White disaster water is still reading and drinking tea in the room of Linyang.

Although she has been locked up for many days, she is not in a hurry and is not afraid of Lin Yang's killing her.

However, the adjudicators and those who refuse to punish are more and more anxious.

They don't know when Lin Yang is going to lock them up.

The next morning, Lin Yang led Zhang Qiye to the banquet venue of the Business League.

The banquet is said to be a celebration of the 280 th anniversary of the establishment of the Business League.

The person who held the ceremony was Hua'an, who was originally the head of a business alliance. But after Bai nianshui was kidnapped by Lin Yang, Hua'an's influence in the business alliance became more and more powerful, and he had the attitude of a business alliance speaker.

The banquet was not held in the headquarters of the commercial League, but at the entrance of a commercial League hall in Zhongzhou city.

This branch entrance is the largest one in the Business League, and the person in charge of it is Hua An.

When you get off the plane, the business alliance will send a special car to pick you up.

More than a dozen rolls Royces have been standing outside the airport for a long time, all of which are responsible for transporting guests from all over the world.

It seems that there are not a few people who are invited by the business alliance, and Lin Yang is not the only one who is doubted by the business alliance.

Thinking of this, Lin Yang was relieved.

"Dr. Lin, I'm wearing a mask at the banquet of the Business League. Aren't you afraid to attract attention?" Zhang Qiye hesitated and asked in a low voice.

"The business alliance is linked to the general assembly. It is of a special nature. The people who attend the banquet must be all kinds of people. The strange people and different people occupy it. You are nothing." Lin yangdan road.

Zhang Qiye nodded.

Soon, Rolls Royce stopped in front of the largest hotel in Zhongzhou city.

Under the guidance of the waiter, they went directly to the open-air banquet hall at the top of the hotel.

At the moment, the banquet hall is extremely luxurious.

The floor of the banquet hall is all made of gold, and all the wine cups and tableware are made of crystal.

The ingredients for the banquet are extremely rare. Almas caviar, white truffle and so on are just ordinary things. Even a bottle of mineral water on the table is Beverly Hills mineral water with a price of 100000 yuan.

Lin Yang has seen a lot of big scenes.

But it's the first time I've seen such a luxurious scene.

"It's a Business League. It's really rich and powerful!" Even Zhang Qiye was filled with emotion.

Although he was honored as the devil, he didn't look rich.

"Doctor Lin? Ah, ah, nice to meet you! It's a great honor for us to have you here! "

At this time, a middle-aged man came over with a smile and shook hands with Lin Yang.

"Your Excellency?"

"This is Mr. Hua An, the acting leader of our business alliance." The person beside introduces a way.

"Deputy leader?"

Lin Yang frowned.

"If the leader of the alliance is missing, the business alliance can not be without a leader. As you happen to value me again, you will appoint me as the acting leader of the alliance." Hua An said with a smile.

"I see. Congratulations to the flower leader." Lin Yang said with a smile.

"Well, what can I congratulate you on? The white alliance leader's whereabouts are unknown, and his life and death are uncertain. I can't find the white alliance leader one day. I'm the acting alliance leader. I'm ashamed. " Hua An sighed, and xuan'er laughed again: "it's you, Dr. Lin. you've really been in the limelight in recent days! Cherry Blossom country, you can be regarded as winning glory for your country. It's amazing. Ha ha ha... "

"You're welcome, alliance leader Hua. People like yokichi Nakagawa are just clowns. Even if I don't fight, you will be able to defeat them easily and defend the martial arts of our country. It's nothing." Lin Yang shook his head.

"Yes? But I heard that Baqi, the patron saint of Sakura Kingdom, has been defeated by you. Then Nakagawa is a clown. Should this Baqi still be on the table? " Hua An said with a smile, but her eyes looked up and down at Lin Yang, like looking for something.

"Also live together, also live together..." Lin Yang hit ha ha, casually perfunctory in the past.

Seeing this, Hua An said with a smile, "Dr. Lin has been working hard all the way. Come here. You'd better take a seat first. There will be several programs in the evening party. I hope Dr. Lin can take part in more."

"What program?"

"Ha ha, Doctor Lin will know later."

Hua An sold a pass, then went to greet other guests.

It's difficult for Lin Yang to understand, but it's not easy to ask.

"Dr. Lin, there's something wrong."

At this time, Zhang Qiye lowered his voice.

"What's the problem?" Lin Yang side head.

"Don't you see? Is there too much security for the business alliance in this banquet hall? Their people are everywhere! This is the entrance of the Business League. In principle, there is no need to send so many people? " Zhang Qiye said: "these people are enough to block the whole scene."

"Blockade?" Lin Yang's face tightened.

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