
Qin Ming is still that pair of fog water appearance.

He looked at Zhuang Mo long in front of him in bewilderment and said, "why should I challenge you

"If you don't want to fight me, get down on your knees! Your brother is defeated by me! Your father promised in front of everyone that if he lost to me, your family would have to kneel down in front of me and kowtow. Now why do you want to not kneel? What do you think of us Zhuang Mo long squints his eyes.

"Is that so?" Qin Ming raised his eyebrows.

"Trash, you don't talk to us fuckin ', if you don't kneel, I'll break your legs!" A Zhuang family member scolded.

Now Zhuang Mo long is at the height of his life. Naturally, these people will stand by him and speak.

People criticized Qin Ming and put pressure on him.

Qin Ming did not say a word, and lowered his eyebrows to ponder.

A moment later, he nodded in silence.

"Well, since things have come to this point, I'll try." Qin Ming stepped forward and looked at Zhuang Mo long.

Zhuang Mo long is stunned: "try what?"

"Don't you want me to kneel? Yes, beat me, and I will kneel. " Qin Mingdao.

As soon as he said this, the whole audience was in uproar.


"You're... You're going to challenge Mo long?"

"Ha ha ha ha, it's so funny."

"Don't tease me

"Do you want to compete with Mo long? I'm afraid you've been abroad for a few years, and your head will be ruined! "

"Mo long can crush you to death with one finger. Do you believe it?"

The crowd burst into laughter and tears began to flow out.

Zhuang Molong, Zhuang Hongyan and others can't help laughing. Who ever heard such naive words?

You should know that although Qin Ming was the illegitimate son of Zhuang Shi, because of his humble birth, he could not follow his father's surname, but only his mother's surname.

Moreover, his talent is not good. If he is gifted and talented, it is not difficult for him to become a banker. However, his martial arts are mediocre and he has no talent. Therefore, Zhuang Shi sent him abroad early, and he can only come back to see his parents every few years.

In the past, when Zhuang Shi and the current leader of the house had not lost, their position in the village was not bad, and no one dared to bully them.

But after the defeat, their family fell to the bottom.

Even Zhuang Nanfei, who dare to step on him, can't they be afraid of an illegitimate son who can't get his surname?

"Ha ha, even your brother lost to me, you still have the courage to say such words to me, interesting! It's fun! "

Zhuang Murong squinted and nodded: "since you say so, if I don't fight, will the world think I'm afraid of you? Come on! Let me see where you come from. You dare to say that to me

With that, Zhuang Mo long hooked his finger to Qin Ming.

"You want me to do it first?" Qin Ming asked.

"Oh, what else? I won't let you have some. I'm afraid you can't play it out later! If you fail without a single punch, don't they say I'm bullying you Zhuang Mo long said with a smile.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

people around us laughed.

Qin Ming nodded and calmly said, "well, I'll do it first, but I hope you don't regret it!"

With that, Qin Ming walked towards Zhuang Mo long.

"I will do a lot of regret in my life, but it will never be reflected in you." Zhuang Molong shrugged his shoulders.

Not at all.

"Qin Ming! What are you doing stupid? You are no match for him Zhuang Nanfei shouts.

But Qin Ming turned a deaf ear.

Zhuang Nanfei was very angry.

It would only be more humiliating.

However, to his surprise, why did Qin Ming, who had always been obedient to his own words, dare to ignore his words this time?

He didn't know why.

But this is not the time to think about it.

Because Qin Ming has come to Zhuang Mo long.

Zhuang Mo long faintly smiles. He looks at Qin Ming with both hands holding his chest, and his posture is frivolous.

He didn't take Qin Ming seriously.

Qin Ming glanced at Zhuang Mo long and directly raised his hand to Fan Zhuang Mo Long's face.

This gesture is not a contest at all, but a fight among ordinary people.

Zhuang Mo long was surprised. He thought that Qin Ming would use some special moves.

Is the result so mediocre?

Waste is waste!

He sneered and raised his hand to resist the slap. At the same time, his other hand also lashed at Qin Ming's face.

However, the moment he just touched Qin Ming's palm...


A clear sound came out.

It was the collision between the palm and the arm, and then the huge force poured directly into his whole body along with the palm, and then it was severely fanned on Zhuang Mo Long's left cheek.PA!!!

The sound of slapping from all directions resounded.

The huge impact force caused Zhuang Mo long to retreat again and again, staggering and nearly falling to the ground.

After he stabilized his body, he felt the burning pain on his cheek and swollen half of his face.

A clear palm print appears on the cheek.

Zhuang Mo long is confused.

The silence was frightening.

Extremely quiet.

Everyone's eyes widened and they looked at Qin Ming in disbelief.

People's breathing, heart and brain, it seems, all stopped working.

No one can extricate themselves from this shocking picture...

who can believe that the wild species Qin Ming actually stirred Zhuang Mo long in the face?

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