At the foot of Donglong mountain, on a national road leading to the city, a row of black cars are galloping on the road.

It was getting dark, and dogs barked from time to time from villages on both sides of the national highway.

In the middle of the car.

"The leader of the alliance, why did he suddenly return to the business alliance for no reason? There are a lot of things for you to deal with at the conference A man in the co pilot's seat couldn't help but ask.

In the back was a woman with white hair in a dress.

The woman has delicate face, fair skin and graceful figure, but her long white hair is shocking.

It's not white, it's more like natural white after something.

The woman didn't say a word, holding the glass, gently shaking, deep eyes full of vicissitudes.

After a while, the woman said, "I don't need to deal with the meeting any more. What are you doing there? What's more, there are a lot of complicated matters in the business alliance recently. If you go back to solve them earlier, you will be less worried. "

"Yes, leader."

"By the way, alliance leader, I heard that all the people on the list of heavenly pride had arrived at this conference, isn't it true?"

"Well?" The white haired woman, who is also the leader of the business alliance, slightly tilted her head, glanced at the man who opened her mouth and said, "what do you ask about this?"

"Ha ha, my subordinates are just asking at will. There's no other meaning." That person is beating ha ha, busy is to say.

"Zheng Ma, do you think I don't know that? You just want to get some information about the conference so that you can sell it for a big price, right? " The white haired woman said without expression.

"No, leader, I don't think so." The man who told Zheng Ma to wave his hand in a hurry.

"Well, you don't have to admit it. I know what kind of person you are. Among the people in the South Branch of the Business League, you are the most cunning and mercenary! The first-hand information of the conference can be sold at a sky high price now! Do you want it? " The white haired woman took a sip of red wine.

Zheng Ma was stunned and xuan'er said with a smile: "alliance leader, i... I just want to make more money. As you know, I have a son recently, which costs a lot...

" again? So you have 18 sons and 21 daughters now? "

"Yes... Yes..."

"your wives, concubines and children spend a lot of money every day. They drive luxury cars, live in villas, buy private airplanes, wear handmade clothes from F country, eat imported beef, and spend nearly ten million yuan every day. Now they have another son, which is another expense. In this way, Zheng Ma, you have made a lot of money in our business alliance." The white haired woman put down her glass and said quietly.

"Not a lot, just a little... A little..." Zheng Ma said with some embarrassment.

"A little bit? I don't think so, do I? "

"This... This..."

"in fact, Zheng Ma, if you just want to make some money, I have no objection at all. Our business alliance is short of everything, and the most important thing is money. Tens of billions of small money is just a drop in the bucket for our business alliance." White hair women's light way.

"Haha, the leader said yes, he said yes!" Zheng Ma couldn't help nodding and laughing.

"But... Zheng Ma, some things you touch, some things you can't touch. If you move some money, I won't pursue you. But if you don't clean your hands and take some things you shouldn't take, then it's serious." The white haired woman suddenly turned her tone and said coldly.

Zheng Meng tried his best to calm his face, but he said, "what's the matter with your smile? I... I don't quite understand... "

the white haired woman didn't say a word.

But the speeding car suddenly stopped.

Zheng Ma was startled and looked out of the window.

I found that the car that was going to enter the city suddenly stopped in the wilderness.

There is no shop in front of the village, only a little light in the far distance...

ZHENG Ma realized that it was not good, shivered all over, and his hand had reached the door quietly.

"Ally, why... Why did the car stop suddenly? What's the matter? " Zheng Ma asked with a smile.

"I ask you, did you touch Kunlun Qianyu?" The white haired woman lit a cigarette and shook the window.

"Ah? Kunlun Qianyu? How can it be the leader of the alliance? It's the treasure of our business alliance. Besides you, who can move it? " Zheng Ma is busy.

"But... Someone saw you enter the warehouse without permission, cut away a small piece of Kunlun Qianyu, and fill in the substandard goods to replace it!"

"No way! Someone must have framed me! No way Zheng Ma jumped up abruptly and cried out: "alliance leader! I am wronged! I was wronged! I didn't do that!! No, It must be someone who has a grudge against me and intentionally splashes me with dirty water! "

"Yes? Zheng Ma, I have to warn you that if you are willing to confess and take the initiative to plead guilty, there will still be a way to live. If you die, you will not be the only one to die. All your relatives and friends will be wiped out of the world. Do you understand? " White hair women's light way.Zheng Ma's head is buzzing. He looks at the white haired woman with his mouth open. He doesn't know what to say.

"Zheng Ma, you know the rules of the business alliance. People like you who steal the most valuable things of the business alliance without authorization will have their hands and feet broken and all their property confiscated. If the circumstances are serious, they will even be wiped out on the spot. But after you have been with me for so many years, how can I poison you? Zheng Ma, I'll give you a chance now, and you will admit it. In this way, I will deal with it lightly. If you still refuse to admit it... I can only say that it will harm you. "

"Zheng Ma didn't say a word and fell into a tangle.

"Zheng Ma, let me remind you. The reason why I say this is that I have the evidence. If you really don't want to plead guilty, I can take out the evidence, but at that time, you won't plead guilty." At this time, the white haired woman said again.

When Zheng Ma heard the news, he did not dare to hesitate any more and cried out: "alliance leader! I confess! I'm guilty! Yes, I did take some of Kunlun Qianyu to sell. It's true that those black sheep in my family are too black. They can not only spend money, but also gamble. This time, they owe the king of gamblers more than 10 billion yuan. I really can't help it. Alliance leader, please forgive me for my years of working for the business alliance! "

Zheng Ma begged, his face full of grievances.

But the woman didn't take a deep breath.

At the same time, the door was opened, and a man outside directly pulled Zheng Ma out of the car, dragged him to the outside, directly pulled out a gun and aimed at Zheng ma.


Zheng Ma screamed with fright and screamed: "alliance leader! What are you doing? Didn't you say you wouldn't kill me as long as I pleaded guilty? Why the leader? Don't kill me

"Did I just say that?"

The white haired woman got out of the car, vomited a cigarette ring, and said hoarsely, "do you know what I'm going to do for the meeting this time?"

"No... I don't know..." Zheng Ma burst into tears.

"They said that they wanted me to rectify the business alliance and clean up the moths! The conference will be held soon! Everything must be strictly standardized! Zheng Ma, originally I didn't intend to deal with you, but I want to set an example to others! So, there's no way. "

The white haired woman put out her cigarette end and nodded to the man.

The man understood and immediately pulled the trigger.

"Leader! No...


After a shot, Zheng Ma fell heavily on the ground, his forehead was a bloody hole, and he had no breath.

The white haired woman dropped her cigarette butts on the ground and said calmly, "before dawn tomorrow, take all the heads of Zheng Ma's family to the headquarters of the business alliance and show them to those people! If you take one less, you'll take your own head to make it up! "

"Yes! Alliance leader

"Go back."

The white haired woman turns around to get on the bus.

But at this time, on the side road, suddenly came a white Ford.

The car rolled to the side of the road and stopped, and then a man stepped down from the car...

the car stopped , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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