Why is that?


The leader of Hongyu alliance is dead. I'm afraid Doctor Lin will never come back!


Fang Qilin hit his head on the ground in pain.

"Fang Qilin! Why are you so incompetent! Why so cowardly! If you can be stronger! Better martial arts! It's not going to be like this! "


His spirit is on the verge of collapse.

Although Fang Qilin is very proud, he is a man who knows his kindness and intends to repay his kindness.

For failing to dissuade Lin Yang, he felt endless remorse.

"We must find a way to save Dr. Lin! Do save him


Fang Qilin suddenly seems to think of something, trying to take out the mobile phone in his pocket with his left hand.

He wanted to call the official staff of the state of dragon to ask the official of the state of dragon to help, but he didn't have a number to contact the official of the state of dragon directly.

Helpless, he thought of the most simple and direct way!

Open post!

He immediately opened the flow, boarded the largest Wudao forum in Longguo, ready to post.

But think about it, it's too slow!

Direct live broadcast is the king!

However, if the live broadcast is launched, he will be ruined, and the world will see his ugly behavior

What should I do?

Fang Qilin is very tangled.

Soon, however, he chose to give up his dignity and open the studio.

"Is anyone there? Is anybody there? Who can help me contact the official of dragon Kingdom and ask them to send a team to the high seas as soon as possible. Dr. Lin is going to be finished. We are all finished! "

Fang Qilin yells at the studio.

There was no one in the newly opened studio, but soon, scattered netizens came into the studio.

"Isn't that Fang Qilin?"

"That post threatened to go to war Zhongchuan on behalf of Dr. Lin?"

"My God, what happened to Fang Qilin? He... How could he be like this? "

"I don't even have a good piece of meat on me..."

"Is he defeated?"

Stunned, netizens sent barrage inquiries one after another.

But Fang Qilin has no time to answer these questions.

"Everyone, who can contact the army of the state of dragon? Dr. Lin is in danger! Dr. Lin is in danger! Let the government send a rescue team, quick... "

Fang Qilin cried hysterically.

Netizens are confused.

Seeing Fang Qilin's miserable appearance, people soon understood what he was doing.

I'm afraid the righteous men led by the red feather alliance leader will be seriously hurt!

"I don't have the official contact information of Longguo."

"I can only help you call the police."

"Sorry for the live broadcast, we have nothing to do."

"Are you ok..."

Netizens are willing but not strong enough to send barrage one after another.

Seeing more and more bullet screens on the live screen, Fang Qilin's heart is getting colder and colder.

No one can help him.

He's on his own!

"Forget it!"

Fang Qilin clenched his teeth and threw his mobile phone on the ground. Then he stood up with all his strength.

His legs and a hand were cut off a lot of meat, blood flow, unbearable pain.

But with willpower, he stood up.

"Since you can't help Dr. Lin, then... I'll help him! Dr. Lin saved me. I want to repay him for his kindness

Fang Qilin breathlessly said, his eyes fixed on the distant aircraft carrier, and then walked towards it step by step.

Although he knew he didn't have much fighting power, he couldn't watch his benefactor die!

Even if it is insignificant, he will try his best to help Dr. Lin!

But as he walked towards the edge of the deck.

Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong

There was a series of violent explosions on the carrier deck in the distance.

Then the huge aircraft carrier was completely split in the middle, and then the huge ship began to sink a little bit!

The carrier has sunk!

Fang Qilin was a little stunned. He didn't wait for him to recover.


A streamer suddenly flew from the sinking aircraft carrier in the distance and hit the deck directly behind him.


Immediately, the steel deck of the aircraft carrier exploded on the spot.

Fang Qilin's pupil shrinks, and he turns his head hard.

At a glance, he was a fool.

That streamer is a head!

The head is not someone else, it is the head of Weixin who left earlier

"Are you all right then?" Lin Yang jumps over from a distance and lands beside Fang Qilin again. He asks faintly. www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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