With the strong man's order, these three big five thick man clattered in, lifted the table, kicked the chair, rummaged the cabinet.

The hospital, which was still clean and tidy, was immediately in a mess.

"Stop it! Stop it

"Yan Lang, call the police immediately!"

Luo Qian's urgent tears are about to come out, and he quickly comes forward to stop it.

But how can she, a girl, stop these thugs?

This hospital was opened by her grandfather, who was very old and seldom stayed in the hospital. But even so, it was the painstaking efforts of their Luo family!

Yan Lang was scared to retreat again and again, shrinking into the inner room, shaking out his mobile phone to call the police.

Lin Yang frowned.

No matter what, Luo Qian is also his wife's classmate and best friend, and although Luo Qian looks "fierce", he is not bad.

"Bitch, get out of here!"

See Luo Qian rushed over, black vest strong man a swing arm.

Affected by inertia, luoqian repeatedly retreated and sat on the ground.

"Bitches, I don't beat women, but it doesn't mean that I will let women go crazy. Be honest with me! Otherwise, don't blame me for killing flowers A strong man is fierce.

"I'll fight with you!"

Luo Qian Qi's eyes are full of tears, the eyes are red, and a bite of white teeth is gurgling, but they want to rush up again.

"A toast is a penalty if you don't eat or eat!" The strong man was also angry and took the belt around his waist directly. It was a sign to tie Luo Qian.

But just as he was about to reach out to subdue luoqian, a pale hand suddenly stretched out beside him, quickly and accurately patted the strong man's arm.

In an instant, the strong man froze.

"Brother tiger, what's the matter with you?"

"What have you done, bitch?"

Other strong men also rushed to luoqian.

However, when they approached, Lin Yang Yi's palm was like a feather leaf. He patted it lightly. After a few palms, all of these people did not move.

Luo Qian is confused.

She saw a flash of light on Lin Yang's palm.

It looks like a silver needle.

Luo Qian immediately responded: "what did you do?"

"It's nothing. It's just a little numb their nerves with the silver needle." Lin Yang light road.

Luo Qian breathed slightly tight.

Acupuncture and moxibustion paralysis is not a strange thing in traditional Chinese medicine. For example, stimulating Neiguan (Neiguan) and Tianma (Tianma) acupoints can achieve short-term nerve paralysis. It has been recorded in medical books that acupuncture is used to replace anesthetics.

In fact, luoqian can also do this.

But the premise is that the patient must lie on his back, there must be no clothing barrier, and she must be allowed to find the location of the acupoint.

It is extremely difficult to paralyze five or six big men in such a situation.

What happened to this man? Isn't Xiaoyan saying that he just read some medical books?

At this time, a siren sounded outside the door, many people gathered outside the hospital, two uniformed policemen came in.

Yan Lang, who was shrinking behind, immediately jumped out and pointed to the black tigers and yelled: "police comrade, you are here at the right time. These local ruffians are smashing up in our shop. Please catch them in quickly. Don't let them go!"

At this time, the numbness of the black tiger and others disappeared, one by one soft paralysis on the ground.

Although they are astonished by their strange phenomenon, this is not the time to think about it.

"Police comrade, we are not bad people." Tiger in black waistcoat.

"Whether it's a bad person or not, just come with me!" Exclaimed the young officer, with his thick eyebrows and big eyes.

As a result, black vest tiger brother, Luo Qian, Yan Lang and Lin Yang were all taken to the bureau to make notes.

The process is relatively simple.

And after such an inquiry, we finally know the reason why tiger brother smashed the hospital.

It turned out that a week ago, a couple brought a famous little girl to the hospital for medical treatment.

Of course, the object of the couple's medical treatment is Luo Qian's grandfather, Luo Beiming.

However, Luobei will not be in the hospital tomorrow morning. The hospital has been under the care of Yan Lang, a doctor hired by Luo Qian and her.

The hospital was just opened. Few people except luobeiming's regular customers had heard of it, and the income was not good. When Yan Lang saw that the couple was well dressed and noble, he prescribed a lot of medicine to the little girl when he prescribed the medicine.

In fact, the little girl's illness is a persistent disease, which can not be cured in many large hospitals. Therefore, the couple came to luobeiming for medical treatment. Yan Lang also knew this, so he prescribed a prescription for warming up the body. He planned to wait for luobeiming to come back.

But it is not expected that the bad will be destroyed in this prescription.

The little girl was just lame before. After eating Yan Lang's prescription for a few days, she couldn't walk on her legs. Now she is in danger of amputation.

Black tiger these people are called by the little girl's big brother.

It is said that the elder brother loves the little girl very much. He is very angry when he learns about it. This smashing is just a lesson. If the little girl is amputated, no one can guarantee that he will do anything crazy.After Luo Qian learned the truth, she stamped her feet in anger and glared at Yan Lang who was not far away from her.

Yan Lang's neck shrinks and dare not look at Luo Qian.

Police stereotyped as a smashing dispute, after all, nothing serious, Luo Qian just fell to the bottom.

Some people from the black tiger side came forward to guarantee for them, and they also decided to make compensation. Therefore, after the peaceful negotiation, they released them all.

However, this is just a small skirmish, and it will be over if you lose some money. But once the legs of the little girl are to be amputated, the problem will be far more than that.

At that time, I'm afraid luoqian, yanlang and even the whole hospital of the Luo family will be implicated and even jailed!

Think of this, luoqian cold sweat.

Several people are ready to take a taxi back, but at this time, luoqian's phone is rang.

A strange number.

"Hello, I'm Luo Qian." Luo Qian, be careful.

"My name is Ning long. I'm Ning Xiaowan's brother." There was a deep, husky voice on the other side of the phone.

"Ning Xiaowan?" Luo Qian immediately understood that this was the girl who was to be amputated and said in a hurry: "Mr. Ning, this is a misunderstanding!"

"Luoqian, I'll give you one day. My sister will be amputated one day later. If you can invite your grandfather to treat my sister and keep her legs before my sister's amputation, we will be clear about this matter. If you Luo's family can't keep my sister's leg, the lawyer's letter will be sent to you three Zhitang in the morning the day after tomorrow. At the same time, I'll be with you for the rest of my life I hope you can do it yourself

The voice dropped and a busy tone came from the phone.

Luo Qian's brain was blank.

The Yan wave beside him was full of fright and shivering all over.

He heard it all.

If the Ning family really wants to sue, he can't escape at all. When the compensation is small, he can stay in the house for a few years, and his life will be over.

"Qianqian, what should I do now?" Yan Lang shuddered: "why don't we go to find a lawyer... Find the best lawyer..."

"do you think finding a lawyer can absolve you of your responsibility?" Luo Qian was afraid and angry, and then dialed a number again.

It's luobeiming!

At this time, luoqian can only ask for help in Luobei.

But after a moment, her face was decadent.

"What's the matter?"

"Grandfather can't come..."

"why? Won't he come? "

"No, it will take him at least two days to leave now. It's too late." Luo Qian is about to cry.

Yan Lang is confused.

Two people standing at the door of the bureau are totally out of control.

Nearby Lin Yang has been watching silently.

It has nothing to do with him. If he really wants to sue, he won't have any responsibility.

But for Su Yan's sake, it's not appropriate to just stand by.

"Dr. Luo, you first call Ning long to bring Ning Xiaowan to our clinic. Anyway, we will try to treat it first." Lin Yang said.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Luo Qian's whole body was excited and responded: "I remember that my grandfather's good friend, grandfather Qi, is still in the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine. I'll invite him here. He must have a way!"

"You mean the old man of Qi Zhong state in the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine?" Yan Lang's eyes are bright.

"Not bad."

"Ha ha, if master Qi comes, we'll be sure. As long as we keep the girl's leg, we'll be fine." Yan Lang swept the haze on his face and said excitedly.

Luo Qian called in a hurry.

Master Qi also promised to be frank. After all, he had seen Luo Qian, the granddaughter of his old friend. Naturally, he did not refuse.

However, Lin Yang beside him laughed bitterly.

Ning long also agreed.

Since Luo Qian wants to try treatment, he will not refuse.

After all, Ning family has already done ideological work for Ning Xiaowan before amputation.

It should not be delayed. The time is set in the afternoon of that day.

Luo Qian three people rushed back to the hospital to clean up.

It's just after one o'clock.

A luxury car stopped at the door of the medical center. Then a handsome man got out of the car, took out a folding wheelchair from the trunk, unfolded it, and carried a girl like a porcelain doll from the car and put it on the wheelchair and pushed it towards the hospital.

Luo Qian and Yan Lang couldn't help shaking.

And is sweeping the floor of Lin Yang slightly a Leng, the sight immediately locked in the little girl's body, in the eye passes a touch of surprise.

"This is...

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