If we go on like this, Linyang will be cut to death.

This is almost lingchi!

But... He had no way out.

"Qin Ming! You really don't admit defeat? " Zhuang Bufan glanced at Linyang and opened his mouth again.

Obviously, he also wanted to retrieve the last part of the formula.

"Zhuang Bufan! People from the floating cliff Pavilion, I would also like to ask you, do you really not let Su Yaoye admit defeat? " Lin Yang wiped off the blood between his forehead and roared in a deep voice.

"It seems that you are determined to die. In this case, I will not stop you! Elder Su, don't be merciful. You deserve more than your death if you disobey your son Zhuang Bufan is indifferent.

"With the words of the villa master, I'm relieved!"

The elder of piaoya Pavilion snorted coldly. Suddenly, he jumped up and jumped to a tree beside the challenge arena.

All around were shocked.

"Yao Ye, step down!" Floating cliff Pavilion elder cheers.

Su Yao Ye seemed to think of something. His face was tight and he did not dare to hesitate. He jumped off the challenge arena in a hurry.

At the same time, the elder of the floating cliff Pavilion made efforts.

He clapped his hands at the trunk of the tree.

All the leaves of the whole tree were shaken off, and the thick branches were immediately bare, and the fallen leaves fell to the ground.

However, before landing, the elder of piaoya Pavilion, with a little feet, turned his body, like a hurricane, rolled all the leaves.

Hoo Hoo Hoo!!

Leaves around floating cliff Pavilion elder body crazy rotation, fast if no shadow, a green storm suddenly formed.

The people around him recoiled and gaped.

"The thousand leaf blade of floating cliff pavilion?"

The blood owl of the blood demon sect was staring.

It's so frightening and frightening. Who can resist it.



With a call from the elder of the floating cliff Pavilion, all the fallen leaves rushed to the arena as if they were purposeful.

At that moment, the leaves covered the sky!

Like locusts all over the sky, cutting to the challenge arena.

The whole arena made of marble was directly cut into many holes and fragmented.

As for Linyang, it was also covered by numerous flying leaves, so no one could be seen.


The world's screams of surprise never stop.

No one has ever seen such a frightful sight.

"How terrible!" Zhuang Mohu retreated in fright, his eyes staring at him like Tongling.

"Is this the floating cliff Pavilion skill? If I can learn, how can I fear the people of the world? " Zhuang Mo Long's eyes spurted out a blazing light, and his heart strengthened his dream of worshiping the floating cliff Pavilion.

"This son will surely die!" Zhuang Taiqing stroked his beard and laughed.

"It's a pity that he will die here before he can tell the final formula of the skill he learned." Zhuang Bufan's eyes show regret.

"Second brother, don't feel sorry. Compared with the whole floating cliff Pavilion, it's just a little bit. If you die, you'll die!" Zhuang Pingsheng also said.

"Well, the martial arts contest and marriage recruitment should be over. You should do it as soon as possible. If so many things have happened, you must apologize to all the people in the floating cliff Pavilion and show sincerity! Do you understand? "

"Yes, master!"

Cried the crowd.

The stormy offensive ended.

The whole arena has been filled with countless green leaves.

The scene was dusty, the platform was cut into several pieces, and even the ground around the arena was full of cracks.

What a terrible power!

A lot of people are very quiet.

"This floating cliff Pavilion is really worthy of its reputation. No wonder the Blood Sword villa would rather sacrifice this" Qin Ming "to form an alliance with it The blood owl coagulated his eyes and looked at Zhuang Bufan.

No one expected that the contest would end in this way.

No one had ever thought that the man who had just been a great man would be a piece of meat.

It's all over.

"I won!"

Su Yaoye was very aware of the current situation. He immediately jumped onto the broken arena and yelled: "is there anyone else who wants to challenge me?"

There was no response.

Who dares to go up at this time?

Even the arrogant Qin Ming has been hanged. Who went up to die?

"Since there is no one to challenge Mr. Su Yaoye, I declare that the final winner of this contest is Mr. Su Yaoye. He will become the son-in-law of my banker! Marry the apple of my eye, Zhuang Hongyan Zhuang Bufan stood up and exclaimed.


The guests cheered, accompanied by smiling faces.

"A feast!" Zhuang Bufan smiles and waves his big hand.

The scene immediately became lively.

The makers were also busy at once.

But at this moment, a shout resounded.

"I haven't lost yet. What's the rush of the villa leader?"This word a, just boiling up the scene immediately did not have a sound.

All of them were stunned and looked at the sound source.

It also includes Su Yaoye.

The dust in the center of the challenge arena gradually fell, and a figure appeared in the sight of the world.

That's Lin Yang!

And even more incredible! Lin Yang is... Undamaged!!

"Congenital vigorous Qi!"

The blood owl of the blood demon sect stood up first and growled.

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