Lin Ruonan is going crazy.

She only felt that her heart was about to crack, and her brain was deeply shocked like a volcano about to erupt.

Breath is almost forgotten.

Thinking has stopped.

Lin Ruonan has no idea what he is doing and what he is facing.

It took a whole minute for her to recover.

But the shock on his face can't be dissipated for a long time...

"Lin Yang... Lin Yang... Lin Yang is actually Lin Dong... It can't be... Fake... It must be fake..."

Lin Ruonan murmured to himself, as if he was crazy.

No one could have expected that Lin Yang, who was expelled from the Lin family like a dog bereaved from his family, would turn over and become a genius who shocked the whole country!

She still remembers that the Lin family held more than one meeting and asked to win over Mr. Lin!

She still remembers that her aunt and several elders of the Lin family went to Jiangcheng to visit Lin Dong, but they were closed.

She still remembers that her father had a heated argument with the senior members of the Lin family over the fight for director Lin.

She even remembered how much the Lin family was afraid of Yanghua and Lin Dong.

However, who would have thought that Yanghua, which made the Lin family headache and brought countless troubles to the Lin family, was founded by their abandoned son! The one they regarded as a treasure and always wanted to win over was driven out by their Lin family.

If the Lin family knew it, they would not regret it...

Lin Ruonan suddenly heard something.

If so, I betrayed Lin Yang, used Lin Yang to see Lin Dong, and courted him. Isn't it said that he was doing it to the same person?

For a moment, she suddenly realized!

No wonder when he asked Ma hai to help him clean up Linyang, he would drive himself out!

No wonder Lin Dong ignored his words!

There is only one reason for everything!

Lin Dong! It's Lin Yang!

"No... no..."

Lin Ruonan's face was as white as paper, and his whole body was shaking.

If Lin Yang is Lin Dong, what will happen to her as Lin family?

After all, Lin Yang's mother was killed by the Lin family!

Lin Yang was forced to be the son-in-law of the Su family, and some Lin family members were making the waves.

How can Lin Yang not hate the Lin family?

"What are you afraid of?"

Lin Yang approaches a few minutes, facial expression is expressionless way.

"I... i...

Lin Ruonan opened his mouth, but could not speak.

She is now feeling hopeless.

"You don't have to worry, I won't kill you! For me, you have a big use! I now officially employ you as my personal consultant! I have a contract here! Can you sign it? "

Lin Yang light way, then waved.

Ji Wen immediately stepped forward behind him and handed over a contract.

Lin Ruo Nan shivering to take over the contract, a look, the whole person is a bit confused.

"This... Isn't this a deed of sale?" She jerked up her head and lost her voice.

"Do you sign it or not?" Lin Yang looked at her indifferently.

Lin Ruonan shivers all over, which dare to resist? "I'll sign it! I sign it! I'll sign it right away

If you don't sign now, you may die! How dare Lin Ruo Nan resist? Immediately picked up the pen, Shua Shua wrote his name on it, and pressed the fingerprint.

"Take her to Yanghua!" Lin Yang light road.


Ji Wen nods and winks at the two strong men behind him. They go forward and pull Lin Ruonan to leave the scene directly.

No disposal!

No punishment!

Not even scolding Lin Ruonan!

No one knows what Lin Yang is going to do!

I don't know why he forced Lin Ruo nan to sign the contract!

But it doesn't matter.

Lin Yang lit a cigarette and turned his head to look at Bao Anshui.

Bao Anshui came back to his senses and quickly squeezed out a smile and bowed slightly: "it's Lin Dong. It's really the flood that flushed the Dragon King Temple! A misunderstanding

"Misunderstanding?" Lin Yang puffed out a smoke ring.

"Mr. Lin, our Bao family and Yanghua actually have cooperation! I've always wanted to look forward to your honor, Mr. Lin! I'm very lucky to see you today, Mr. Lin! Please let Anshui treat you well. " Bao Anshui squeezed out a smile and said quickly.

But as soon as he said this, Xu Tian suddenly stepped forward and pressed him on the ground.

"What do you want?"

Bao Anshui struggled madly.

People from the Bao family on both sides also roared and gathered around.

"What? Do you want to die? "

Xu pulled a gun out of his head.For a moment, the Bao family dare not move, one by one looking at Xu Tian and Lin Yang nervously.

"Mr. Lin! What are you doing? "

Bao'an was in a hurry and repeatedly called out, "are you going to kill me? Lin Dong, you can't do this! "

"Can I take off your limbs?"

Lin Yang looked at Bao Anshui and said calmly.

Bao Anshui breathed and trembled. His face was incredible.

"Lin Dong, I've said it all. It's just a misunderstanding. Why do you have to do this?"

"Misunderstanding? Why don't I think so? " Lin Yang light way: "hands on, cut off all his hands and feet!"

"Yes, Mr. Lin!"

People should nod their heads.

"No! No! Lin Dong, stop it

Bao Anshui cried bitterly: "if you dare to move me! I promise the baos will do their best to avenge me! "

"Bao's family wants revenge on me? I'm always welcome! " Lin Yang was indifferent.

"Mr. Lin! Besides, are you not afraid of the energy behind my family? " Bao Anshui saw that the threat of Bao's family did not work, but he could only move out the force at the back.

"The power behind the Bao family?"

Lin Yang approaches a few minutes, hoarse way: "what strength is it?"

"Mr. Lin! You Yanghua is also a master of the universe. How can you know who is standing behind my Bao's house? If you touch me, you will not offend the power behind me? " Bao Anshui trembled and said.

"I don't think the power behind you will fight against my Yanghua because of you! After all, I believe he already knows the end of Yaowang village! They don't think about it? " Lin Yang said without expression.

Bao Anshui breathed, no words.

Yeah, he's just a small character. Do people really fight against Lin Dong for his little chess piece?

I'm afraid the gains outweigh the losses!

"Lin Dong, is there really no room for recovery?" Bao An asked, shivering.

"Of course."

Lin Yang crouched in front of him and calmly said, "as long as you tell me, what is the reason for sending you to Jiangcheng, so I can let you go!"

This fell to the ground, Bao Anshui's face changed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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