Where is the valley master?

If we destroy the master of Hongyan Valley, then everything is over?

I'll try my best.

"Yes, ladies and gentlemen."

The woman with the title of red pomelo respectfully made a ceremony, and then led several people to make a detour.

Lin Yang deliberately quickened the pace and went ahead of these women.

"Elder martial sisters, is that where the valley master lived just now?" Lin Yang asked with a smile.

Several women a Leng, and then hum to come.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm just curious!"

"No nonsense! Be honest and follow us

Red pomelo impatiently said, although the appearance of Lin Yang at the moment let her also some can not live, but she is inexplicable upset, do not want to see Lin Yang's face.

Lin Yang looked lost, but he secretly raised his spirits, and then his fingers moved.


several silver needles flew out quietly.

And Lin Yang also took the opportunity to stand in place, maintaining the action of walking, motionless, as if someone had ordered a hole.


Red grapefruit several people look at him in amazement.

"What are you doing? Let's go Red pomelo drink shout.

However, Lin Yang said nothing and did not act.



A sound like a silver needle hitting the wall sounded from the side.

Everyone looked sideways at the wall of the next aisle.

And in the moment they turn their heads.

Whew! Whew! Whew! Chi...

their bodies were stabbed by several silver needles, and all of them were frozen in place, unable to move.

Lin Yang, who kept still, turned to look at the women.

Because the side over the head, their line of sight fell on the side of the wall, no one can see Lin Yang.

Taking advantage of the situation, Lin Yang jumped directly and rushed to the residence of the valley master.

He took out several pills he carried and put them directly into his mouth. At the same time, he sacrificed a silver needle and stabbed it into his body to activate his potential, increase his physical body and adjust his state to the best.

Then people, like meteors, fly in the night toward the valley master's area.

In the starry sky, a blue air stream can be seen colliding with the valley master.


The ceiling of the valley master's residence exploded instantly.

Wearing a mask, Lin Yang landed in the middle of his residence.

In an instant, hongyangu vibrated.

Lin Yang had to be so high-profile, otherwise once Hongyou and others were detected by hongyangu people, he would be difficult to wash suspect.

"Who is it?"

A clear but cold voice resounded.

Lin Yang raised his head slowly.

But I saw a woman in a red dress and a decorative mask coming up.

The woman can't see anything all over her body, but her eyes are full of dexterity.

"You are the master of Hongyan Valley?"

"Are you from Chonggu master?" The woman regained her composure and said calmly, "it's a pity that the valley master is not here! You're in the air

"Who are you?" Lin Yang asked.

"It's up to me to ask you that!"

The woman shouts and jumps directly and rushes towards Linyang.

At that moment, the boundless Qi was like a surging big wave, fanning and fighting towards Linyang.

Lin Yang only felt that his breath was freezing.

But he was not afraid, and raised his hand.

All the floors have been lifted.

As hard as steel, the vigorous Qi directly hit and killed the woman.

However, the woman continued to rush forward without fear.


Gang Qi collides with the woman.

However... The woman was undamaged, directly scattered this terrible Qi, and was directly close to Lin Yang.

Hua la...

her whole body's Qi was directly turned into countless terrible blades, and she killed Lin Yang with a big net trend.

What a horror!

Lin Yang's eyes were awe inspiring, and he directly urged the silver needle to bombard it.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang...

all the air blades were hit and exploded by silver needles.

The whole hall burst and all the tables and chairs were torn apart.

"You seem to have some skills! But since you're here, die here The woman drank low, and suddenly her body was like an elf, spinning around Lin Yang in an instant.

Every time you rotate, you can make your palm print as bright as stars.

These fingerprints are particularly rapid and vigorous, and they almost give no reaction time.

Lin Yang's face was cold, and immediately urged all the strength of blood, arms as if shadowless, crazy General of the blast out.

BAM, BAM, BAMThe palm and the palm print collide together, making a violent explosion sound.

Lin Yang did not stop.

With every hand.

And the power of the palm power is more and more powerful, which makes people unable to parry.

Ordinary people simply can't bear such a fight.

Lin Yang also believes that the woman can not bear.

Sure enough.


With the sudden outbreak of Lin Yang's palm power, the woman was directly shaken back more than ten meters, smashed a wall, and then stopped.

"Where is the master of Hongyan Valley?" Lin Yang said coldly.

"You have no choice but to kill me!"

The woman's face is expressionless, and then step a little, kill again.

"Do you really think I can't kill you?"

Lin Yang roared and raised his hand.

Whoosh, whoosh...

a large number of silver needles poured out and hit it like a meteor shower.

As soon as the woman breathes tight, she dodges immediately.

But the silver needle is too tricky. Even though he tries to dodge, he still can't dodge completely. He has several silver needles on his body, and people keep retreating...

"you are dead!"

Lin Yang stopped and said without expression.

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