The crowd looked at Zhao Zhidong in disbelief.

No one thought that he didn't bow and beg to Dr. Yao, but to thank Lin Yang

beyond all expectations.

"Zhao Zhidong... You..." doctor Yao opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

But Zhao Zhidong was very excited.

"Doctor Lin! Thank you very much. My son could have been admitted to the village for medical treatment today, but doctor Yao suddenly shut down the village. I was scared out of my mind! The doctor of the municipal hospital said that my son couldn't survive today. I had no way to go. I wanted to go down the mountain and ask for help from people with energy. But I didn't think that as soon as I was halfway up the mountain, I received a call from my family saying that you have cured my son! Dr. Lin, my Zhao family is a son! If you cure him, you save my Zhao family! I, Zhao Zhidong, kowtow to you! "

With that, Zhao Zhidong knelt down to kowtow to Lin Yang.

"Please get up, please get up! Mr. Zhao! It doesn't have to be

Lin Yang quickly picked up Zhao Zhidong.

"Doctor Lin, you deserve it! That's right! " Zhao Zhidong said excitedly.

At this time, Ren Xian, Wang Yang and others also stepped forward.

"Dr. Lin, thank you for saving my father! I Wang Yang kowtow to you here! "

"Dr. Lin, thank you for curing my wife! I'll never forget the great kindness and virtues I've enjoyed

"Thank you very much, Dr. Lin!"

"Living Bodhisattva

"Thanks to Dr. Lin!"

They all expressed their gratitude, or kowtow or worship, but there was no way to express their gratitude.

Lin Yang rushed to help people, shouting no, but his hands can't help so many people.

The people of the miracle doctor villa here were stunned and looked at the scene inconceivably.

Everyone was confused.

Including farmers.

The scene was noisy and boiling.

Doctor Yao is a bit of a shaker.

Normally speaking, he should have enjoyed this kind of treatment, but now... These people have ignored themselves and knelt down to a hairy boy in his twenties!


burning shame and humiliation!

Yao Shenyi's whole body is shivering!

In the miracle doctor villa! He would never allow these people to kowtow to other doctors, even their own apprentices!

"You'd better wait for a moment. I have some troubles to deal with! I'm sorry

Lin Yang spoke faintly.

"Trouble? What's the trouble? " Zhao Zhidong asked.

"Dr. Lin, if you have any trouble, just say it! Your business is mine Ren Xian clapped his chest and said in a loud voice.

"Yes! I'll do my best to help you out! "

"Doctor Lin, please speak up!"

They all cried.

However, without waiting for Lin Yang to speak, Nong Xiaomei hummed: "do you solve this problem? How are you? You are good at this! Can it be solved? "

"Miss farmer? What happened? " Zhao Zhidong frowned and asked carefully.

"What's the matter? Hum! This quack named Lin killed my father! Our farmers are going to settle accounts with him! What's the matter? Are you going to stand up for him? " Nong Xiaomei was furious.


People were shocked.

"How could that be?"

"Mr. farmer... Gone?"

People are too big to accept such things.

Yao took the opportunity to point at Lin Yang and scolded: "Lizi, child! If you know something about the medical skills of the three legged cat, you can teach them how to cure your little diseases. What kind of doctor does he think he is? I don't know that his medical skill is bad! How complicated and serious is the condition of the chief farmer, how dare he say that he can be cured! Now the chief farmer is killed by him! You still regard him as a living Bodhisattva! Aren't you blind? "


Zhao Zhidong and others are you. Look at me. I don't know what to say.

"Doctor Lin! You must pay for your life today Nong Xin said.

"Yes! You have to pay for your life

"Pay for your life! Doctor Lin

"Pay for your life!"

The farmers roared again.After all, it's a farmhouse. Although Zhao Zhidong and others have a strong family background and are powerful in Yanjing, they are nothing compared with the peasant family.

What's more, it seems that Lin Yang is unreasonable. Even if they want to help... They don't know how to speak.

At this time, the head of the small Liu opened his mouth: "everyone, in fact, the warden is not dead! There is still a breath. Dr. Lin says he can cure the warden, but... These people just don't let... This matter... No wonder Dr. Lin! "

This words, the scene suddenly in an uproar.

"Liu Yuyu! Shut up Nong Xiaomei drank a lot.

"Xiao Liu! You are too presumptuous! I think you are my own farmer! Are you turning your elbow out? "

"Eat inside and outside!"

The farmer denounced.

"Young man! What do you mean? Do you think my medical skills are not as good as that of Dr. Lin? " Doctor Yao was also annoyed and immediately scolded.

However, this time, Xiao Liu suddenly became tough.

Why don't I trust Dr. Lin once? Maybe, he really has a way to save the warden!

Thinking of this, Xiao Liu yelled angrily: "yes! I just don't think your medical skills are as good as Lin's! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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