Liu Tiantang is a big net hit with tens of millions of fans!

Moreover, his fans are different from other net celebrities. Other net celebrities are zombie fans, and at least 40% of his fans are living people with high activity and great stickiness. The loss caused by the platform's closing of his studio without any reason is absolutely unprecedented!

And... This is not only a loss to Liu Tiantang, but also a great impact on the platform itself.

For a moment, the team panicked.

"Don't worry! Maybe it's just a brief rectification! I'll call now and ask! "

Liu Tiantang tried to calm down and immediately took out his mobile phone to dial the number.

The phone is through.

"Mr. Xie! What's going on? Why is my studio blocked? " Liu Tiantang asked with a smile.

"Why? Don't you know why? "

"Mr. Xie, i... I don't quite understand what you mean..."

"hum, don't you understand? Then I'll tell you, you've offended the wrong person! "

"Do you mean Mr. Yang Hualin? No, they're just a drug company. What do they have to do with our short we media video? " Liu Tiantang is unbelievable.

"Selling medicine? Who do you think Lin Dong is? He has a lot of energy! Let me tell you! Just now, someone gave the order to block the whole network. You have been blocked by all platforms! Let's take care of ourselves With that, Mr. Xie hung up directly.

"Mr. Xie! President Xie! "

Liu Tiantang screamed.

But... It doesn't help.

He powerless put down the mobile phone, incredible looking at Lin Yang.

Platform wide ban?

How could that be?

Liu Tiantang couldn't accept it at all.

But it is.

With the closure of Liu Tiantang's studio, the event began to ferment on the Internet, and Liu Tiantang received several calls.

When he heard a voice of questioning and scolding from the phone, he finally realized the seriousness of the situation.

"Lin Dong! I'm sorry! I... I know it's wrong! Please give me a break! Don't shut me down Liu Tiantang is busy begging to cry.

But Lin Yang ignored it.

Liu Tiantang immediately kneels down and wants to hold Lin Yang's thigh. Ma Hai immediately asks someone to pull him away.

"Lin Dong! Lin Dong! "

Liu Tiantang cried and struggled.

The people around looked at the scene one after another, all confused.

Liu Tiantang, who had just enjoyed great scenery, is now being dragged away like a dog.

The world is really crazy.

Many netizens hesitated and didn't know whether they should continue to shoot this shocking picture. Pedestrians didn't dare to talk about it.

Lin Yang no longer pays attention to Liu Tiantang, but looks at manager Wu.

Manager Wu's look is particularly ugly at the moment, and the whole person can't help shivering.

"Lin Dong! Thank you for coming. I'm really proud of Biyi building! Ha ha ha, Dong Lin! Hello, hello! I'm the boss of Biyi building! Please come in quickly. I will treat you well today! " A balding man with a big stomach came over with a smile and extended his hand to Lin Yang.

But Lin Yang didn't pay any attention. He just looked at Biyi building and asked: "did the construction team bring it?"

"Yes, I'll wait around the corner." Maheido.

"Good! Let's open it up and send someone to clean it up at once Lin Yang road.


Mahai immediately commanded the action.

The crowd penetrated into the Biyi building.

Soon, the scene became chaotic.

The bald man was puzzled and looked at Lin Yang strangely: "Lin Dong, what are you doing here..."

"Nothing, boss. I have an empty check here. Take it and fill it out! You can write down the figures as much as it's worth, OK? " Lin Yang took out a stack of checks from his pocket, tore one and handed it to him.

The boss was startled and said with a smile: "Mr. Lin, I'm not going to sell Biyi building...

" not going to sell it? Well, in that case, come to Yanghua finance department tomorrow! "

"What do you mean, Mr. Lin?"

"Because I'm going to demolish you today, how many losses have you caused? You'll go directly to Yanghua tomorrow and ask for compensation! I'll pay you double! "

Lin Yang said without expression.

When the boss heard this, he turned pale and almost didn't sit on the floor...

"manager Wu, what's the matter?" He knew immediately that it must be the manager who caused the trouble, and asked immediately.

Manager Wu is extremely aggrieved. He can only harden his head and tell the truth about the dragon's pulse in the future.

The boss was angry and rushed up to smash it with his fist.

Manager Wu was black and blue immediately.

"Boss, I don't want to. Don't fight, don't fight... Didn't Lin Dong say that he would compensate you?" Manager Wu howled."Thank you, mother! Do you dare to go to Yanghua to get money? Do you want me to die on the streets of Jiangcheng tomorrow? You son of a bitch! Offend Mr. Lin! You and I have no place in Jiangcheng! Damn it Biyi building boss angrily kick.

Manager Wu can only curl his head.

After a while, a large number of guests came down from the gate of Biyi building.

The guests complained.

But with the construction vehicles coming on the road, everyone shut up.

All the people had to watch the magnificent and lively Biyi building demolished a little bit , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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