"I didn't expect Qin ming to be so eloquent! Well, cunning Zhuang Taiqing's brow was locked and his face was very unnatural.

"Yes, I didn't expect that the fourth had such a strong son! It's really like a phoenix flying out of a chicken coop. " Zhuang Ping Sheng shook his head.

"Qin Ming, according to what you mean, what should be the matter?" Zhuang Taiqing took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice.

"Obviously, this is a misunderstanding! I didn't hurt Lord blood owl, but Zhuang Mo Hu slandered me Lin Yang light road.

"You... What are you talking about?"

Zhuang Mohu was impatient and wanted to refute.

But Lin Yang said, "what? Do you want to vilify the blood demon clan, even me? Do you want to discredit the blood demon sect? "

Zhuang Mohu was stunned, and his Qi was full of smoke.

However, he did not attack in the end, and his anger was suppressed.

He can't afford to offend the blood demon sect!

"Qin Ming, don't be too arrogant The man next to him couldn't look down and couldn't help shouting.

Lin Yang's eyes turned, but also directly replied: "do you want to defame the blood demon sect's reputation?"


"you what you? Are you going to pour dirty water on the blood demon sect

"And you! We are also going to slander the blood demon sect and destroy the relationship between our blood sword villa and the blood demon sect? "

Lin Yang continued to drink and shout, his expression was serious, his words were righteous and forceful.

Everyone knows that it's all about Lin Yang.

But... No one dares to say anything. Lin Yang can only tamper with the facts.

After all, the blood demon sect is terrible.

How dare they provoke?

If the blood demon sect comes to the door, they will all die!

What's more, blood owls and others also want face! If you can't clean up a "Qin Ming", you have to rely on the Zhuang family. If things get out of the way, he can't keep his face shut, and it's hard to explain to the sect.

"Lord Zhuang Taiqing, let's just let it go." The blood owl took a deep breath, ready to calm down.

It's a prick. He's tired.

"I'm really sorry, Lord blood owl. I'm not strict in discipline. Please forgive me!" Zhuang Taiqing was busy making a ceremony, but he was helpless.

"No problem, but you've made an interesting man."

The blood owl took a meaningful look at Lin Yang and sat down directly. He waved and said, "clean up. Don't delay the martial arts contest and recruit your son-in-law! Don't give the host any trouble. "

"Yes, my Lord!"

The blood demon sect people nodded, and they all picked up the chairs that fell on the ground and sat down, no longer saying anything.

That's how it came to an end.

But many people stare at Lin Yang with resentment and anger.

Although the blood owl didn't care about it any more, Lin Yang's words just now annoyed everyone present. In addition, he was not well received.

"Qin Ming!" Zhuang Taiqing said, "you, come with me at once."

"Is uncle ready to use lynching to vent his anger?" Lin Yang asked calmly.

"Lynching out of anger? Hum, you little boy, you deserve me to target you? Don't talk nonsense. Just follow me! Mr. Zhuang, see you Zhuang Taiqing snorted coldly, and went to the inside.

"Do you want me?"

Lin Yang was quite stunned, but still followed.

What does the villa master do for himself?

Is there any task to assign to yourself?

Zhuang Ping Sheng stayed to greet the guests.

Zhuang Taiqing led Lin Yang into the interior of the villa, walked three crossings along the green brick road in the villa, and finally entered a three storey building in the center.

The first floor of the building is a large hall.

Zhuang Taiqing and Lin Yang just walked in, and Lin Yang's whole son was nothing...

in the middle of the hall, two bloody half dead people were kneeling.

Next to them is a woman with a whip.

The two men were skin and flesh, covered with blood, dying, and unable to move.

Lin Yang can also vaguely distinguish their faces through their faces.

It was Zhuang Shi and Zhuang Nanfei.


Lin Yang couldn't believe it.

"Qin Ming, are you here?"

At this time, just above the hall, a middle-aged man with a goatee beard and white temples opened his mouth.

This man is the leader of Blood Sword mountain villa, the second largest one!

"Master, what are you doing?" Lin Yang drank heavily.

"They colluded with outsiders to steal jinwudan, the most precious treasure of Blood Sword villa. They were stolen and captured! So be punished Blood Sword manor Lord calm way.

"Ah... Ming..."

Zhuang Shi opened his eyes and called out.

But as soon as the sound came out, two whips flew over and hit him.Zhuang Shi shivered all over and was shocked again.

Although the feeling in Lin Yang's heart is not strong, he still puts out a picture of anxiety and cries out: "master! What should you do? Are you trying to kill them

"It's not too much for them to steal their own treasures and kill them!" Zhuang Bufan is indifferent.

Lin Yang made a very painful look, gritted his teeth and said, "then, how can we not kill them?"

"It's very simple. Hand over all the skills you have learned!" Zhuang Bufan is calm.

Hearing this, Lin Yang understood.

Zhuang Bufan intends to use the father and son to control and crush Linyang www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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