"Don't you kill this man? Xuanmei, they've done you such a terrible job. Your face is ruined and your body is full of scars. If I come late, you may even die! How can you forgive them for what they have done to you? " Lin Yang is hoarse.

"Brother, this ancient Chinese fir has bad moral character... She doesn't deserve to be a teacher, but in any case, she is still my teacher in name... Today you moved her, and it's said that I'm the one who cheated my master and destroyed my ancestors, and it will also bring you endless trouble, so... Brother, forget it, let's go back, and don't see her again..." Liang xuanmei clenched Lin Yang's hand tightly, and her body was close to his back, Cried weakly.

Lin Yang was silent. For a long time, he finally put down the silver needle.

This needle down, he is happy, but believe that the damage caused to Liang xuanmei is irreversible.

No matter how disgusting Gushan was, she was always Liang xuanmei's teacher.

Lin Yang has to consider from the perspective of Liang xuanmei.

"Good! Xuanmei, I'll listen to you. If you don't kill me, I won't kill you! "

Lin Yang gently pushed the ancient fir, and the old body immediately fell on the back of several ancient family members.


"Teacher, are you ok?"

People will help Gu Shan to bed in a hurry.

Gu Shan was panting and trembling, and a strange flush appeared on his face.

"No! Mom's sick. Come on! Get the medicine quickly

"With blood ginseng! Use the thousand year old ginseng

The ancient family was in a hurry.

Huang Yanhong's blood ginseng was immediately taken, and it was cut to Gushan.

"What? Can fake medicine cure diseases these days? "

Lin Yang lightly read a sentence.

"Fake medicine?"

People were shocked.

"You know what! This is a thousand year old ginseng Gu Yu said angrily.

"Blood ginseng? Hum, just a radish with some juice! "

Lin Yang lightly shakes his head, directly holds Liang xuanmei and walks out of the house.


Gu Yu is confused.

All the people gave way.

But when passing by Shutai, Lin Yang could not help but stop.

"You should be glad that if my sister didn't want to continue to investigate, you would not be able to leave the ancient home today." Lin Yang is hoarse.

"Dr. Lin, this is Yanjing. Not everyone is afraid of you! I am not afraid of Shutai! What are you? " Shutai hummed, his eyes proud, full of provocation and hegemony.

Lin Yang did not speak, with Liang xuanmei directly left.

After Lin Yang left, the chaotic scene was calmed down.

"Doctor Lin! How arrogant

"This is Yanjing, not Jiangcheng! Why is he so lawless? "

"We must take good care of it! Take good care of him


Some of them came out to scold Lin Yang.

They don't dare to speak to each other face to face. As soon as they leave, they will shout happily.

"Carry all the wounded down for medical treatment!"

Shutai frowned and drank in a cold voice.

"Yes, young master!"

The men in black have pistols to clean up the scene of chaos.

Shutai steps forward to inquire about the condition of ancient Chinese fir.

Gu Yu cut off a small piece of blood ginseng and prepared to give it to Gu Shan.

"What is it?" Shutai asked with a frown.

"Millennium blood ginseng! It's from Huang Yanhong. She bought it at a big price from the auction! Master Shutai, I'm afraid you haven't seen it before! " Gu Yu said with a smile.

However, Shutai's face collapsed immediately.

"The Millennium blood ginseng that appeared in the last Yanjing auction has been bought and taken by my grandfather! There is only one blood ginseng in my family. What did Huang Yanhong buy from the auction Shutai asked.

"Ah?" The ancient family gaped.

A nearby person seems to be aware of something. He snatches the blood ginseng in a hurry and then breaks it off abruptly.


Blood ginseng split into two, but inside it was a pale.

"Radish? This... This is really a radish? "

"What Dr. Lin said is true..."

"How could that be?"

The ancient family members were flustered. They were at a loss with radishes.

"This bitch, Huang Yanhong! Actually take a radish to cheat mother! I said, her background is mediocre, powerless, how can she buy the Millennium ginseng? That's abominable Gu Yu angrily threw the broken radish to the ground.

"Big brother, it's superfluous to say anything now. Let's try to save mom! Mom is dying! " The daughter of Gu Shan nearby cried.

"That's right! Now we have to find a way to save mom! Come on, take mom to the hospital Gu Yu said in a hurry.

"Mom's condition is so dangerous, I'm afraid it's too late to send her to the hospital! And the hospital can't cure mother's strange disease! "

"I'm afraid I can't come to other famous doctors for a while..."

"What about..." Gu Yu panicked.

The ancient family members were all worried.

But at this time, Gu Shan's daughter's eyes suddenly brightened: "find Dr. Lin! Call Dr. Lin for treatment! "

"Doctor Lin?"

Everyone was shocked and looked at her strangely.

"Yes, find Dr. Lin! If Dr. Lin does it, maybe mom's illness can be cured! "

"There must be no problem with doctor Yilin's medical skill, but... How can he be willing to treat his mother?" Gu Yu gritted his teeth.

GUSHAN's daughter smiles: "we can't let Dr. Lin do it, but... Shutai can do it!"


Gu Yu was stunned.

Shutai nodded slightly and said in a low voice, "the teacher's business is my business. It's just a miracle doctor Lin. I'll tell him to come back and treat the teacher!"

Words fall, the person suddenly got up and went out of the room.

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