"Washed marks?"

All of them looked at Lin Yang in unison.

Lin Ruonan was also silly and looked at him in disbelief.

She knew that Lin Yang was very clever, but Hua Xuan was a good chess player.

Even though Lin Yang washed the mud off her feet in time, she still saw the clue.

It's over.

This time it's all over!

How to clear the suspicion now?

Lin Ruonan shivered and his face turned white.

The eyes of people around him are all focused on Lin Yang, waiting for his reply.

"Why don't you talk?" Beixuan lecturer shouts severely.

"I think he has nothing to say." Someone nearby called.

Hua Xuan is staring at Lin Yang.

Although this is not conclusive evidence, it can already explain a lot of things.

However, at this time, Lin Yang suddenly opened his mouth: "what can this prove? If you find me guilty by this, doesn't it mean that everyone here is guilty? "

"What do you mean?" Beixuan lecturer frowned.

"Miss Hua Xuan, can you take off your shoes?" Lin Yang smiles at Hua Xuan.

Flower Xuan Zheng under, Liu eyebrow light Cu, spin and low voice way: "can you be in doubt me?"

"I just want to prove my innocence."

"That's good." Hua Xuan hesitated and nodded: "I want to see how you prove yourself."

With that, Hua Xuan takes off his shoes.

It is a pair of delicate and perfect little feet.

That pair of jade feet is just like a masterpiece of heaven, without a trace of defects, shining in the moonlight, just like a beautiful jade.

Lin Yang was stunned.

Hua Xuan's cheek was crimson, and said in a low voice, "I was preparing to go to bed when something happened at the mouth of the valley, so I had no time to put on socks."

"No problem. Your feet don't stink." Lin Yang said with a smile.

Hua Xuan was stunned, and her eyes flashed over her anger, but she soon regained her cool and light look: "don't say such frivolous words."

Lin Yang laughed and took the shoes and presented the soles to the public.

People look at it curiously.

After a while, everyone was stunned.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Hua Xuan said that my shoes had been washed. How can I explain the sole of her shoes?" Lin Yang asked.

All of them whispered and whispered.

"What's the matter? Why is the sole of elder martial sister Huaxuan wet? "

"No, it's very dry on the ground..."

"how did this happen?"

Everyone is puzzled, including Hua Xuan.


"Miss Hua Xuan, do you want to know why? It's very simple. You look at the gate of the courtyard Lin Yang said with a smile.

People were stunned and looked sideways, only to find that the ground of the gate of the courtyard had been wet, and a little water stains had flowed through.

"Oh?" Hua Xuan suddenly appears.

"The water pipe here broke during the day and leaked some water, so not only my shoes are wet, but also the shoes of each of you! Miss Hua Xuan, don't you punish a good man by this way? " Lin Yang road.

Hua Xuan nodded gently: "indeed, I was hasty! Lecturer, maybe not this person! "

"If it's not this person, who should it be?" Beixuan lecturer angry asked.

"This... Needs to be investigated." Hua Xuan hesitated.

"Well, what a waste of time!"

Beixuan lecturer is particularly angry, a swing sleeve, turn to leave.

A group of people clattered out of the yard. Of course, there were some female students who were in love with each other. Some of them couldn't move their legs. They were secretly aiming at Lin Yang and forgetting to return.

Flower Xuan is willow eyebrow tight Cu, like what is thinking.

She looked at Lin Yang and her shoes, and finally went out of the courtyard barefoot.


Lin Ruo Nan directly sat on the ground, sweating, scared.

"It's a close call, but I've been muddling through! Elder martial brother Lin, when did the pipe break at the door? Why don't I know? "

"Just broken." Lin Yang light road.

"Just now?" Lin Ruonan was puzzled. Suddenly, she seemed to think of something, and said in dismay: "do you say..."

"in fact, Hua Xuan's judgment is correct. I did wash the shoes. I didn't expect that the other party would come so fast that the water stains on the sole of the shoes were not dry! The water pipe at the door was punctured by a silver needle while they were not paying attention! These people come in a hurry to set up a teacher and make an inquiry. No one will notice whether the water pipe at the door is broken or not, so there is no doubt about my words! "

"But why are the soles of Huaxuan's shoes wet?"

"I got wet!"

"But there is no water around you! Can you do magic Lin Ruonan asked in surprise.Lin Yang said nothing but raised his hand.

Lin Ruonan's eyes suddenly widened and looked at one of his fingers...

"I didn't use water. I used blood to wet the soles of her shoes!" Lin Yang said hoarsely.

Black mud has a strong smell, so it can cover the smell of blood.

But Lin Ruo Nan, who ever expected that Lin Yang was so resolute in this crisis.

Blood stained shoes...

"go back."

Lin Yang turns back to the house.

Lin Ruonan trembled all over his body. He came back to his senses and cried, "elder martial brother Lin, if so, isn't it... Exposed once elder martial sister Huaxuan washed the sole of her shoes?"

"Yes, but what about that? The moment she washed the soles of her shoes, the evidence had been destroyed. At that time, we just had to refuse to admit it! "

"We won't stay here too long," Lin said! By the time she finds evidence against us, we have left! "

"But what if she finds evidence soon?" Lin Ruo Nan exclaimed.

"That... Can only kill people." Lin Yang's eyes are ferocious.

Lin Ruonan's scalp is numb.

The incident of gukou has attracted great attention from hongyangu.

That night, Hongyan Valley strengthened the defense inside and outside the valley.

Because of the loss of the key, they had to forcibly close the mechanism, which would cause great damage to the mechanism. Therefore, in the morning of the next day, the craftsmen in hongyangu began to repair the mechanism.

Lin Yang asked Lin Ruonan to shoot with his mobile phone.

And he himself began to go deep into the heart of Hongyan valley.

But just as he was preparing, Zhao Yue came to the courtyard again.

Her face was unnatural and ugly. She went into the courtyard, looked at Lin Yang, hesitated for a long time, and then said, "you can leave Hongyan valley now... It's still time..."

"go?" Lin Yang a Leng: "Miss Zhao Yue, what happened?"

"It's decided to get rid of you! If you don't go, you'll die! " Zhao Yue drinks and shouts.

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