"Fang Qilin?"

Everyone was stunned.

"Have you heard the name?"

The red feather alliance leader glanced at the crowd.

But everyone shook their heads.

"Never heard of it."

"Even if it's a nobody from there!"

"Do you want to make a name for yourself with the help of this event?"

"Oh, there are many such people in today's society! Do you remember when Nakagawa challenged Dr. Lin, the Hun Guobao who jumped out to challenge Nakagawa? In order to make a name for himself, he was beaten half dead. I heard that he is still in ICU now! "

A woman said with a smile.

The crowd nodded.

"Son of a bitch, this is a major event of our family and country! If you dare to fool around here, I will drown you in the sea! Get out of here and don't make trouble here A big man stepped on the bow of the boat and cheered at Fang Qilin.

Hearing this, Fang Qilin gazed at the big man.

He did not hide his face, but showed his true face to the public.

It can be seen that this is also a young man in his twenties, with thick eyebrows, big eyes and resolute face. But what's particularly striking is his eyes.


Very proud!

It's a kind of arrogance that looks down on the world and ignores everything.

As if the scene martial arts master, in his eyes like grass mustard general!

"Smelly boy, what's your look like?" The burly man was annoyed and immediately cheered.

But the next second, Fang Qilin moved!

He leaped like a black hawk across the sea and rushed to the strong man's ship.

The speed is unexpected!

"Be careful!"

Someone was shouting.

The big man breathes hard, but he is about to raise his arm to fight back. However, he suddenly falls to the ground, grabs the big man's arm with his backhand and throws him out of the boat and into the sea.

Poop, poop!

The big man fell into the water and splashed a lot of water.

The man struggled twice. He was about to come out of the water and jumped into the boat, but he just came out of the water.

Poop, poop!

A foot suddenly stepped on his head and pushed him back to the bottom again.

Take a look.

It's the unicorn!

He put his hands behind him, stepped on the sea with one foot, and put the sole of his foot on the top of the big man's head, so he stood on the sea.

The big man under his feet struggled desperately, but he couldn't get rid of Fang Qilin's feet at all!


The world was astonished and opened its eyes wide.

I don't know how many levels of such means are better than the lightness skill of floating on water.

In the distance came a few boats fishing in troubled waters.

These are the reporters and netizens who came here specially after learning the news.

If there are not many people, there are only a few.

Seeing what happened here, several people excitedly took out their shooting instruments and aimed at this side for shooting.

Soon, some pictures and short videos began to spread intermittently on the Internet.

Because the signal is not good, can't open live, the major media website can only use some pictures with some text for countless netizens broadcast everything here.

"Is that Fang Qilin?"

"He did come!"

"My God, here comes our hero!"

"We are saved in the Dragon kingdom!"

Netizens cheered.

But the fighters on the high seas don't know that their every move has begun to spread on the Internet. They also tried to hide their identity to break through the defense line of Sakura country, and let people go to the meeting with Nakagawa on time.

He was trampled on by Fang Qilin and drowned in the sea.

As time went on, his struggle became weaker and weaker, and he seemed to be suffocating and drowning.

"Well, brother Fang, we just made a slip of the tongue. We already know your skills. Please stop and let this man go!" The leader of the red feather alliance couldn't see it, so he opened his mouth after all.

Seeing this, Fang Qilin retreated and fell back on his own boat.

The man was rescued in a hurry. At first sight, he fainted and lost his mind.

Everyone was afraid.

This Fang Qilin is very good!

The red feather leader nodded gently: "not bad, not bad! the younger generation will surpass the older! Fang Qilin, although I don't know your origin, if you want to fight on behalf of Dr. Lin, then I'll promise! You are so young and powerful. Against Nakagawa, we will not lose face. We can also show the essence and look of the martial arts of our country! I hope you will live up to our expectations and win glory for our dragon Kingdom martial arts

"Don't worry, Hongyu alliance leader. Today Fang Qilin will become famous in the first World War. Let the martial arts of our dragon Kingdom stir the world!" Fang Qilin said haughtily.

That arrogant self-confidence, so that all people are infected.

With this person in, just like Nakagawa, it's not worth mentioning

"Good!" The leader of Hongyu immediately clapped his hands and drank in a deep voice: "what's the time?"“ Return to the leader, the time has come Others stand on the road“ In that case, I'd like to announce that I'll set out immediately, start from the northeast, tear the cherry blossom defense line, and help Fang Qilin enter the country! " The leader of the red feather alliance drank a lot“ Yes, sir As a result, a group of warriors sailed to cherry blossom country and headed for the northeast. Soon, the cherry blossom country's maritime alert sounded“ Kill With the order of the leader of Hongyu alliance, this group of warriors all cross the sea and rush into the defense line of Sakura kingdom. The move of Hongyu alliance leader almost shocked the world. How can long Guowu fight against aircraft, artillery and aircraft carriers with manpower? Isn't this about death? However, the pictures taken by the next few war reporters stunned everyone! More than a dozen fighters jumped into the air, one by one as ghosts, avoiding the bullets fired by the soldiers on the ship, and slaughtering on it. The aircraft on the Mothership was pushed into the sea by them, and the soldiers surrounded were defeated by them. Maybe they can't destroy the aircraft carrier, but they will occupy an aircraft carrier in just ten minutes! This speed has stunned countless people. It has also silenced the heads of state. Is this the martial art of the Dragon kingdom? However, Sakura state-owned is not only aircraft and artillery, they also have terrible and powerful fighters. When the leader of Hongyu led the masses to occupy the third aircraft carrier, the warrior of Sakura Kingdom also arrived. The two sides converged on the deck of the fourth aircraft carrier. It's less than 100 nautical miles from the coast of Cherry Blossom country. The red feather alliance leader, Fang Qilin and others frowned as they looked at the people in Ninja costumes who jumped onto the deck. They can feel the fright and murderous spirit of each other. Obviously, this is no ordinary ninja in Cherry Blossom country. I'm afraid the lowest level of these people is Shangren... "Liu Datong!" Red feather alliance leader drinks low“ What's your order? " Ask Liu Datong to step forward“ You lead a team to escort Fang Qilin to rush out from the right side and help him enter the country as soon as possible. These people, give them to our alliance leader! " Red feather alliance leader hoarse way“ Yes Liu Datong and others immediately took action and rushed to the right“ Kill The Ninjas of Sakura country didn't hesitate to attack them all. There was a bloody battle on deck. www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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