"Not good? What do you mean

Qin Ning asked calmly.

"Xiaoning, you know that Wen Renda Shao has always been very good to you. You should understand his thoughts. In fact, I also know that you may not be very interested in hearing people, but there are some things that are better than less. You should not bring your boyfriend here. In that case, he will have trouble with you." Cheng often sighs.

"You're wrong. I didn't bring my boyfriend. He came by himself. He's going to attend the doctor King's meeting." Qin Ning road.

"Oh? Is your boyfriend a doctor, too? " Cheng Changsheng is a little surprised.

"Yes, Mr. Cheng. If there's nothing wrong, we'll go first. Goodbye." Qin Ning said gently, then took Lin Yang's arm and turned away.

Cheng Changsheng didn't detain him. He just squinted at Qin Ning's graceful figure. Then his eyes fell on Lin Yang's body, and his mouth showed a slight smile.

He took out his cell phone and made a call.

"What's the matter?" There was a deep male voice on the other side of the phone.

"Guess who I saw?"

"I don't like people wasting my time! Hang up The man's voice faded, and he would hang up the phone.

"Well, wait a minute... Oh, you are really boring." Cheng Changsheng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'll tell you straight. I see Qin Ning embracing a man!"

As soon as the words fell, the voice on the other side of the phone became cold.

"What?" He spoke again, though only one word, but his voice was especially firm.

"Where else? Of course, it's a college! "

"I'm already on my way to college. I'll ask someone to pull that man away from Qin Ning and tell her that he is the woman I heard from Zhaojiang, and tell her to be calm! As for the man, leave it to me. I'll be there in twenty minutes

The voice dropped to the ground and the phone was hung up.

"Have fun."

Cheng Changsheng raised his mouth and walked briskly toward the interior of the college.

Qin Ning took Lin Yang to visit the southern school academy and began to introduce the southern school to Lin Yang.

Lin Yang listened carefully and did not miss a word.

When they came to a building, Qin Ning looked at the light in the academic hall and said with a smile, "it seems that the lecturer has already started. Let's go in and listen to it."


Lin Yang nodded and entered the academic hall with Qin Ning.

The hall is full of people, because it is an open lecture, people can go in and out at will.

Basically, none of the people here will leave. On the contrary, many people are conquered by the words of the middle-aged woman on the platform.

This middle-aged woman, Mao Aiqin, is also a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner of southern school. She is quite famous in China and respected by many people. Generally, she can't give lectures. This time, Nanpai arranged her to give an open class to everyone. She had no choice but to be brave.

Although Mao Aiqin is talking, but there is always a sense of disgust and impatience in the eyes.

She was not a lecturer, but came here to complete the task assigned above.

At first, some students who had just graduated from medical school asked questions, but Mao refused to answer them directly.

People do not dare to be dissatisfied. After all, they are very honored to hear Mao's lectures.

So the whole academic hall, only Mao Aiqin was talking.

Lin Yang lost interest after listening for a while.

Qin Ning is quite serious.

Just then, however, there was a scream.

"Hello! What do you mean? You still have the face to sleep when Mr. Mao is lecturing? Are you looking down on teacher Mao

This record is particularly harsh voice, is a direct interruption of Mao's lecture.

All around, countless people looked at the sound source and found that the speaker was a man standing behind Lin Yang.

He glared at Lin Yang with a look of righteous indignation.

Lin Yang frowned and looked at him and said, "are you talking to me?"

"Or with whom?" The man said angrily.

"But I didn't sleep." Lin Yang was helpless.

While speaking here, he felt someone quietly pulling his sleeve.

Looking from the side, it is Qin Ning.

"This man is from Cheng Changsheng." Qin Ning murmured.

As soon as Lin Yang heard it, he suddenly realized it!

This man was sent by Cheng Changsheng to look for trouble...

"get out of here now!" Just listen to that person pointing to Lin Yang to shout.

Lin Yang was indifferent.

"What's going on?"

Mao Aiqin came over with a cold face.

"Mr. Mao, this man looks down on your teaching and openly sleeps in your class! I can't look down. I hope he can leave here. At least please don't insult the respected teacher Mao! " Said the man at once.Mao Aiqin was annoyed when he fell to the ground.

She didn't want to run here to teach these guys, but there were still people sleeping?

How can she tolerate it?

"Is that true? You sleep in my class? " Mao Aiqin stares at Lin Yang and asks.

"I did not." Lin Yang shook his head.

"Are you still lying? Everyone has seen it! " The man yelled.

"Yes, I saw it too!"

"And me

"How disrespectful you are

"How many people want to hear Mr. Mao's class, they can't hear it yet!"

Many people around came forward to testify and accused Lin Yang one after another.

Qin Ning's pretty face is slightly cold.

She knew that all these people were Cheng Changsheng's people...

they were framing Lin Yang...

Mao Aiqin was angry, and her face was extremely cold. She pointed to the door and said coldly, "you, get out of here now!"

Lin Yang's brow was tight and his expression was still motionless.

Qin Ning couldn't stand it anymore. She took Lin Yang's hand and said, "brother Lin, let's go."

A few people over there were anxious on the spot.

Cheng Changsheng asked them to pull Lin Yang away from Qin Ning. This is the Academy of southern school. They did not dare to use the strong one, so they found this method. But if Qin Ning went out with him, would they not be busy?

Several people thought quickly, but at the beginning, the man seemed to think of something. He snorted: "do you want to go like this? That's not possible! Mr. Mao is highly respected and respected. If you sleep here, you are blasphemous to Mr. Mao! I told your brother that if you don't kneel down and apologize to Mr. Mao today, you can only go out on your back at this gate, you can't walk out, you know? "

As soon as the words fell, the other people's eyes lit up.

In disgrace! Let him be humiliated in front of him and become a laughing stock for all?

In this way, will Qin Ning be with this waste?

A vicious plan.

Lin Yang has now become the target of public criticism, who are facing Mao Aiqin, naturally very disgusted with Linyang.

Mao Aiqin was slightly stunned, but she didn't want Lin Yang to do so.

However, the rest of Cheng Changsheng are stirring up trouble here.

"That's right. Get down on your knees and apologize to Mr. Mao!"

"Kneel down and apologize!"

"Kneel down and apologize!"


along with the shouts of these people, the whole academic hall also cried out one after another.

People were excited, and the situation became more and more intense. Looking at those people's indignation, it seemed that Lin Yang had done something harmful to nature.

Mao Aiqin didn't want to make things so complicated, but it was not easy to calm down the high emotions of the people around her.

What's more, if this person really apologizes for sleeping in his own course, she will have face, which is also a boasting capital.

Mao Aiqin made up her mind to let this silly boy kneel down? Anyway, this is a southerner. This guy must also attend the doctor King conference. She doesn't have to be afraid.

However, in the crowd forced Lin Yang to kneel down, Lin Yang suddenly opened his mouth.

"She is your teacher, not my teacher. What if I sleep here? It doesn't mean that I don't respect her, because she's not qualified to teach me! "

As soon as the words fell, the academic hall became quiet.

All of them were staring at Lin Yang.

A moment later, a thunderbolt of abuse resounded throughout the academic hall.

"What are you talking about? Mr. Mao is not qualified to teach you? "

"What are you?"

"Dog, get down on your knees and apologize, or I'll tear your mouth!"

"Animals with mothers but not fathers!"

There was a lot of swearing.

Mao Aiqin is going to explode on the spot.

"You... What do you say? You mean I'm not good enough to teach you? " Mao Aiqin pointed to Lin Yang and asked angrily.


Lin Yang nodded.

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