Lin's back garden.

A group of senior members of the Lin family are accompanying an old lady to enjoy the flowers here.

A servant of the Lin family came in and whispered a few words. Several people were separated from the high-level and came to the main hall to meet Lin Hengzhi and others who had already been wrapped up.

"So... A declaration of war?"

Qi Ge Ge Ge owner Lin Kunlun said while drinking tea.

From the beginning to the end, he did not go to see Lin Hengzhi below.

Lin Ao is worried and helpless.

"Yes, pavilion master, the miracle Doctor Lin forced us to break our wrists, otherwise, we would take our lives..." Lin Hengzhi gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Doctor Lin, he deceives people too much! I look down on Lin family completely! How hateful

"Then why don't you protect the dignity of the Lin family and fight with them until you die?" Lin Kunlun asked.


Lin Hengzhi was stunned.

"I was forced to self mutilate by others, and then I fled back in dishonor. Do you think that is to look up to my Lin family?" Lin Kunlun asked again.

"Pavilion master, I..."



Outside the door came two Lin family masters.

"Those who return from the failure of this mission will be put into prison and wait for the verdict hall to come down!" Lin Kunlun sank.

"Yes! Master of the Pavilion

After saying that, they went directly to drag Lin Hengzhi.

"Master! No! Pavilion master! no I'm innocent! I tried my best, master! "

Lin Hengzhi cried bitterly.

But it's useless.

Soon, he was dragged out of the main hall.

Lin AO and others changed their faces and did not dare to speak.

Lin Hengzhi was originally injured, but now he has to be put into prison for a period of time. He is afraid that he will come out, and he is not a man.

This time, I'm afraid the pavilion master is really angry.

"Lin Ao!" Lin Kunlun drank heavily.

"Master of the Pavilion!" Lin Ao is busy going forward.

"At present, your daughter's whereabouts are unknown. Although she may be in Jiangcheng, she may not be in Jiangcheng. However, at present, our most important core is no longer to look for Lin Ruonan, the traitor, but to give color to the arrogant Doctor Lin!"

"The pavilion master means..."

"I intend to send you to Jiangcheng in person to meet the Doctor Lin!" Lin Kunlun squinted.

Lin Ao breathed heavily, and then he bowed his head in a hurry: "I'm afraid Lin Ao is not the enemy of Dr. Lin!"! Since he can compete with the stealing emperor Feng Qingyu, his strength is far better than mine. Moreover, the robber emperor also takes him as his apprentice and supports him. How can I deal with these two people? "

"So that's why I sent you. Your daughter is also the apprentice of the emperor robber. If you go to Doctor Lin, the emperor robber may not attack you! In this way, we will have a chance! "


"don't worry, I'll send someone else to help you! I don't want you to kill Dr. Lin. I just need to use color and give out the evil spirit! " Hum, Kunlun.

Lin Ao heard the voice, especially helpless, can only bow his head and say: "yes, pavilion master!"

"Wait a minute!"

Just then, a voice rang out.

Lin Kunlun and Lin Ao looked at the sound source.

But a senior member of the Lin family came out.

"You don't have to send Lin Ao to go! If you let him go, he may not be able to get a bargain. Maybe he will have to be humiliated by Dr. Lin. in that case, it is not worth the loss. "

"Then what good plan do you have?" Lin Kunlun frowned.

Just listen to that person smile: "Pavilion Lord, I heard that the people of hongyangu came to my Lin family?"

"I'm looking for someone! Deputy head of the house, they will meet in person Lin Kunlun sank.

"Hongyangu selects seed talents, why don't we recommend Lin Ruo nan to it?"

"Recommend Lin Ruo Nan? Well, she's not here. How can I recommend it? "

"I heard that hongyangu not only depends on people's strength and talent, but also pays more attention to talent's birthday eight characters. I've calculated that if a man's birthday eight characters fully meet the requirements of hongyangu, and if the man himself is a girl with good talent and has stolen the emperor's training, how can hongyangu not accept it? You can recommend it! "

"And after the recommendation?"

"Tell hongyangu that the man is in the hands of Dr. Lin and has been forcibly detained by him! If hongyangu wants someone... Go to Doctor Lin! " The man squinted and laughed.

As soon as the words came out, everyone's eyes lit up.

"Good plan! Good plan

Lin Kunlun stroked his beard and laughed. He raised his hand and said, "inform the vice cabinet leader immediately that I want to meet the friends of hongyangu! This matter needs to be carried out quickly! "


The crowd immediately ran down.

About half an hour later, Lin Kunlun successfully met the people of hongyangu. After a conversation, the people of hongyangu also came to be interested.

"And there are people who match so well? Birth eight characters and talent are excellent! Great! Great! Lin Pavilion master, where is this man? We need to see you soon! " Hongyangu stands for Li Dao."This person is not in Yanjing, she should be in Jiangcheng now, come on, go and call Ruo Nan!"

"Yes! Master

A few minutes later...

"no, master! If the male miss is detained by Yang Hualin Dong! "


"What should I do?"

"Mr. Lin! The strength is not so good, my Lin family... Is not an opponent! "

Lin's people are sad one by one.

And the people in hongyangu are furious.

"Mr. Lin? Well, I see. Master Lin, ladies and gentlemen, you don't have to worry about Miss Lin Ruonan. We will deal with it in hongyangu. Goodbye , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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