The office was silent.

Lin Yang silently looked at the head in the box, and the expression on his face solidified.

Mahai side over the face, the expression is also particularly silent and horrified.

"What's the matter?"

Lin Yang took a deep breath and asked hoarsely.

"Since the underground garage incident, there are many people in Hongyan Valley who have come to Jiangcheng. Previously, in Guangliu Province, Lin Dong you have also clashed with the people in Hongyan valley. Mr. fengqingyu thinks that Hongyan valley will surely die for you. So he wants to solve this for you! Set the Red Valley Flat! "I don't want you to be persecuted by Hongyan Valley, but I never wanted to... Hongyan Valley has encircled the old gentleman and cut it off first level..." Mahai whispered, very sorry.

It's in public!

Hongyan Valley wants to tell Lin Yang with the head of the wind and green feather. His life is that Hongyan Valley must be taken.

"It seems that between me and Hongyan Valley, there is only one left!" Lin Yang covered the box and whispered, "where is the old man's body?"

"It may still be in the Red Valley."

"Well, in the name of Yanghua, I will inform hongyangu. Three days later, I will come to the door and ask for the old man's body. At the same time, I will draw a conclusion for this matter." Light road, Linyang.

"No! Lin Dong! You can't be so impulsive! " Mahai shouted.


"Lin Dong, when you are not here, I have talked a lot with the old gentleman about Hongyan Valley! Red Yan Valley is not as simple as you think! If you go deep alone, you will encounter an unexpected situation! " Mahai is worried.

"What did he say to you?" Asked Lin Yang.

"The means of red Yan Valley!" "The old gentleman said that although he did not have a positive hand with the strong people in Hongyan Valley," Mahai said! But in recent years, I have heard a lot about Hongyan valley. It is said that the means of Hongyan valley are strange and strange. They have thousands of miles of killing enemies, the ability of thousands of troops to take the first rank of the enemy from them, and the terror means of evaporation of a person without any help! Hongyan Valley is no more than the medicine Wang Village, will study some medicine poison way, what they study, is all related to the force killing! The most amazing of them is probably the mechanism. "


Lin Yang frowns slightly and nodds softly: "I know that in the underground garage, the body that the male and female has transformed is the same. It relies on not only the medicine and the living modification, but also the principle of many mechanisms and techniques..." br >

"yes, Lin Dong, so you can never use it with your will!" Mahai is busy advising.

Lin Yang thought for a while, and said: "but, Mahai, is this situation that I can hide from? If I don't act, the people of Hongyan valley will not let me go. Didn't you say it before? The people of Hongyan valley have infiltrated into the river city, and see their posture, and will not stop without destroying my Yanghua! "

"We have to think about it over time." Mahogawa.


Linyang said: "call the island of forget worry and Qilin gate immediately, and then transfer all the experts back, recall caoseongyang and Yuanxing, inform the ancient school and the Eastern Emperor religion, and gather the strong people in the area where Hongyan Valley is located at any time!"

"Lin Dong, are you going to attack Hongyan Valley?" Mahai asked.

"No? I don't believe that there is a Red Valley, and I can resist so many forces. " Lin Yang has no expression.

Mahai hesitated and whispered, "Lin Dong, maybe... I can't take it!"

"How can I see it?" Asked Lin Yang in amazement.

"You don't know... Actually, 30 years ago, a strength even stronger than my Yanghua had been a strong attack on Hongyan Valley..." br >

what was the result

"The whole army has been destroyed... And they have not even attacked the hinterland of Hongyan Valley, and all died at the entrance of Hongyan valley."

"Is it?"

Lin Yang's eyebrows were locked and his expression was also tight.

"Why didn't I ever hear about it!"

"People are dead, and the news will not be spread too widely. What's more, how dare ordinary people mention it when the name of Hongyan Valley is outside? But Mr. fengqingyu is sure, this is true! This powerful master, almost in the red Yan valley when the mechanism killed nearly half of the people, the rest of the people, like dumplings, was surrounded by the strong red Yan Valley, many people chose to surrender, but Hongyan Valley does not leave a living mouth... "."

in this case, how do the senior generation of fengqingyu want to negotiate with these tigers and wolves? " Lin Yang sighed.

"Mr. fengqingyu may have his plan." Mahogawa.

Lin Yang thought no words.

He lit a cigarette and walked to the window and looked at the beautiful scenery of the river city.

It was a long time before I opened my mouth.

"I first enter Hongyan Valley, feel all the organs and dark space of Hongyan Valley, and investigate the information of Hongyan valley. At present, our biggest disadvantage is that we know little about Hongyan valley. If I know myself, I can not fight with one." Linyang sink road.

"Er... Lin Dong is going to mix in the red Yan Valley?""What? Can't you? "

"Yes, yes, but I'm afraid you may want women's clothes, because hongyangu only recruits women!"

"This... Isn't there a man in hongyangu?"

"Of course not. Otherwise, how can it be called hongyangu?"

"Well... It seems that we have to do something about it."

"Mr. Lin, do you still decide to go?"

"I don't want the next head in the box... It's yours." Lin Yang said in a low voice: "what's more, the elder fengqingyu died for me! In any case, I'll come back for him

Ma Hai was silent.

At this time, however, a figure appeared at the door of the office.

It's Lin Ruonan.

She exclaimed:

"Mr. Lin! Have you heard from my master? "

But as soon as she finished, she saw the bloody box on the office.

Lin Ruonan trembled all over, his eyes were dull, and he walked to the box, staring at the head inside.


A heart rending cry resounded.

Lin Ruonan was holding the box and wailing with tears.

Lin Yang did not speak, and Ma Hai was also quietly wiping tears beside him.

"Mr. Lin! Who did it? Who did it? Who killed the master? " Lin Ruonan returned to his senses and suddenly got up, grabbing Lin Yang's hand and asking.

"Beauty valley." Lin Yang said quietly.

"I have nothing to do with hongyangu!" Lin Ruonan cries out in pain.

"Lin Ruonan, with your strength, it's impossible to revenge. You'll stay in Yanghua and listen to me. I'll do revenge." Lin Yang said quietly.

"Revenge? How are you going to take revenge? " Lin Ruonan asked with burning eyes.

Lin Yang did not speak.

Lin Ruonan was stunned and suddenly thought of something. He said angrily, "master is dead. Do you want to be on guard against me? I'm your junior sister anyway! "

Lin Yang did not know what to say.

After a long time, he shook his head and said calmly, "hongyangu is not as simple as you think! If you want to get revenge, you have to have a careful plan. I plan to sneak into Hongyan Valley and investigate! "

"How do you sneak in? Hongyangu only recruits women

"This..." Lin Yang hesitated.

But see Lin Ruo Nan hum a way: "how about I help you!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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