yanjing was shocked.

Numerous people of martial arts were in uproar.

Black family, this is eating the heart of the bear leopard gall? Dare to make trouble in the Lin family?

As for the Lin family, you are welcome. If you have one, you should kill them all!

After all, if Lin's family is not bothered to deal with this matter, even Lin's family will not dare to make Lin's family laugh at it, even if they don't dare to deal with it.

Lin family masters chased most of them out, but Lin Kunlun, Yejian, the red robed man and the extraordinary gentleman still stayed in the Lin family to deal with the aftermath.

"The black jade sky must be with those who break into the forbidden area! Otherwise, how could such a coincidence happen? The Black family make trouble at the front door, and the man sneaks in through the back door? It must have been premeditated in advance! " Lin took a deep breath and respectfully reported to the gentleman.

"What about Lin Ruo Nan?"

Asked the gentleman.

Lin Kunlun's face changed slightly and looked behind him.

Lin Ao was already kneeling on the ground, shivering.

"First, sir... Bad girl, she... She has disappeared. I... I can't get in touch with her." Lin Ao trembled, almost crying.

"Lin Ao, Lin Ruonan has committed such a great disaster that the thieves have a chance to take advantage of it, and even enter the forbidden area of our Lin family without permission! Lin Ruonan deserves to die! As a father, you can't escape the blame! Sir, it's better to kill Lin Ao! Make an example of yourself Lin Kunlun clasped his fist and called out.


Lin Ao scared people almost fainted.

But the gentleman shook his head.

"The meeting is about to be held. It's time for someone to kill. What's more, Lin Ao doesn't want to kill people easily. What's more, Lin Ao doesn't want to do this. It's just that he has no way to discipline him! He is guilty, but he will not die! "

"Thank you for your understanding. Thank you for your understanding." Lin Ao weeps with joy and kowtows to his husband again and again.

"Lin Ao, you don't have to thank me in a hurry! Lin Ruo Nan still has to catch her. She is afraid of crime and absconded. She has betrayed our Lin family. The crime is unforgivable! I think you should cooperate with our Lin family to find her? "

"Of course! of course! How can we be forgiven for such a stupid thing done by such a bad girl to the Lin family for no reason? This time I will destroy my family! No mercy Lin Ao was filled with righteous indignation.

"That's good! Where is the adjudication hall? Lin Ao left it to you, let him cooperate with you! Within three days, Lin Ruonan must be brought back! "


The people of the adjudication hall lead Lin Ao to leave.

"Next, the one in the forbidden area!"

Said the gentleman.

"Sir, do you think the man inside is really my Lin family?"

The man in red asked carefully.

"Who is the most talented person in the Lin family? But even if it is to let him enter the forbidden area without permission, it will be a lifetime of death! "

"So you mean..."

"the man inside... Maybe he just got some blood from the Lin family and opened the door with blood! It's not my Lin family

"I see..."

the person next to nodded.

But the red robed man and the night sword did not believe it.

Because the mechanism of the gate needs fresh blood to activate. The blood prepared in advance is just dead blood, and the goods are not in the right way. Even the blood of the Lin family will definitely not open the door...

sir, I'm afraid it's not comforting people.

But no one asked.

After all, that man is difficult to fly.

After a while, he will come up on his own, and then take it down to know his identity.

So these days, night sword, red robed man and even Lin Kunlun lived at the entrance of the forbidden area and guarded the gate in person.

At the same time, several high-tech precision instruments were set up beside the gate to monitor the movement of the entrance of the forbidden area.

The first two days were calm.

Until the morning of the third day...

"sir! sir! Something's going on! "

The man operating the instrument suddenly called out.

Lin Kunlun and Yejian immediately came to inquire.

"How?" Night sword cries.

"We just found a communication signal in there!"

"Communication signals? What do you mean? The man in there... Just called again? "

"Yes! And he's not far from the entrance! "

"Great... But can you monitor who he's calling? Let's see if he's got a partner in the neighborhood


The man immediately made a crackling operation on the instrument, and then frantically pressed on the notebook he was carrying.A moment later, a radar like scene appeared on the laptop screen.

"There are six other fellows near him! That signal was sent to these six people! " The man screamed!


"Lock them in now! We'll get it right away

Night sword cries.


The man nodded.

But a moment later, he suddenly realized that it was wrong and said in dismay: "Sir, these six people are moving!"


"Yes, they're moving at high speed. They seem to be... Running away?" That person leng way.

"What? Run away

"Are they aware of their exposure? Why run away? "

Lin Kunlun frowned.

Night sword is also hard to understand.

However, at this time, the man in red suddenly seemed to notice something and screamed: "no! Run! Leave the entrance of the forbidden area


The world is shocked, one by one is confused, inexplicably looking at the red man.

But the red robed man no longer paid attention to the crowd, turned around and left!

Night sword and Lin Kunlun breath tremble, immediately understand what, hurry to evacuate the entrance of the forbidden area.

Some smart people also rushed to leave.

And just as these people are about to retreat.


An earth shaking explosion came from the entrance of the forbidden area.

The terrifying wave of destruction directly engulfs the surrounding areas of the forbidden area , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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