"Lethal water?"

Lin Ruonan is stupid. She just heard the female disciple of hongyangu say that this is holy water.

"Is this water poisonous?"

"There is no poison in the water, but there is something more terrible in the water than poison! Say straight white point, this water has very serious erosion effect to human body Lin Yang sinks.

"Like sulfuric acid?"

"That's not true. It won't hurt people's surface, but it contains some substance that can penetrate into the skin and into the internal organs of human beings through walking. This kind of substance is not poison, but it is more terrible than poison, because it will forcibly transform some functional structures of human body, such as muscles and veins, blood vessels or viscera, in other words, Ren Du Er Mai, it will violence for you Open, as well as Dantian and so on, it will be violent condensation for you, if it is a gifted person! Violence can open the two vessels of Ren and Du or coagulate the elixir field, but if you are an ordinary person, your blood vessels will burst and your internal organs will be broken and dead! " Lin Yang said in a low voice.

Lin Ruonan's scalp is numb, so scared that his soul will float out.

She finally understood what Lin Yang meant.

Why is it that only after passing the water of the holy pool can they be regarded as the disciples of hongyangu? That's because only those who have passed the water of the holy pool and can still live are the favourites of heaven that hongyangu wants!

Those who fail to pass are all unqualified, unable to break through the two channels of Ren and governor, unable to coagulate the elixir field and become a genius!

This kind of person, hongyangu doesn't want to, so he will die if he dies!

After the girl died, the disciples of Hongyan Valley immediately carried the corpse away.

All the people on the bank were staring blankly, and everyone was too scared to speak.

"Don't worry. The younger martial sister just fainted. She didn't die! From now on, next! " Zhao Yue exclaimed.

"Not dead? But... I feel her breath is gone Some people look pale.

The rest were silent, and no one dared to go into the water.

"What are you doing?" Zhao Yue was angry and murmured: "I tell you, this is the holy water of my Hongyan Valley, which is called" Remoulding soup "! As long as you can pass the test of holy water and walk safely from the south to the north, you can not only become the official disciples of Hongyan Valley, but also get the benefit of transforming and enhancing your talent! This holy water can't be soaked by ordinary people! "

"This..." several people hesitated.

"What? Don't you believe me? Or do you have no confidence in yourself? " Zhao yueleng hum.

"Elder martial sister, did the younger martial sister just faint?"

"Can I lie to you?"

"Well, let me try..."

another brave girl hesitated and chose to go into the water.

The others were staring at her.

The girl seems very nervous, but also has the idea.

As soon as she went into the water, she gritted her teeth directly and rushed to the north with her eyes closed.

The speed is very fast, plus the girl is also a practitioner, some skills, so soon ran to the middle of the holy water!

But at this point.


The girl suddenly let out a scream, and then the whole person fell in the pool.


The crowd was startled.

But see the girl seems to be unable to stand up, hands in the pool as much as possible, at the same time, the mouth issued bursts of sad cry.

"Help! help! I... I hurt so much! I'm dying of pain

"Elder martial sister! Elder martial sisters, help me up quickly

"No! I don't want to soak in this water

"Help me up, I'm going to die!"

"Save... Life..."

the girl screamed bitterly, every sound was extremely sad.

But... The disciples of Hongyan Valley on both sides were expressionless, as if they didn't hear the girl's cry for help.

The girl's despair is direct, the cry will be loud, the voice of struggle is also weak countless.

What's different from the previous girl is that the girl's face is red, and gradually even her seven orifices shed blood, which is very frightening. The pool water is dyed red by her...

"elder martial sister! She doesn't seem to be able to do it. Get her out of here quickly Someone can't look down and speak immediately.

Shut up Zhao Yue yelled: "beside the holy pool, no noise! Anyone who dares to croak again will be severely punished! "

Hearing this, the girls were so scared that they couldn't make a sound.

After about three or four seconds, the water calmed down.

The girl has stopped struggling and shouting, and the whole person is floating in the pool, there is no movement.


How could it be?

No matter who is in a coma, no matter who is in a coma! She's... Dead!


The disciples of Hongyan Valley on both sides salvage the girl's body.Zhao Yue called out again: "next one!"

These three words out, all girls subconsciously retreat.

Who else dares to go?

But as soon as they retreated, they suddenly pulled out several sharp swords against their back.

"Ah? This... "The girls were surprised.

"You have no choice here! Either you'll have a completely different soup, or you'll be executed according to the rules of my hongyangu. You can choose by yourself. " Zhao Yue said with a smile.

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