Hearing Lin Yang's words, red pomelo a few people were scared to shiver all over, and their faces were very ugly.

A moment later, they were busy waving their hands.

"No, no more!"

"One Noctiluca is enough, no more picking!"

"Yes, yes..."

several people said anxiously.

"Well, ladies, since the luminous grass has been picked back, can we go back?" Lin Yang asked with a smile.

"How easy is that?" Red pomelo snorted and said, "there are still tasks to be given to you to do! If you go back to the road just now and go on for four or five minutes, there will be a kind of herb called sesame oil flower. You can pick it up! "

"Which way again?" Lin Yang glanced around these people and couldn't help saying, "but miss, I see your hands are empty and you haven't gone to collect herbs! Why do you always ask me to collect herbs alone

"What are you talking about? You can go if you want to! If you don't want to go! Then go back, but we have to punish Lin Ruonan according to the rules! " Red pomelo hummed.

Lin Yang was unwilling to look, bit his teeth, and finally sighed, turned and walked toward the previous road.

He stood there to see him off.

For a while, Lin Yang's back disappeared in the dim moonlight.

The crowd was relieved.

"Elder martial sister, what's the matter? That guy actually picked up luminous grass... I remember there is no luminous grass there! The environment there is not suitable for growing Noctiluca The female disciple next to said eagerly.

"And in that direction... He approached, but he didn't disturb the strange man... So strange..."

"how could this happen?"

"Don't you think that weirdo is not there?"

"I don't know!"

"Elder martial sister, what should we do now?"

People are looking at the red pomelo.

When we get here, we are hesitant! I don't believe it! This guy is so lucky! This time I can return safely

"Elder martial sister, if the weirdo is really in that direction, I'm afraid that the idiot has died many times because of his strength. In my opinion, the weirdo may have left, so he can't run into him! If you let him go there a hundred times and a thousand times, it will probably not help! " At this time, the previous Ningxiang suddenly said.

"What do you know, you idiot?" Think you only have a cold face on the road? Ignorance! I tell you! Walking along that road, there is a swamp, where not only is full of miasma, but also there are many ferocious beasts. The miasma there is colorless and tasteless. Once smelling it, people will be powerless and hard to move within an hour. At that time, any beast can tear him to pieces! I told him to go, not that the strange man would kill him, but that the wild animals would destroy him

Ningxiang was shocked.

The disciples were overjoyed.

"Elder martial sister is really wise!"

"The elder martial sister is wonderful!"

"Great, elder martial sister!"

"I'm really a senior sister!"

People yelled and flattered the red pomelo.

"Oh, you are still too young!" Red pomelo is very useful, chuckled: "with that guy's ability, maybe half an hour can't hold on, let's wait here for half an hour!"


The crowd nodded and waited patiently.


At this time, Lin Yang left that direction suddenly sounded a weak roar.

Although not loud, but in this silent forest, it is very clear.

"It's a beast!"

A disciple exclaimed.

"Elder martial sister, do you mean..."

"it must be the guy who met the beast! It must be! "

"Ha ha, elder martial sister's plot has been accomplished!"

"Elder martial sister is so powerful!"

The disciples were in high spirits.

As soon as Lin Yang dies, they will be able to leave this ghost place earlier.

"Ha ha, this guy is really unlucky. If he meets the strange man, he may die more happily. However, if the strange man is not there, he can only die at the mouth of wild animals. Those wild animals will not directly kill him. They will slowly bite that guy. Before he dies, he will be very painful." Red pomelo squints and smiles, and her pride grows stronger.

"Let's go. Let's go back to our orders."

"Good sister!"

"I can get out of this place at last!"

"I'm going back to a hot bath!"

People cheered and returned.

But at this time, the cry came back.

"Miss Hongyou, Miss Ningxiang, where are you going

As soon as the words came out, people's faces were as white as paper.

Red pomelo such as by lightning, shocked in place, people seem to be silly.She slowly turned her face, the pupil bead rises huge, looks like a ghost.

"It's impossible..." murmured the red pomelo.

The disciples such as Ningxiang here are also stunned.

Everyone's brain is blank.

It was as if I saw something terrible.

I saw a figure running again on the path over there.

That's Lin Yang!

It's just that Lin Yang is different from just now.

He's covered in blood!

And in his back, there is a huge thing on his back.

When he got close to red pomelo, he immediately threw the pangran thing on the ground.

A look, it is a tiger that has been killed!

Red pomelo all subconsciously retreat.

"Miss Red pomelo, you want sesame oil flower!" Lin Yang took out a flower with red petals from his pocket, but the surface was like a flower with oil stains, and handed it to him.

"Is it really sesame oil flower?"

Red pomelo brain buzzing, feel like they are dreaming.

She glared at Lin Yang: "this word only grows on the edge of the marsh, you... To the front of the marsh side?"

"Yes, but then again, there is a lot of miasma there."

"Now that there is miasma, how do you shield it? And... And killed the tiger? Ordinary people can't do it. How do you do it? " Red pomelo trembles the voice to ask urgently, want to know the answer urgently.

However, Lin Yang shook his head and said, "Miss, I just came to help you collect herbs. I have no right to tell you about me."


Red pomelo was in a hurry, but did not know how to refute it.

The disciples next to her immediately pulled her.

"Elder martial sister, it seems that he can't be killed only by some miasma and wild animals. It's still up to the weirdo to get around it!" A woman with long hair has a low voice.

"What do you mean?" Red pomelo asked angrily.

"Since the strange man is not here today, we might as well go back and let him live a few more days. Let's apply to the valley and come back to collect herbs in three days' time." The woman suggested.

Red pomelo heard the sound, hesitated for a moment and nodded silently.

"Well, in that case, it's up to you!"

Red pomelo waved to Lin Yang reluctantly: "OK, Qilin, you've done a good job! Come on, let's go back! "

"Did you go back?"

"What? Do you want to stay here for another night? "

"No, I'm just looking at how you don't seem to pick it."

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Red pomelo is too lazy to explain. He scolds him and turns around to leave.

But just as soon as they turned around, they were surprised to find a person standing behind them!

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