"Cough... Cough..."

GUSHAN coughed again, and the people next to her were busy taking medicine and patting her back.

A private nurse also ran over and gave Gushan a simple examination. He told him not to be angry and to have a good rest.

But Gushan doesn't care.

"If I don't clean up this dog thing today, I'm afraid no one will dare to be arrogant in front of me in the future!" GUSHAN said angrily. Without saying a word, he coughed violently again.

"Ma! Take it easy. There's no need to hurt yourself for this dog! "

"Yes, teacher, it's important for you to have a good rest."

Others have advised.

"Not so much useless! Come on, knock out all the teeth of this bitch and throw them out! From today on, I want her to be unable to make a foothold in Yanjing, and the Liang family cannot protect her! Who dares to protect her! I'll do it together! " GUSHAN roared.


Someone answered.

The rest of us are scared.

This old woman is so vicious! Don't give others a living!

Is this really a famous teacher with high prestige?

Who dares to challenge her with such means and temper?

"Teacher, let me come!"

Huang Yanhong stood up again and yelled angrily: "if this bitch hurt me, I want to cut my face! Let me knock down her teeth one by one! Tell her to eat without teeth in the future

All the students looked at Huang Yanhong in amazement.

Gu Shan nodded: "OK! Yanhong, since you want to vent your anger, let you do it! "


Huang Yanhong narrowed her eyes and grinned ferociously. She picked up a chair beside her and went to Liang xuanmei.

"Teacher... Can... Can you give xuanmei a chance..."

One side of Xu Ting has been scared to shiver, can see these people should be so to Liang xuanmei, finally chose to stand out, shivering cry.

"Xu Ting? What's the matter? You want to help her? " Here Luo Xuan light called a.

"I... I'm not... I just want to say... That..." Xu Ting's afraid words are not easy to say. She hesitated for a long time and didn't say why.

"Shut up if you can't say it. No one will treat you as a mute. If you want to help this bitch, you will end up like her later!" Huang Yanhong spat and scolded.

Xu Ting neck a shrink, busy is to retreat, which dare to go forward?

Her family background in Yanjing can only be said to be ordinary, and she has no power. When she came back to visit Gushan, she also wanted to use Gushan to expand her contacts, so that she could get along better. If she really wanted to fight against these people, she would not dare to borrow her 100 courage.

"Xuanmei, you should be soft and admit your mistake, otherwise... I... I can't help you..." Xu Ting cried in a low voice.

Liang xuanmei's face was white and she didn't know what to say.

It's impossible for her to be soft.

But at this point, if you refuse to be soft, how miserable will it be?

"Come on, Liang xuanmei, just admit it! Who made you disrespect your teacher? This time I'll break your upper teeth first, and then your lower teeth! You have to bear it. Don't cry! I can't help it. You asked for it

Huang Yanhong said with a smile, and then swung the chair hard, ready to hit Liang xuanmei's mouth.

Just then.

Buzz... Buzz

The mobile phone in Liang xuanmei's bag suddenly vibrated.

"It's brother!"

Liang xuanmei is overjoyed and wants to reach for her bag, but Hong Nengquan pulls it off and throws it aside.

"What? Looking for help? " Hong Nengquan sneered.

Liang xuanmei's face was white.

This last hope is gone

"Do it, miss!"

Hong Nengquan cried.


Huang Yanhong squinted and then waved her chair.

But the accident happened again.

But a figure rushed into the room in a panic, shouting eagerly:

"Mrs. Koo! Here comes Dr. Lin! "

The audience was shocked.

"Who? Who's here? " Gu Shan's unexpected inquiry.

"Lin... Doctor Lin! It's Dr. Lin! " The man gasped and repeated again.

Doctor Lin?

The people at the scene breathed hard and looked at Liang xuanmei.

"Well, why did Dr. Lin come here?"

"Is it true that she invited Dr. Lin?"


"Does she really know Doctor Lin?"

Some people are very surprised with their detailed comments.

"No way! How does this bitch know Dr. Lin? No way Huang Yanhong doesn't believe it. She swings her chair and smashes it at Liang xuanmei.

Liang xuanmei breathed hard and tried her best to turn her head aside.

But in the end, it can't be avoided.

Although the chair didn't hit her in the mouth, it hit her on the head.

In an instant, Liang xuanmei's forehead was broken, and her blood was not stopped. She looked very miserable.

"How dare you hide? I told you to hide

Huang Yanhong scolded, and then came forward to wave the chair.

But at this time, a tall and straight figure in the block of several ancient family members, holding a mobile phone quickly into the house.

"Xuanmei! What's the matter with you? Why don't you answer my phone calls? Where are you? "

The man cried out, looking for Liang xuanmei's figure.

When people look at it, they are all astonished!

This man is not Dr. Lin, and who is he?

"Elder brother..." Liang xuanmei called weakly, then fainted.

Lin Yang looks at it with a sound. He looks like frost!

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