In the car.


he Xiaoyu moaned and slowly opened his eyes.

"Where am I?"

She cried weakly.

"On the way back." In the driver's seat, Lin Yang said while driving.

"Go back?"

He Xiaoyu is stunned and suddenly returns to his mind and looks at Lin Yang in a hurry.

However, at the moment, Lin Yang's face is that plain face, which is still Lin Dong's appearance.

"Are you Lin Dong?"

He Xiaoyu calls carefully.

Lin Yang looked at her inexplicably: "Miss He, what are you talking about? What is Lin Dong? "

"No! Before in the Stone City villa! Don't you suddenly become Lin Dong's face? "

"Miss He, I think you are too tired and have hallucinations! How can I be Mr. Lin? " Lin Yang was puzzled.

"But... I clearly... Clearly saw your face suddenly turned into Lin Dong's face!"

"Miss He, I'm not a magician. How can my face change? Have a good look at it? " Lin Yang laughs.

He Xiaoyu opened his mouth and didn't know how to explain it.

But when you think about it, it's ridiculous.

How can a person's face... Suddenly become another face?

I must have been hallucinating myself!

It must be.

However, everything is too strange...

"Mr. Lin, how can I be here? What happened? "

"Oh, you suddenly fainted at the party. Maybe you're too tired. I'll take you back! Fortunately, Bao Shao didn't say anything. Miss He, it's very rude of you. " Lin Yang quite reproachs a way.

"Ah? Is it... Is that so? "

He Xiaoyu covers his mouth.

"That's not true? Miss he, has Yueyan international done too much recently? Why are you so tired? " Lin Yang asked.

"Well, Mr. Lin, you don't know? After Su Dong's accident, the company was directly paralyzed. In addition, Yanghua was not peaceful recently. Many projects in the company not only stagnated, but also faced many contract problems! I don't have time to rest. " He Xiaoyu sighed.

"Don't worry, everything will get better." Lin Yang comforts a way.

Get up? Oh, come on, I don't see any hope. " He Xiaoyu shook his head.

Lin Yang didn't speak and continued to drive.

Back to Xuanyi school, Su Yan immediately called he Xiaoyu.

He Xiaoyu tells what Lin Yang said.

"Is it? You suddenly fainted, and Lin Yang sent you back? " Su Yan Liu eyebrow light Cu, said: "so say, Mr. Bao this line, did not connect?"

"Sorry, Su Dong." He Xiaoyu blamed himself.

"It's OK. It's not your fault. Anyway, are you all right?"

"It's ok..."

"it's OK. You're really tired during this period. Let's take a day off and have a good rest." Su Yan said with a smile.

"Su Dong, I'm not in the way."

"Be obedient, go to the hospital for an examination, and then go home and have a good rest." Su Yan was quite serious.

He Xiaoyu is stunned and looks at Su Yan's beautiful and gentle dimple. For a time, she feels warm. Suddenly, she finds that she can't go to Yanghua. Her present company is also very good.

Lin Yang did not stay in Xuanyi school for a long time.

After leaving, he rushed back to Yanghua.

But on the way, he dialed a number.


The voice on the other side of the phone seemed cautious but impatient.

"Hello, Mr. Lin Ao." Lin Yang said quietly.

"Who are you?" Asked Lin Ao Shen over the phone.

"I'm Lin, just like you! You can call me Dong Lin or Dr. Lin! " Lin Yang road.


Lin Ao was shocked: "Doctor Lin? Is it you? "


"You... Dr. Lin, how can you call me? I don't seem to have much contact with you, do I? "

"I want to talk to you."

"What are you talking about?"

"I want you to do something for me."

"Work? Dr. Lin, if you encounter any difficulties, you can just open your mouth. I think we can still establish a friendly relationship with you! "

"I don't think so, and I want you to do things as long as you, not the Lin family!"

Lin Ao coagulated his eyes and asked in a low voice, "what does Dr. Lin want me to do?"

"I want to know something about hero Lin and his current position!" Lin Yang road.


Lin Ao's face changed, and he almost lost his voice. But he soon settled down and said, "Lin Dong! What do you mean? Why do you ask this? ""I have no comment."

"In that case, I have nothing to say."

"Is that so?"

"I don't know where you heard about Lin Yingxiong, but I have to tell you, this is my Lin family secret! I can't say it! "

"You have no right to refuse! After all, your daughter now works in Yanghua. If you don't agree, I'll have to fire her. " Lin Yang light road.

This speech, Lin Ao immediately stupefied.

"If man... In Yanghua?"

"Yes, I formally applied today. I'll send you her job later. You can think about it." Lin Yang said and hung up the phone directly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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