Naturally, Lin Yang has heard of the business alliance.

But there is little information about the business alliance.

But one thing is certain.

That is the strength of the business alliance, and no one dares to question it.

It is said that 80% of the country's economic lifeline is controlled by the business alliance.

Catering, cosmetics, cars, clothing, games, online shopping and so on, all walks of life have the shadow of business alliance.

No one knows what kind of organization it is and what role it plays in the domestic market.

Some people say that the business alliance is a big Mac, and its strength is unmatched.

Others say that the business alliance is just something boasted by some people, and it doesn't exist at all.

Even Lin Yang knew little about the business alliance.

Now Su Yan says that people from the business alliance have entered Jiangcheng for no reason, and Lin Yang is certainly confused.

"I've heard about the business alliance, but I don't know much about it. Do you think they came to Jiangcheng for you and me? What do you mean Lin Yang asked.

Su Yan wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and said hoarsely, "Mr. Lin, maybe you don't know that the first thing that people from the business alliance do when they enter Jiangcheng is to make a phone call. That person came to see me first and made a phone call in front of me. After the phone call passed, Yanghua's stock market suddenly broke the record low. In less than half an hour, Yanghua was on the verge of bankruptcy. Do you know?"


Lin Yang frowned: "I heard Ma Hai say before that there are some inexplicable fluctuations in Yanghua's stock market and its interior, which have a great impact, like being maliciously acquired! Almost bankrupt liquidation, but inexplicably rose back, Ma Hai is still investigating this matter, is it difficult to do it... Is the business alliance doing it


Su Yan closed her eyes and nodded.

Lin Yang was silent.

At present, Yanghua is absolutely a behemoth in China, and none of these enterprise consortia in China dare to win Yanghua.

In half an hour, Yang Hua almost went bankrupt.

Lin Yang couldn't imagine how terrible the other party was.

"Mr. Lin, I know you are not an ordinary person. You have the means to communicate with heaven, but this time the enemy is too strong! And... The other party is not only a business alliance, but also the mysterious Longjiang wind! If they fight together, we'll all die. There's no bones left. There's no corpse left. So, Mr. Lin, at this point, I have to give in. Otherwise, everyone will die, including you! " Su Yan collapsed and cried.

She had never faced such a terrible and powerful enemy.

She had to give up.

Only compromise.

Can only yield...

Lin Yang did not say a word, eyes light looking out of the window.

For a long time, he spit out his breath and smile: "Xiao Yan, don't worry, I can solve it!"

"Lin Dong!"

Su Yan suddenly turned back, eyes slightly red, incredible looking at him.

"Believe me, I can solve it." Lin Yang is hoarse and laughs.

Su Yanqiu's eyes widened, her lips tightened, and at last she lowered her head gently.

"Mr. Lin, you can't solve it. You have no contact with the people of the business alliance. You don't know how terrible the enemy you are facing this time... The more you fight back, the more you will annoy them. Mr. Lin, let me deal with this matter. You'd better not come forward. You'd better leave Jiangcheng in a hurry." Su Yan whispered, secretly gritted her teeth, especially determined.

"Xiaoyan, believe me for once..."

Lin Yang still wanted to explain, at this time.


Suyan's mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

She picked it up, scanned her eyes, hesitated for a moment, and pressed the connect button.

"Miss Su Yan, I hope I didn't disturb your rest." There was a low and magnetic voice on the other side of the phone.

Su Yan trembled all over and cried out: "Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu? Hello. What's up? "

"I heard that Mr. longjiangfeng came to see you?"

"Yes... Yes..."

"I hope you have cooperated with his work."


"well, Miss Su, Mr. long has the task of Mr. long, and I also have my task. Our patience has reached the limit. At 8 o'clock tonight, I will have tea in Jiangjing Pavilion. At 10 o'clock, I will take a flight back to the business alliance. I hope you can give me the reply I want. Otherwise, after 10 o'clock, I will leave Jiangcheng, the business empire of Yanghua, you and me All the people around you will vanish! Do you understand? "

With that, the phone hung up.

Su yanru was struck by lightning, and she was in the same place , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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