Huang Yanhong is stiff and nervous. How dare she move?

Her face is white and frightening. Her pupils are tight. She looks at Lin Yang for a long time. Then she turns her head and looks at Gu Shan: "old... Teacher..."

"Yanhong, don't worry! This is the ancient house. Nobody can touch you! "

Gu Shan coughed for a while, staring at Lin Yang and drinking: "Doctor Lin! You have crossed the line! Make trouble in my ancient home! Are you treating us like air? "

"My sister has an accident in your ancient home. I haven't settled with you yet, but you have jumped out by yourself. What's the matter? Do you want me to deal with you first? " Lin Yang said without expression.


"Doctor Lin! Don't be too presumptuous! Do you really think our ancient family is easy to bully? "

"That's ridiculous!"

The ancient family members came out one after another and pointed to the tip of Lin Yang's nose to shout.

Lin Yang is too lazy to make noise with them. He stares directly at Huang Yanhong: "I don't want to repeat it for the third time. You, come here now!"

"Teacher, help... Help me..."

Huang Yanhong was completely frightened, repeatedly retreated, cried and rushed into Gushan's arms.

"Don't worry, with the teacher, it will be OK."

GUSHAN hesitated and comforted.

"Thank you, teacher!" Huang Yanhong said gratefully.

By this time, Lin Yang had already stepped forward.

He has lost patience.

People are nervous.

"Dr. Lin, you are a big man. Why bother a woman? I admit that Yanhong has a wrong place to sit, but you don't have to be unreasonable, do you? Isn't it easy to cure xuanmei's injuries with your medical skills? " Luo Xuan immediately stood out to sink the road.

But as soon as he said this, Lin Yang suddenly reached out and grabbed Luo Xuan's hair, pressed his head and smashed it against the table next to him.

Bang Dang!

The thick table was smashed by Luo Xuan's head.

Luo Xuan was in a coma on the spot.

The world was taken aback.

Lin Yang grabs the chair next to him and smashes Luo Xuan's body.





The sound of smashing down, every time is debris flying.

Lin Yang didn't keep his hand.

After a while, he smashed five chairs.

As for Luo Xuan, he has been lying on the ground motionless for a long time. People nearby can see that Luo Xuan's bones have been smashed to pieces even if they take their eyes. People are completely paralyzed, and they don't know whether they are alive or dead.

"My sister was so hurt by you guys, and I didn't see you stand up to stop her! How can you stop me now? "

Lin Yang breathed, threw the rotten chair aside, looked around and said, "who else is going to come out and preach to me?"

All the people around are subconsciously retreating, and no one dares to speak.

Seeing this, Lin Yang went straight to Huang Yanhong.

This time, even the ancient family were frightened by such a cruel method.

"Madman! This... This guy is a lunatic! "

"Doctor Lin! You'd better not mess about! "


The crowd kept shouting.

GUSHAN's old face also showed a trace of fear.

But after all, she has lived a long time. What kind of storm has she never seen? He said with a stiff head

"Doctor Lin, stop for me!"

Lin Yang didn't pay attention at all.

"Good! Good! You asked for it GUSHAN was furious and said: "call the police immediately and call the police. In addition, invite all the reporters from Yanjing for me! Let's have a good look at what the so-called Doctor Lin is like! "

good heavens!

Gu Shan knows that he is not an opponent by force, so he can only choose to patrol. Moreover, with the arrival of reporters and the pressure of public opinion, how can Lin Yang fool around?

What's more, Gushan is a famous teacher in the world with high prestige. Her words and deeds are right in everyone's eyes, and public opinion is her advantage! Using public opinion to deal with Lin Yang is indeed the best choice.

The ancient family nearby immediately took out the phone and dialed the number.

Lin Yang didn't stop him, but pulled Huang Yanhong from Gushan.

"Stop it

"Let her go!"

Some ancient family members wanted to stop them, but Lin Yang gave them a look, and they were scared and did not dare to come forward.

Huang Yanhong was thrown to the ground by Lin Yang's arm, and people immediately screamed: "kill! Kill

She wanted to shock Lin Yang by throwing and rolling, but it didn't help.

"Doctor Lin! If you dare to touch my students, I will ruin your reputation! You must be ruined The ancient Chinese fir roared.

"You move my sister, even if I am ruined today, you will pay the price!"

Lin Yang's face was ferocious and cold.

Gu Shan breathes hard.

However, Lin Yang grabs Huang Yanhong, who is struggling and screaming on the ground. He pulls out a silver needle and stabs Huang Yanhong on her cheek.

All of a sudden, Huang Yanhong's heavily makeup face was aging at an incredible speed.

Her face was full of wrinkles, her skin was no longer smooth, her eyes were sunken, her lips were shriveled, and even age spots appeared.

After a while, Ben's young and beautiful face has become the face of an old woman , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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