The living dead?

It's the first time Feng Qingyu heard this.

"Is it like the zombie in the movie?" He asked carefully.

"Of course not. The zombies in the movie have no sense. This kind of thing is conscious." Lin Yang picked up a knife scattered beside him and immediately cut open the corpse in front of him.

However, his body was ferocious and frightening. There were many organs sewn on and many modern medical equipment were inlaid, such as heart stent and medical steel plate.

Lin Yang pointed to a black object next to his heart and said, "this thing should be linked to several aorta outside the heart. For example, the man you just gouged out the heart killed. Although he has no heart, he can still persist for more than 10 seconds with this thing, which is equivalent to life extension. Generally speaking, the heart is the key. No matter who is without the heart, he will die ! Therefore, they will feel that the other party's heart is destroyed by themselves, and they will certainly not live, so they will be numb and careless. With this thing, the other party will suddenly fight back, which is impossible for anyone to guard against! I think that the people in hongyangu have given these people a lifeline, that is, they should make a surprise attack after the enemy thinks that they have killed themselves, and severely hurt the enemy! They are dead, but they can live a little longer! "

"Is this the living dead?" "The method of hongyangu is really weird!" said Feng Qingyu

"It's not just weird, it's... Extremely cruel!" Lin Yang said hoarsely.

"What do you say?"

"These people are not only living dead people, but also remoulding people. I'm afraid each of them has been enhanced and transformed with two or three corpses, just like the palm hidden in the chest of this man, which is not his own growth..." Lin Yang said in a deep voice, his fists were tightly clenched.


Feng Qingyu was extremely surprised.

He clenched his fists, clenched his teeth, and roared: "hongyangu is totally ungrateful! Although I have killed countless people, I can only give people a good time! If they do so, it's against ethics at all! "

"I always thought that it was extremely despicable for Yaowang village to use living people to make medicine, but I never thought that the darkness in the world was much more terrible than I thought!"

Lin Yang got up and went to the side of Ma hai to heal his wounds with needles.

Ma Hai, who was in a coma, recovered a little and opened his eyes slightly.

"Lin Dong..." he called out feebly.

"Mahai, you suffer." Lin Yang was full of apologies.

Since with Lin Yang, Ma Hai has been injured, but he has never complained.

"Don't say that, Lin Dong. Without you, there is no Mahai. Today, Mahai is willing to go through fire and water for you." Ma Hai smiles.

Lin Yang did not speak, immediately put its back on the car, and then drilled into the cab.

"Apprentice, where are you going

"Xuanyi school, I want to heal Ma Hai... Your injury is not light, come along."




Yanjing Lin family.

In front of Qi Pavilion.

"What? All the people in hongyangu died in Jiangcheng Lin Kunlun, the leader of Qige Pavilion, stepped forward and stared at the humanity who came to report the news.

"Yes, although the Yanghua people secretly disposed of the body, we found it!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha, OK! Good! Great! Great! Ha ha ha... "

Lin Kunlun laughed and clapped his hands repeatedly. He was particularly happy:" in this way, hongyangu can't let Dr. Lin go! At that time, we can go out of the valley and kill the river city! I'd like to see how to stop the arrogant and lofty Doctor Lin! Ha ha ha... "

" the master of the pavilion has a brilliant plan! "

"Except for my family

People nearby praised one after another.

Lin Ao has a sad face.

"Father! Why are you so happy? "

At this time, a young man with short hair and casual clothes came quickly.

Oh, yes! What are you doing here? " Lin Kunlun stopped smiling and asked.

"Father, there's news just now, saying that we've found some strange traces!" Lin Shi lowered his voice.

"Over there?" Lin Kunlun's face sank: "you mean... Lin hero..."

"yes." Lin Shi nodded secretly.

"What's the matter? Who leaked the news? " Lin Kunlun was angry and said, "go and check it for me! Let's see who dares to covet our Lin family's favorite son? Then move the location quickly! Remember, we must protect Lin hero's safety and hide all his information! This is the trump card of our Lin family's vertical and horizontal conference! It's a mistake! No one of us can explain clearly from the head of the house

"Yes! Father

Lin shibusy bowed and ran down.

At this time, the mobile phone in Lin Ao's pocket vibrates gently.

He looked light and made an excuse to leave.

Take out the mobile phone, look tight, press the connect button."Lin Dong!" Lin Ao called carefully.

"Why did people from hongyangu come to me?" The cold voice of Linhan is over there.

Lin Ao is silent.

"My patience is very limited. From now on, I don't want to see you have any hesitation, otherwise I will hang up the phone. When I hang up, you will receive an urgent delivery box tonight. What is in the express box? Do you know?" Lin Yang cold road.

Lin Ao breathed, and immediately said, "it was arranged by Lin Kunlun."

"How to arrange it?"

"He recommended my daughter to the people in hongyangu, and claimed that if she was male, she fully met the recruitment criteria of hongyangu! Hongyangu then ran to Jiangcheng to ask for someone! In fact, Lin Kunlun is not sure that my daughter is there, but his purpose is to take advantage of hongyangu's hand to clean you up! " Lin Ao whispered.

"Is it? significant! It seems that I am still too kind to the Lin family! "

"Lin Dong, when did you release my daughter?" Lin Ao asked.

But at this time, there was a blind tone on the other side of the phone.


Lin Ao clenched his fist, but he could not help it.

"Lin Ao! Lin Ao

At this time, the cry began.

Lin Ao ran over.

"What can I do for you, master?" Lin Ao respectfully said.

"What happened in hongyangu can be attributed to you and Ruo man! You can send someone to send a message to Ruo man and ask her to come back. The family will handle it lightly. " Lin Kunlun road.

If you can give Jiang Cheng Lin Dong a slap in the head, Lin Ruonan's thing is nothing.

"Thank you very much Lin Ao squeezed out a smile, but he couldn't be happy in his heart.

"In addition, the position of Lin hero has been exposed. In the last hour, I will arrange a new place with the owner of the family. You and Lin Shi and Lin Ye will go to settle down Lin hero!"

"Don't worry, pavilion master, it's on me!"

Lin Ao respectfully said, and then turned to leave. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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