What a fast speed!

This is the first reaction of all.

It also includes Su Yaoye.

He did not catch the shadow of Lin Yang at all. This man was right in front of him.

Not good!

As soon as Su Yaoye's face sank, he dodged immediately.

But... It's too late.


Lin Yang slaps Su Yaoye in the chest, and Su Yaoye is directly shaken off the arena and falls heavily on the ground.

All around were silent, all looking at Su Yaoye.

Su Yaoye was beaten out of the challenge arena. In sum, Su Yaoye has been defeated.

But no one dares to say.


Many people in the floating cliff Pavilion stood up straight and looked at Su Yao Ye in dismay.

"You lost!" Standing on the edge of the challenge arena, Lin Yang said calmly, "the rules of the challenge are that whoever comes out of the arena will lose!"

Su Yaoye's face changed.

"Lord, do you have the rules in this challenge of Blood Sword villa?" The old man of floating cliff Pavilion asked without expression.

"No!" The villa Master said directly and took a deep look at Lin Yang.

"That's right. It's normal for such a small platform to fall down! I haven't lost yet! "

Su Yao leaves mouth up, eyes dew cold, seize the opportunity to rush up immediately.

"The wind and the rain blow away!"

Just listen to Su Yao Ye's roar, his fists roar, and his fist shadow is like a downpour.

The terrifying speed is just numbing.

And not only speed, his fist power is amazing.

With each blow, a burst of sound came out.

I'm afraid it's on the steel plate. I'm afraid it can be pierced!

Lin Yang's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, his steps toward the back, and he kept dodging.

Su Yaoye seems to have obtained the suppression, continues the strong attack. And it lasted about two or three seconds.


Su Yaoye suddenly yelled, and his fist suddenly melted into his hands and stretched out his arms like a sickle towards Lin Yang's body.

This is a killing move!

What's the point? This is for the purpose of killing Lin Yang!

And with the moment of his arm shaking, a stream of air condensed on his arm.

Lin Yang's pupils contracted.

This is Su Yaoye's previous fist to release the spirit.

They did not disperse, but gathered around Lin Yang. With Su Yaoye's move, he armed his arm into a sharp "magic weapon" and fiercely cut at Lin Yang.

Is this the skill of floating cliff pavilion?

The people under the stage cried out with astonishment.

"No! Master! Something is going to happen to Qin Ming! " There are Zhuang family members crying out.

"Don't make noise, just watch it!" Zhuang Bufan said without expression.

The Zhuang family did not say anything, just looked at it silently.

Even in the eyes of many people, this move can kill Qin Ming.

However, the fact is not as simple as people think.

Just at the moment when the horror knife was about to cut Lin Yang's body.


A strange voice came out.

Then... The hand knife was fixed.

Qin Ming's pupils were dilated and looked at his arm in disbelief.

Only then discovered Lin Yang's one hand actually steadily grasped his wrist!


This side of the floating cliff Pavilion is in a state of uproar.

The guests were also surprised.

"No way!" A disciple of the floating cliff Pavilion lost his voice and exclaimed: "this move has no blade to harvest his sharp edge! The impact of its air blade can cut the diamond! This man actually grasped the childe's knife less harvest with his hand? It's impossible! "

"If you want to change to an ordinary person, I'm afraid my hand will be crushed by the air blade hovering around the childe's arm! Why is this so? "

"How did he do it?"

People screamed.

When the guests around heard these words, they understood the subtlety and horror of this move.

But then, a more terrifying scene appeared!

Lin Yang suddenly raised his hand and slashed Su Yaoye's arm.

How fast!

Su Yaoye did not have time to respond.



the brittle sound of bone fracture spreads out.

Su Yaoye's arm immediately curved in a very strange arc.

"Ah He uttered a sad voice, covered his arm and retreated.


All the people in the floating cliff Pavilion stood up.

People screamed and worried.

The scene is also boiling.

"Qin Ming! What are you doing

"How dare you hurt Mr. Su Yaoye?""You, you, you... Did you eat the heart of bear leopard gall?"

The two brothers immediately jumped up and pointed at Lin Yang.

"Qin Ming! Have you forgotten what the villa leader said before? That's it! But how dare you hurt Mr. Su and defy the order of the villa master? Are you going to rebel? " Zhuang Taiqing patted the table and got up abruptly.


Lin Yang was indifferent.

He looked around him and said calmly, "how can we blame you for your lack of eyes in martial arts competition? Can he blame me for being hurt by me? If I didn't block his move just now, would I not be separated? "


the people of piaoya Pavilion and the makers are very angry.

"Su Yao Ye!" Lin Yang said to Su Yaoye, who was surrounded by a group of people: "now you have broken the bone in your right arm, and you can't fight again! You'd better give up and go back to heal the wound. If the treatment is timely, there won't be any big problem with your arm. I've saved one hand, otherwise it won't be the arm you just broke! "

How presumptuous is this?

Floating cliff pavilion's human body trembles.

Su Yaoye is also gnashing his teeth, furious.

However, everyone can see that this "Qin Ming" is indeed merciful.

The reason why he broke the bone in Su Yaoye's right arm was to force him to give up.

Otherwise, that move just now would have killed Su Yaoye!

"Your honor! What do you mean by Blood Sword villa The elder of piaoya pavilion looks bleak and stares at Zhuang Bufan and drinks.

Zhuang Bufan had no expression and did not answer. He turned to Lin Yang and said coldly, "Qin Ming! Immediately admit defeat and kneel down to apologize to Mr. Su! "

"Why? Master, I am not defeated. " How can Lin Yang agree?

"So, are you fighting?" Zhuang Bufan asked.

"I defeated Su Yaoye, and I have become the final winner of this contest. I hope the villa leader can keep your promise and give me the reward I deserve. So many friends from all over the world watch me. I think you will not break your promise, will you?" Lin Yang sinks.

At this juncture, it seems that there is no need to give up with these people.

"Son of a bitch! What are you up to? Do you want to marry your cousin

Zhuang Taiqing was furious and glared at Lin Yang.

Although Qin Ming was born out of wedlock, he was also the son of Zhuang Shi. He had a relationship with Zhuang Hongyan.

"Of course I don't mean that, but I think I can get these rewards with high sounding! There are no rules on who can't take part in the competition. Is it difficult for the villa leader to break his promise? Let the Blood Sword villa become the laughing stock of the people in the world Lin Yang hums coldly.

"You... You bastard!" Zhuang Taiqing's face turned red.

Many Zhuang family members are gnashing their teeth and clenching their fists. They are eager to rush up and tear Linyang apart.

At this time, Zhuang Bufan opened his mouth.

"If you really win the challenge! I can give you the reward you deserve! But it's not over yet! You're not the winner. "

As soon as he said this, Lin Yang looked around: "who else wants to fight with me?"

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