The opening Office of the organ is really here!

Lin Yang Daxi, without any hesitation, immediately took out the key and inserted it.

A twist!


A dull noise came out.

Then, the valley mouth of the whole red Yan Valley vibrated gently.

"What's the matter?"

"Why has the mechanism been opened?"

"Go to the mechanism and open it up!"

There was a shout all over the place.

Linyang saw the appearance, immediately raised his hand to collect the needle, then jumped up to the high altitude, and stepped on the rock wall to leave quickly.

Lost silver needle binding, star can and others all fell on the ground.

They climbed up and looked around, but they couldn't find a little bit of the man!

"Damn! Let him run! "

"No matter who that person is! I must catch him! "

Stars shouted angrily.

At this time, Huaxuan led a large number of red Yan Valley disciples to rush here.

"Stars! What's going on? "

"Elder sister, I don't know..." star can opens his mouth, I don't know how to explain.

"You don't know?" The flower Xuan willow eyebrows wrinkle again.

"We are here to guard well, suddenly also like being ordered hole, moving, then hearing the mechanism behind the opening point is a bit static... Then the mechanism is opened." Stars are down in their heads.

"So you don't see what that man looks like?"

"Back to face... Not see..." stars are afraid of way.

It was incredible to all.

"Is that man a ghost? So many people... Don't even see each other's appearance clearly? "

"Who is that?"

The disciples around us talked.

Hua Xuan thought for a moment, hoarse way: "close the mechanism immediately! At the same time, recruit the disciples outside the valley! No more to go out of the valley! "

"Elder sister, what you mean is..." br >

that person must be my red face Valley

"Why is elder sister so sure?"

"The other party dare not let you see his body, just afraid you recognize him! If it is a man outside the valley, why do you have to pay so much attention to the whole society? "

"Elder martial sister said it right... So, I have a rapist in Hongyan Valley!" Stars bite and cut teeth.

"I will report this matter to the above, now the most important thing to do is close the organ."

"But elder sister... The key was removed by that person. We are afraid we can't close the mechanism yet."

"If you can't close it, you can force it off, or my Valley disciples can't get in and out of the valley! There will be a lot of problems! "

"Yes, elder sister."

People move.

Hua Xuan wanders around, she knows, it is impossible to find the person again.

She just wanted to figure out why the man wanted to open the red Yan Valley organ. What was his purpose?

The flower Xuan is very confusing.

But soon, she suddenly thought of something, when a voice interrupted her mind.

"Instructor from beixuan will come!"

Huaxuan was stunned, immediately stood up, slightly bow.

"Lecturer of beixuan."


Beixuan Yan came over and nodded.

"What's wrong?"

Hua Xuan immediately said the origin and the origin of the matter.

"What? I have a thief in Hongyan Valley? Who is it? "

"It's not clear!"

"What do you eat, bastard? I don't know? Huaxuan, if this goes to the valley Lord, you must not go without a walk! I want you to reply to me in an hour. You must catch the thief! You hear me? "

"An hour?"

The flower Xuan was stunned.

In such a short time, it is impossible to find the killer through the whole red Yan valley. Hongyan Valley is also extremely huge, and Huaxuan can not bear this.

But she had an idea.

"Lecturer of beixuan! Although I can't find the thief for a while and a half, I have confirmed a suspicious object. We can go and ask, if it is sure that it is the other party, I should seize it immediately! "

"Suspicious object? Who are you referring to? " Asked the instructor of beixuan.

"Mr. Kirin!" Hua Xuan calmly read these four words.

These four words out, people around are all suddenly aware.

Indeed, this man just came to the valley of red face, and there was such a thing in the valley, saying that he was not suspected, and no one believed it.

"Go, go to Lin Ruo man's residence immediately!"

The instructor of beixuan did not hesitate, waved his hand and led the people to rush.

At the same time, Lin Yang just folded back into the courtyard.

He held a mobile phone in his hand, and the image of the mechanism opened at the mouth of Hongyan valley was taken.In such a short period of time, he could not see clearly the structure and function of each organ.

But if you can take a picture with your mobile phone and come back to see it slowly, it is still very efficient.

"How is it?" Lin Ruo Nan gets out of bed and asks.

"Everything goes well." Lin Yang shook his mobile phone.

"That's good!" Lin ruo'nan vomited his turbid breath, and his uneasy heart was also settled down.

"The next step is to slowly study the mechanism of hongyangu! I'll send the pictures to Ma Hai later and ask him to find a special team to study the principle and structure! "

Lin Yang said, open the number of Mahai, one by one will video and pictures sent.

But at this time.


The gate of the courtyard was suddenly kicked open.

Subsequently, a large number of disciples of Hongyan Valley rushed into the courtyard, and the courtyard was jammed with water , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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