The next morning, the Zhuang family had already set up a martial arts competition arena outside the villa. They were very busy.

The guests arranged to come in.

Nearly a thousand seats were directly set up at the scene.

Good guy.

No wonder you need to queue up to enter the villa. With so many people, one villa can't hold it.

Everywhere is the scene of lights, festive, atmosphere is very good.

Qin Ming, or Linyang, arrived at the scene early.

He sat down in a corner and watched the people coming in and out.

Because Qin Ming had left the village for a long time, few people in the Blood Sword villa knew him.

The competition starts at nine in the morning.

Of course, at the beginning of recruiting a son-in-law, some small people go up to compete and show off their martial arts skills. If they can give their own powerful clan leader a face, they must show their own family skills.

Lin Yang is not interested in these natures.

He took out his cell phone and looked at the time.

It's half an hour before the martial arts competition starts.

The guests have begun to take their seats.

Many Zhuang family members also called.

"Hello, Qin Ming, what are you doing here? Why don't you go and greet the guests? I don't know that there is a shortage of manpower now! "

At this time, several people came over, and a man with short hair headed by him directly yelled at Linyang.

Lin Yang looked up, but also know.

Although it was his first time to deal with the people of Blood Sword villa, when he came, he had already obtained a lot of information about the people of Blood Sword mountain villa through Mahai and Zhen Qinming.

He's seen pictures of all these people.

The one in front of him is Zhuang Mohu, the younger brother who was defeated by him last night!

Zhuang Mohu naturally didn't give Qin Ming any good looks when his brother was humiliated like that last night. What's more, this guy is just an illegitimate son, and he doesn't even have a reputation in the banker's house. How can he look up to him?

"What does this have to do with me?" Lin Yang is indifferent, naturally is not willing.

Zhuang Mohu was angry: "what do you mean? You don't see yourself as Zhuang family? OK, please get out of here! Get out of the villa, there's no place for you! "

Lin Yang frowned, glanced at Zhuang Mo Hu and thought about it. He still got up and went to greet the guests.

For the sake of Jinwu Dan, we can only endure.

If you're thrown out of the villa, you've done nothing.

"Why are you in a hurry? I haven't told you which guests I'd like you to greet. "

Zhuang Mohu ran past, and the people behind him laughed and mocked each other.

Lin Yang looks at him.

However, Zhuang Mohu pointed to a vote of humanity sitting in the center of the martial arts field not far away: "here, you go to pour them tea and serve those people well."


Lin Yang looks at those people.

They were all dressed in dark red striped robes. Their faces were pale, their eyes were sunken, and their breath was very cold. There was a kind of evil spirit around them.

This is not a good job!

"Who are these people?" Lin Yang asked.

"Why do you ask so much? Go if you want to! Yes? Don't you dare? " Zhuang Mohu hummed.

"What dare you? I will go! But you came here to call me. I'm afraid it's not that I dare, but you don't? " Lin Yang shook his head and said.

"What do you say?" Zhuang Mo Hu was in a hurry and was about to say something. The man next to him immediately grabbed him and said in a low voice: "ah Hu, don't be fooled! If you go, don't you look for trouble? "

Zhuang Mohu heard the sound, nodded silently, and snorted coldly: "you are right. You almost fell into the trap of this guy!"

Lin Yang shook his head, did not pay attention to these people, went directly to the past, sat next to these people.

These people are Qi Dynasty Lin Yang.

"You eat well and drink well, but you are not well served!" Lin Yang made a casual polite remark.

Everyone frowned, but said nothing.

"What? This kid's sitting next to him? Nothing? " Zhuangmuhu's head, someone frowned and couldn't help shouting.

"Don't worry! You think those guys are nice to serve? Let me tell you, when these people came to Qingyuan City, the villa leader sent three people to entertain them. As a result, all three people came back seriously injured! One of them was nearly saved Zhuang Mohu said with a smile.

"What? Come back seriously? Are they all injured by these people? " Others were taken aback.

"That's not true? They're not good at it! It's not our blood sword villa can provoke! Look at it. If Qin Ming doesn't greet him properly, he will be abolished by this ticket! " Zhuang Mo's tiger eye showed a smile and said ferociously.

"There's a good play to see!"

They were excited.

Sure enough, Lin Yang did not sit in peace.

I saw a woman in this ticket picked up the tea on the tea table, just drank it, and immediately vomited it out."What kind of tea is this? It's no different from swill! Hello! Boy, listen, in a minute, I'll change a dragon well before rain! Or I'll skin you. " The woman was drinking to Linyang.

However, Lin Yang looked at her faintly, shook his head and said, "there is no Longjing tea before the rain. If Miss doesn't like it, I can change coke or sprite for you."

"What do you say?"

The woman was furious and stood up on the tea table: "are you disobeying me?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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