When Lin Yang left, the people behind Qiao Xin went up quietly.

Many guests saw it and shook their heads one by one, knowing Qiao Xin's intention.

This time, Dr. Lin is going to have bad luck.

Someone sighed.

Naturally, she also saw some of the Qiao family members who had left. She was very angry and came over with a cold face: "Qiao Xin! What are your people doing? "

"There's something to do."

"What can I do for you? Is it going to plot against Dr. Lin? I'll tell you, Joseon! Don't mess about. Call them back quickly Tsai gayan denounced.

Qiao Xin said with a smile: "Yan, do you have to ask my Qiao family when they go out to do business? Don't you think it's a little nosy? You're not from the Qiao family. You don't have the right to ask questions. "

"What did you say? Don't you look down on me? " Tsai was furious.

But Qiao Xin laughed again, shrugged and said, "no, I don't mean that! But I think you are very interested in my Qiao family. Let me teach you a way, you can ask me everything about Qiao family

"What way?"

"Simply, don't you just marry into my Qiao family and become a member of my Qiao family?" Qiao Xin said with a smile.

"Ha ha..."

The guests around burst into laughter.

She was extremely angry and her charming face was as cold as frost.

But after all, she held back her temper and nodded gently: "OK! Good, you joshin! It's really you. We're not done with this! "

Then he turned and left.

Qiao Xin squints at Cai Gaiyan, and the corners of his mouth rise, quite proud.

"Bitch, if it wasn't for the energy of the Cai family, I would care about you?" Josephine whispered.

"Mr. Qiao, can we treat Mr. Yi? If you don't treat it again, I'm afraid you'll miss the best time to cure. " At this time, Hua An came and said.

"Oh, no! Cure! It's important to treat the sick and save the people! "

Jotham laughed and immediately turned to the sofa next to him.

Yi congenitally was lifted to the sofa, and someone pressed his chin to prevent him from biting his tongue because of convulsions.

Joe letter up but don't look, toward the side people make a wink, others understand, immediately take a delicate wooden box, handed to Joe letter.

Qiao Xin opened the wooden box and found that there were a lot of bottles in it.

He took out one at random, poured out a pill from it, and put it into Yi Xianren's mouth.

For a moment, Yi congenitally, who was still convulsing, suddenly stopped shaking. He took a hard breath and then closed his eyes and went to sleep.

"Well? No more

"He's... okay?"

"Oh, my God, doctor!"

"No, no!"

The crowd was amazed.

Does a small pill make Yi congenitally recover as before?

Isn't that amazing?

"Master Qiao, it's all right?" Hua An Leng next, can't help opening a way.

"Yes! Mr. Yi is all right now, and I promise he has no problem at all He said with a smile.

When people around heard it, they all looked disbelieving.

"Can a small pill solve Mr. Yi's illness? Can it be so magical? What kind of medicine is this? Is it a elixir? " Some guests couldn't help saying.

"It's not elixir, it's better than elixir!" Qiao Xin said with a smile.

Hua An side first way: "send someone to check."


A businessman who knows some medical skills will come forward immediately.

But at this time, Yi congenitally opened his eyes.

"Hey, wake up! Wake up

Someone screamed.

All the people around gathered together.

"How are you feeling, Mr. Yi?"

"Are you better?"

"Is there anything else

The people around said one after another.

Yi congenitally a little confused, looked around his eyes, and then said, "what happened?"

"Don't you know, Mr. Yi? You were ill just now. Master Qiao Xin cured you Someone explained.

"Sick again? Why can't I feel it at all, and now I feel full of strength. I've never been so comfortable in my life! How can I get sick? "

Yi Xianren looks surprised.

"Oh? Mr. Yi, do you think you are in good health? " Hua An came up and asked.

"Of course, I feel like I can shoot a cow with one punch now!" The way of heaven comes first.

People at the scene were in an uproar, and they all looked at Qiao Xin with admiration.

"Miracle doctor

"A pill will make Mr. Yi recover, and he is as strong as a man of age. How powerful!"

"No wonder Mr. Qiao is so confident. How can he not be better than Dr. Lin?"

"The Qiao family is really full of talents."

"It's amazing."

The guests all thumbed up and praised.

Hua an also laughed and picked up the glass: "come on! Let's drink to Dr. Joe

"To Dr. Qiao!"

The guests all raised their glasses.

"You're welcome! You're welcome! Ha ha ha ha

Josephine laughed and drank with pride.

However, just after a glass of wine


Yi congenitally suddenly covered his abdomen and vomited a mouthful of blood.


The people around screamed in horror and backed away quickly.

Then he saw Yi congenitally rolling down directly from the sofa, his old body twitching again, his mouth bleeding constantly, and his eyes rolling.


"This... This... What's going on?"

The guests gaped in shock.

"Mr. Qiao! This Hua An's face sank and asked in a hurry.

"Don't worry! Don't worry! Maybe the medicine is not in place! "

Qiao Xin was sweating. He took another pill from the wooden box and put it into Yi Xianren's mouth.

I didn't expect this plug.


Yi congenitally sent out a scream, and then a crooked neck, fell to the ground, no movement.

People's hearts were raised to their throats.

"Mr. Yi! Mr. Yi Hua An shouts.

But Yi congenitally has no reaction.

He seemed to be aware of something. He put his hand carefully under Yi Xianren's nose for a moment, and then pressed his hand on his chest.

A moment later, Hua An's face was white and dignified, and suddenly stood up.

"He's dead!"

Three simple words came out of Hua An's mouth.

Joseon retreated, almost unsteadily.

All the guests were in an uproar, staring at Qiao Xin.

This great doctor Qiao actually cured a living man to death

This is a member of the business alliance!

This is the Business League's territory!

How should Qiao Xin explain this?

"Impossible... Absolutely impossible... My medicine is a panacea. It can cure all diseases! Even the dead can live after eating it! He... How could he die? Absolutely impossible! Something must be wrong! " Joe Xin's lips trembled and he cried eagerly.

"Mr. Qiao, it's too late to say anything now. People are gone. Should you give an account to our business alliance?" A man from the business alliance was angry.

"This... This..."

Josephine was shaking so much that he didn't know what to say.

When people saw Qiao Xin's bewilderment, they immediately knew that this guy didn't know medicine at all.

What we rely on is all that kind of pills

But Hua An was quite calm and said in a deep voice: "the most important thing about Qiao Xin is to deal with Yi Xianren! Come on, go and get Dr. Lin back immediately. Now we can only see if Dr. Lin has any way to save the situation. "

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