At the moment, Lin Yang is like a god of war, destroying the coastline crazily.

No matter the fort or the fighter plane, it was like tofu in his eyes, and all of them were destroyed.

After a while, all the fort burst, and more than a dozen fighters were shot down. The rest of the fighters did not dare to get close, so they could only circle in the distance to strafe.

The coast line is in flames.

The fire is burning!

"The enemy is too strong! Request support! Ask for support

Commander Hirosuke Kojima shouts with a walkie talkie.

He stares big eyes and looks at the figure like a God in horror. His head is about to burst.

On both sides of the coastal defense line, Sakura warriors are still watching coldly.

A man with two scars on his nose in a red cape glanced at Lin Yang and said hoarsely: "Mr. Fu, are we going to do it like this? If it goes on like this, the self defense forces will be destroyed. "

"Don't worry. Let the self defense forces play more with that guy. When his physical exertion is almost the same, we will start to make it easy." Next came a man dressed in black tights and a ghost mask on his face.


"You may not know that this man is invulnerable now. None of us can hurt him until his strength is exhausted!" Evil spirits mask humanity.

People frown when they hear it.

"I see. I see." Scar man whispered.

"I can see through the martial arts of the Dragon Kingdom at a glance. Besides, the mobile team should be coming soon. Let the mobile team try the real bottom line of Dr. Lin for us!" The clothing department adult laughs a way.

As his words fell to the ground, the distant place suddenly boomed with bursts of vibration.

The warriors of Sakura kingdom all looked up and screamed out.

"Look, the mobile troops are coming!"

People looked at the sea in unison.

But a huge aircraft carrier came this way.

This aircraft carrier is much bigger than before. It's dark all over and it's coming through the waves!

The rolling waves were so violent that it seemed that the whole aircraft carrier was going to split the sea.

On the top of the aircraft carrier, there are a large number of mobile troops with special weapons in their armor.

These are the troops that Sakura has spent a lot of money to build.

Every member of the army has been practicing martial arts since childhood and has strong physical quality. They are equipped with the most advanced equipment and weapons in the world. They carry a load of 300 Jin. The power of these armor weapons is no less than that of a tank.

That is to say, the thousands of people standing on the aircraft carrier are almost equivalent to thousands of the most powerful tanks in the world!

It's horrible!

Such combat power is enough to level a city easily in 5 minutes!

"Is this the mobile force that is claimed to be built with one billion people? Ha ha, in this case, Dr. Lin really has a lot of trouble. " A cherry blossom warrior said with a smile.

"Get ready, the mobile troops should be able to consume a lot of physical strength of Dr. Lin, but it will be more difficult to kill him! These mobile forces are built by the state with a lot of money. We can't let Dr. Lin destroy them! Let's bury Dr. Lin here! " The man who called the service department came forward with a smile, and his hand had been pressed on the Ninja knife he was carrying behind him.

The crowd was ready to go.

One by one, they looked at Lin Yang like prey.

Everyone's eyes are full of pity and smile.

In their eyes, Lin Yang is as ridiculous as a clown.


At this time, Lin Yang jumped up and stood at the top of Gao Song's Lighthouse by the sea.

He held his hands back and looked at the coming aircraft carrier with a strange light in his eyes.

"What is he going to do?"


The warriors here joked.

"Isn't he going to attack the mobile forces?" Scar man frowned.

"It's interesting. I thought Dr. Lin would run straight to our hinterland to fight with Nakagawa. I didn't expect that he didn't go and wanted to attack instead. What a arrogant guy!" The Ministry of clothing squinted.

"What shall we do, my lord?"

"No hurry, didn't I say that? Let him play first. When Dr. Lin moves his hand, we will re block the coastline. At that time, he will have mobile troops in front of him, and then we will intercept him. Let's see where he will escape! " The Ministry of clothing said with a smile.

The crowd nodded.

"Mr. Fu is so wise!"

Boom, boom

The huge aircraft carrier stopped.

The mobile troops above all start their own weapons and equipment, aiming at Lin Yang.

All of a sudden, Lin Yang's body appeared a large number of infrared light spot collimators, which covered every part of his body.

"Intruder, please lie on the ground and surrender immediately, otherwise, we will clear you according to the relevant regulations of the great cherry empire! We will not repeat the second time, please surrender immediately! Surrender at once

The sound of a horn came from a huge aircraft carrier. However, Lin Yang didn't pay attention to it. Instead, he stepped a little. Suddenly, the man ejected from the tower and rushed directly to the aircraft carrier. Click! The tower was shattered by the force coming from his feet??? Clear the target The people on the aircraft carrier didn't talk too much. They immediately drank too much. All of a sudden. Chirp! Chirp! Chirp! Chirp... A lot of ammunition, such as laser version, directly covered Lin Yang's body. Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong... These strange ammunition will explode directly after touching Lin Yang. The ammunition contains special gas, which is particularly effective for the warrior. It can restrain the warrior's Qi strength, paralyze the warrior's limbs and muscles, and make them lose their combat power in a short time. Even the powerful warrior, the combat power will be greatly reduced, which is difficult to compete. With this special ammunition, the mobile troops have killed many super strong men in the world. But this time, they are facing Dr. Lin! The dust in the ammunition also belongs to medicine. How can we deal with Lin Yang? See Lin Yang quickly toward the chest on a needle, spin son heavily landed on the deck of the aircraft carrier. Mobile units are still frantically shooting at him. But... He didn't fight back. Instead, he stares at the mobile troops around, suddenly raises his fist, roars, accumulates all his strength, and then smashes it toward the deck of the aircraft carrier. Dong! The fist hit. All of a sudden, incomparable power spread all over the world. The deck burst instantly, and the force did not stop, once again covering the whole body of the aircraft carrier. Click! Click! Pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop. The broken iron splashed. A large number of instruments burst. Then, the terrible huge aircraft carrier sank to the bottom of the sea a little bit. All the cherry blossom warriors who are talking and laughing and want to see the play are stupid??? One punch... Sank the carrier? " Scar man was stunned. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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