"Teacher, how can this be...? what should we do now?" Yihuo was a little flustered, and his teeth were trembling gently.

"He can't be killed at all! Is he a demon? Is he immortal? " The water divination is still shaking.

"You two will fight with me!"

Finally, the old man stopped caring and decided to find help.

They swallowed their saliva and stood in front of them.

"Teacher, what are we going to do?" Shuibu asked cautiously.

"You don't have to be afraid. Although he can't fight, he is not invincible. He also has flaws. I already know how to kill him! You come with me and help me contain this person! His speed, strength and even reaction are not so exaggerated. As long as I subdue him, I can dig out his heart. I don't believe that a person can live without a heart! " The old man said coldly.

When they heard the sound, their eyes brightened.

"Teacher, let's act!" Cried Shuibu.

"Do it!"

The old man cried.

They burst out in an instant.

They each drew a short sword from somewhere. It looked like a samurai sword, and it was not as slender as a samurai sword. It was closer to a ninja sword.

Lin Yang stood still and looked sideways.

However, people rushing from left to right suddenly disappeared.

It's invisible.

Seeing this, Lin Yang understood.

This man named Yihuo and Shuibu should know something about Ninjutsu and Bushido.

Whoosh, whoosh

There's a lot of air breaking overhead.

Lin Yang looked up and saw a large number of charms falling from the sky, like raindrops stabbing to this side.

He was ready to dodge, but he saw two figures flashing around him, carrying two terrible swords to attack and kill, blocking his escape route.

Lin Yang can't leave at the first time, and is naturally covered by bitterness.

But no thorn, no flesh.

Lin Yang frowned and was about to fight back.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang

The curse of suffering all burst, violent explosion will swallow up Linyang.

Taking advantage of the gap between the explosion, fire and water divination into two shadows, crazy in Linyang around.

Instead of waving the blade, they moved back and forth with the chain.

It lasted about 20 seconds, and the two men stopped panting.

They were sweating so hard that they could hardly stand, but their hands were still dragging the chain.

When the explosion was over, the dust settled, and Lin Yang's appearance was revealed.

His clothes were blown up in rags, but his skin and flesh were still intact without any scars. However, his body was bound by the chain of three circles inside and three circles outside. Yihuo and Shuibu grasped one hair of the chain to restrain Lin Yang.

This chain is not an ordinary iron chain. It's made of special materials. There are unique patterns on it. It's mysterious and tight. It's not easy to break free.

"Teacher!" They screamed.

"Well done! Leave it to me next! "

The old man's eyes were fixed on Lin Yang. He rushed to Lin Yang's heart with one hand.

The dead hand seemed to be harder than steel and sharper than sword.

Before his hand came near, Lin Yang could feel the bitter cold and blade Qi above

"Old man, you and I should fight one on one? Why? " Lin Yang was not in a hurry and gave a shout.

But the old man didn't pay attention at all, and his old eyes showed his killing intention!

At this moment, he just wanted to kill Lin Yang!

Lin Yang's eyebrows were tight. Seeing that the old man kept on, he immediately urged his strength, intending to launch Wu Shen's body to defend this move.

But as soon as the body of the martial god was ready to move, he felt that there was a strange flow of air on the iron chain, and it disappeared into his body.

Lin Yang's face was stunned, and he quickly stopped launching the Wushen body.

At this time, it's too late to use the body of martial god. We can only protect the lifeblood first.

However, Wu Shen's body just stopped.


The old man's five fingers have pierced Lin Yang's chest, as if holding his heart, it is a pinch.


Lin Yang's heart is directly broken, and his mouth is spewing blood.

"It's a success!"

The righteous fire and Shuibu are very happy and shout one after another.

The old man snorted and looked at Lin Yang coldly: "this time, you must die, right?"

Finish saying, then want to send force to grasp its heart.

But at this time, Lin Yang, who was tied by the iron chain, suddenly hit his head hard against the old man.


The old man was caught off guard. His head was hit by Lin Yang's forehead. The blood splashed three feet. The tianlinggai was broken, and the man fell on the ground and rolled several times.


Yihuo and Shuibu's smile froze.

But see Lin Yang suddenly low roar, arms crazy force. The chains in their hands trembled“ No, he wants to break free! Shuibu! Don't let him break free. Hold on! Come on The righteous fire shouts urgently. Water Bu clenched his teeth, his hands tightly tied the iron chain, and he did not dare to relax. They tried their best to keep the iron chain in Lin Yang's control, but after Lin Yang's heart injury, he didn't have any deficiency of Qi, on the contrary, his strength became stronger and stronger. Two people along with Lin Yang's struggle, is dragged by the iron chain a little toward Lin Yang to move. Lin Yang kept turning his body to drag them in. No! If he is pulled in again, Lin Yang will be beaten one by one. They are not as tough as the old man. Are they afraid that they will die on the spot? When the righteous fire saw that the situation was not good, he immediately drank and cried out, "water divination! Let go Water bu also know can't hold on, two people at the same time let go, jump back. And the moment you let go. Boom!! With a long roar, Lin Yang broke his iron chain. When they saw this, they were all shocked“ No way. I've crushed your heart. Why aren't you dead? Are you... Are you human or not? " The old man's face is full of blood. He gets up in a panic and looks at Lin Yang in shock“ Although my heart is broken, it's still connected to my lifeblood. My lifeblood is still there. It slowly recovers under the effect of the medicine I took in advance. How can I die? " Lin Yang is hoarse. The old man was shocked. Emotional Lin Yang took life-saving drugs in advance“ Teacher, what should I do now? " Yihuo and Shuibu came back and looked at the old man with a shudder“ This guy's medical skills are too strong. I don't know if he has taken any other life-saving drugs or used other life-saving methods. So it seems that if he doesn't break him up, he won't be able to kill him! " The old man was cold“ Are there thousands of pieces? "“ Teacher, what should we do? "“ It's simple. You two go over and hold him down first, and buy time for the teacher. I'll try to subdue him. " The old man went down the road“ Shall we go and hold him They stare at the old man with big eyes. Isn't this... Death“ Yes? Are you going to disobey my orders? " The old man asked coldly“ Don't dare... We don't dare... "Then go“ "Is..." two people hard scalp pull out short knife again, looked at each other, walked toward Lin Yang. But the old man is back two steps, see two people toward Linyang launched charge, unexpectedly is suddenly turn around, turn around run! www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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