Let the head of Qiao family come here to see Lin Yang?

arabian nights!

Qiao Xin is safe and sound. In fact, for them, the task has been completed.

It doesn't matter whether the more than 20 Qiao family members can be saved or not. At least they have an account of Qiao Xin's father.

If Lin Yang refuses to cooperate, they don't mind abandoning Lin Yang here and taking him back to Qiao's home.

"Lin, you don't seem to know the situation. Do you think you are qualified?" Qiao Bao light says, have already secretly accumulated Qi strength.

Qiao Hu's look was also cold and cold. He stared at Lin Yang and said, "let our master come here in person? I'm afraid you will be overturned! The dog and the fowl are restless

"Yes? I'm looking forward to that. Oh, yes, the room over there is for you. You can live there. "

Lin Yang pointed to the corner of the room.

"Interesting! Ha ha, very interesting

Qiao Bao laughed angrily, and his killing intention became more and more intense.

"Qiao Bao!"

Qiao Hu gave a light drink.

"I see." Qiao Bao nodded and said: "young master, you stand behind us. Don't run around. Now we are ordered to take Doctor Lin back!"

"Don't kill him. It's better to scrap him and take him back. I'll torture him!" Qiao Xin said grimly.

They didn't talk, but they went forward together and were ready to start.

Lin Yang is still sitting on the chair, calm, indifferent looking at two people.

And so are the rest of the people in the lounge.

Although the atmosphere was very depressing, they didn't seem to feel it at all.

This can make Qiao Hu and Qiao Bao confused.

Doctor Lin is so calm. What can he rely on?

It doesn't matter!

Qiao Bao snorted and planned to start first.

But just as he was about to lift his arm to kill, a voice came suddenly.

"What? Dr. Lin, have you invited a new guest? "

As soon as these words came out, they couldn't help looking back.

In a flash, Qiao Baoru was struck by lightning, silly in the same place, lost his voice and said: "you are... Yan hate adult?"

It's yanhen, the leader of the Apocalypse adjudication team!


Yan hate a Leng, saw an eye Qiao Bao, half ring just recognize is who: "you are that Qiao's Qiao Bao?"

"It's me. I can still remember yanhen. I'm really honored. But how can you be here, yanhen?" Qiao Bao Leng Leng asked.

Qiao's family has had some cooperation with the business alliance, and the business alliance has a lot to do with the Congress. Naturally, Qiao Bao has a chance to contact the Congress.

And in a chance, Qiao Bao saw the talent of Tianqi adjudication team, especially the team leader Yan hen, which made him admire.

However, hearing Qiao Bao's inquiry, Yan hen's expression was a little strange. After a while, he said, "why am I here? Isn't it the same as you? "

"Just like us?" Qiao Bao was stunned, and Xuan Er sneered: "it seems that the Doctor Lin is really angry! Even the general assembly has to deal with you. It seems that today will be the end of Dr. Lin! "

"Clean up?"

Yan hen can't understand Qiao Bao's words.

Instead, Qiao Hu patted Qiao Bao on the shoulder.

"Well?" Qiao Bao looked at Qiao Hu in confusion.

At the moment Qiao Hu, already is a face shock and inconceivable, silly looking at burning hate, as if lost soul.

"What's the matter with you? Why is that expression? " Qiao Bao asked.

"Qiao Bao, this... This man... Is really the leader of the Apocalypse ruling team... Lord yanhen?" Qiao Hu asked.

"Yes, you haven't, have you? I had a meeting with Captain Yan hen, and I can be regarded as a friend. " Qiao Bao said with a smile.

"No mistake?"

"How can it be? Never admit your mistake! What's the matter with you? " Qiao Bao can't understand more and more.

But this words fall to the ground, Qiao Hu's complexion frightens white, abruptly retreated a few steps.

Next to Qiao Xin, he almost lost his footing.

"What's the matter with you..." Qiao Bao opened his mouth and felt something was wrong.

For a long time, Qiao Hu recovered, but he took a few breaths one after another and said in a trembling voice: "you were closed for half a year, and you didn't know what happened outside! This day, the ruling team... Has been missing for half a year! "

"Missing?" Qiao Baoru was struck by lightning.

"The Congress sent thousands of people to investigate the disappearance of the Apocalypse ruling team, but no trace was found. If this person is yanhen, the leader of the Apocalypse ruling team, that is to say..."

"That's right."

Don't wait for Qiao Hu to finish saying, burning hate facial expressionless way: "we are incompetent, made the captives of Doctor Lin, be imprisoned here..."


Qiao Xin, Qiao Bao and Qiao Hu were extremely shocked.

The Apocalypse verdict team was captured by someone else

"Those two over there are members of my Apocalypse ruling team." Yan hen points to the two men who played billiards before.

Joseon trembled and couldn't believe it.

But the next second, burning hate is the impact of people's brain and soul.

He raised his hand again, pointed to the woman reading in the corner and said hoarsely, "as for this one, you should be familiar with it!"

"She... Who is she?" Qiao Bao asked tremblingly.

"The leader of the business alliance, white water is a curse!" Burning hate hoarse way.

Poop, poop!

Joseon sat down on the floor.

Qiaohu and Qiaobao are just like statues, stupid in the same place

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