The power of this blow is beyond Lin Yang's imagination.

When Lin Yang reacts, his fist has been smashed on his fist.


Lin Yang felt his own bones as if split, an unprecedented terror energy spread along his arm, the whole person was pulled back by this energy.

After standing firm, Lin Yang found that the ground around him had been completely broken.

The earth was torn apart by the power that came from him!

Good, it's horror!

Lin Yang stops and looks at his arm and Lin hero in front of him.

The pain on his arm was obvious. Although he could still swing, he could clearly realize that his bone was cracked by the blow.

"You, but so." Lin Yingxiong said calmly.

"And you Lin Yang asked.


"I mean, is that all you have

"Of course not." Lin Yingxiong shook his head: "how can I use all my strength to deal with you? You don't deserve it. "


Lin Yang nodded and took a deep breath. Then he bit his teeth, as if he had broken something. At the same time, he secretly urged blood to fall.

He doesn't have much time!

No more half hidden!

What's more, he didn't want to kill Lin Yingxiong. In that case, what else did he worry about?

With these subtle movements of Lin Yang, his breath suddenly soared. In an instant, his breath has changed dramatically.


Lin Yingxiong raised his head slightly and looked at Lin Yang.

"All of a sudden, your breath has such a fantastic change... If it's not caused by drugs, it's the effect of bloodletting... I think the reason why you dare to challenge me is because you have such cards."

"Now, it's my real strength!" Lin Yang said quietly.

"Well, I'd like to see all your abilities. I hope you don't let me down." Lin Xiongxiong nodded and held out his hand, indicating that Lin Yang could attack at will.

"Beyond my ability!"

"How can ordinary people defeat the super genius of all the resources cultivated by our Lin family? This man is just looking for trouble

"At the beginning, he attacked the forbidden area of our Lin family, but our Lin family was unprepared. He just let him succeed. Now he bumps into the incomparable pride of our Lin family! Oh, this time he will never come back

"Well said!"

Lin family people said one after another, and did not start, just watched.

They knew that if they started at this time, they would only anger Lin Yingxiong. If they offended him, their fate would be extremely miserable.

This man... Has special status and privilege. Even if he killed a beren family, he would not be punished!

After all, this man is shouldering the future of the Lin family!


Just as people were talking about it, Lin Yang disappeared again.

He once again launched an attack on Lin Yingxiong.

But there's not much to worry about.

Although they can't see Lin Yang's movements clearly, they firmly believe that Lin Yang's speed is nothing in front of Lin Yingxiong's eyes.

However, the next second...


A burst of anger suddenly exploded in front of Lin Yingxiong.

Then Lin Yingxiong's whole person is like an arrow that shoots out, flies upside down directly and hits hard on the rock wall.


The rock wall cracked on the spot and turned into powder.

Lin Yingxiong fell into the broken mountain, and all the Lin family members were instantly petrified.

People stare wide eyed, trance, soul shudder, once thought they were wrong.

It was not until hero Lin slowly crawled out of the cracks and cracks that they came to their senses.

"Mr. Lin Yingxiong!"

"This... What's going on?"

They can't accept the fact that Lin Yingxiong was knocked down.

Lin Yingxiong himself is also surprised, looking down at his chest.

But there appeared a clear punch mark.

This is left by Lin Yang.

He didn't respond to the blow just now.

"How about the blow..." Lin Yang closed his fist and calmed down.

"It's kind of interesting." Lin Xiongxiong nodded gently: "it's a pity... I can't be hurt!"

"It's too easy to hurt you!" Lin Yang shook his head.

"If you talk big, you'd better take out some real skills to talk about it." Lin Yingxiong doesn't believe it.

"Good! I'll show you what you can do

Lin Yang calmly said, but his eyes suddenly turned red, and a large number of bright red blood vessels appeared on his arms, which made the arms not like the arms of talents.

Lin Xiongxiong's flighty expression also slightly converged.However, Lin Yang suddenly stabbed his hand toward the ground.


The earth was like tofu, pierced by his hands.


Lin Yingxiong feels something is wrong!.

But see Lin Yang low roar, and then fierce force.

the huge mountain was broken up by Lin Yangsheng and smashed by Lin Yingxiong.


Lin Yingxiong was surprised.

The huge mountain is more than one meter long and more than ten meters long, just like a big wave, covering the area around Lin Yingxiong. At this time, even if he wants to run, he has no time.

But Lin Yingxiong knows that this huge mountain is not Lin Yang's killing move!

It's just a cover up!

He gazed ahead, ignoring the mountain, as if waiting for something.

At the moment when the mountain was smashed, Lin Yingxiong yelled and smashed his fist forward.


The mountain in front of him was directly shattered by his fist.

But at the moment of shattering, a fist is also killed and collides with Lin Yingxiong's fist.


Hands on!

The other fist is Lin Yang's!

But this time, he did not retreat! Instead, he stood in front of Lin Yingxiong, supporting his fist.

At the moment, all the strength of Lin hero seems to be unable to shake Lin Yang.

Lin Yingxiong's eyebrows moved.

"Is that all?" Lin Yang said quietly.

"I don't like to make a fool of myself! I didn't see you better than me! Is it your mouth Lin Yingxiong shakes his head.

But that's just finished.


A violent spirit was suddenly released from Lin Yang's fist.


Lin Yingxiong was surprised.

Before people react, they are shocked by this force, and the whole person cannot stop retreating.

When the body was stabilized, the man had retreated more than ten meters, and his body trembled slightly, especially unstable.

Lin Yingxiong looks cold and stares at Lin Yang.

"Am I just better at speaking than you?" Lin Yang slowly closed his fist and said calmly.

Lin Yingxiong did not speak.

Around Lin family, at the moment are all silly eyes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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