Looking at Lin Yang's injury, Hua Xuan can't bear it. She doesn't want to take advantage of others! In addition, Lin Yang just put forward the conditions for red pomelo, she is more and more indifferent.

But the virgin is watching from above, she has no choice!

"Miss Hua Xuan, please be merciful!" Lin Yang said, and then put out a movement, deliberately show the look of pain, let others look as if it was caused by the wound.

The flower Xuan originally wants to attack, sees Lin Yang this appearance, the pace is not from a stagnant, eyebrow light frown.

"Hua Xuan, what are you doing? Why don't you do it? Can I help you? " Asked the virgin.

When Hua Xuan heard the sound, he could only make a strong attack.

Lin Yang definitely can't use silver needles to fight with Hua Xuan. That will expose him, even the moves he used last night.

After thinking about it, he could only use the skills of donghuangjiao to fight against it.

But the donghuangjiao skills are very strong.

Most of Lin Yang's external strength depends on the increase of blood and silver needle. Without these two increases, his external strength is not enough to support most of the skills of Donghuang religion.

The attack power of each fist and palm is deficient.

Hua Xuan didn't use all his strength, but he was already aware of Lin Yang's flaws.

She deliberately put water, but it was useless, and directly hit Lin Yang in the chest.


Lin Yang retreated again and again, his body trembled and almost did not stand firm.

"You are no match for me!"

Hua Xuan took a light breath and said hoarsely, "now you kneel down and beg for mercy from the saint! Maybe there is still a chance of life! "

"Miss Hua Xuan, do you believe that?"

Lin Yang several road, step forward again.

"But with your injury and strength, it's almost impossible to defeat me! You can't win the duel unless I take the initiative to admit defeat! " Hua Xuan shakes his head.

"That may not be so!"

Lin Yang's expression is coagulant Su, attack again toward Hua Xuan.

But his moves are almost no threat to Hua Xuan.

Don't say it's Hua Xuan. Even the people around him think that the strength of this Kirin is not so good.

"With this strength... Can this guy really get away from that weirdo?"

"No way!"

"Maybe someone else is injured and can't give full play to their own strength!"

"Oh, his moves and means are not strong even if they are not injured!"

"He's going to lose!"

People around us whispered and pointed.


Hua Xuan kicks on Lin Yang's abdomen.

Lin Yang immediately tumbled down and tumbled into the threshold stone of the gate and stopped.

But he hit his head against a stone and his face was covered with blood...


Zhao Yue, by the door, cried out in a hurry and was extremely anxious.

"I'm fine."

Lin Yang a weak tone of voice, and then difficult to get up.

"Kirin, don't fight any more and give up. I will plead for you! Try to spare your life Zhao Yue wanted to cry without tears.

"No, I said, I can handle it!"

Lin Yang said, again toward Hua Xuan.

"Do you want to be killed by me Hua Xuan's indifferent expression also reveals a trace of annoyance.

"Miss Hua Xuan, this is not necessarily!" Lin Yang gasped slightly.

"You..." Hua Xuan was dumb.

"Hua Xuan! Are you still lenient? Take his head off me! End this farce! Do you hear me? " The saint cried.

Hua Xuan had no choice but to look at him and gather his energy to attack Lin Yang's throat, intending to knock him out and end the boring competition.

But just then...


Lin Yang, who came over there, suddenly seemed to be waiting for some chance. The whole person suddenly burst into a rush, and the man was like a mirage, moving towards the Huaxuan.


Hua Xuan was shocked.

There was also a cry of surprise in the hall!

At the moment, Lin Yang, actually broke out with the previous completely different speed of terror!

He's going to fight back!

Hua Xuan immediately stopped his body shape, concentrated, staring at Lin Yang, both palms together, intending to repel him.

But Lin Yang's speed is not only extraordinary, even the pace is strange and difficult to find.

She even several palms in the past, all hit a blank!

"Lotus eight trigrams palm!"

Hua Xuan drank and yelled, and his palms rolled up a large number of illusions, which turned into eight trigrams, directly blocking Lin Yang's hiding place.


Lin Yang had no choice but to retreat. He was slapped three times on the chest again.


He spat out a mouthful of blood.

But this time... Lin Yang didn't retreat.But stretched out the arm, stretched out the finger, accurate point in the flower Xuan's chest.

In a flash, the shadow of the eight trigrams palm suddenly disappeared!

Hua Xuan... Can't move!

A uniform!


The cry of surprise resounded through the hall!

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