"The General Assembly? Dr. Lin, if you want to get some news about the conference from me, I advise you to give up. I know what will happen if you betray the conference! I'm not going to take that risk. " White disaster water continues to stare at the book, light says.

"Do you know Hua An?" Lin Yang asked suddenly.

This words a fall, white disaster water's canthus swept an eye Lin Yang, that facial expression is particularly amorous feelings ten thousand kinds.

But soon she moved her eyes to the paper and said, "I know, this guy is not at ease. He has been staring at the position of the leader of the Business League, and he has done some actions in private. I can tolerate the previous things, but he has stepped on my line more and more. I was going to transfer him out of the Business League this year, but I didn't want to be caught here by you. Why? Has Hua An taken my place

"He is the acting leader now. It's only a matter of time before he wants to sit on the leader!"

"I knew that this thief should be removed! When I leave here, the first thing is to kill the thief. " White disaster water light way, as if to say a very common thing.

I think she has a lot of energy.

But Lin Yang shook his head: "if so, I'm afraid I can't let you succeed."

"Oh?" White disaster water raises Mou to stare at him: "caught?"

"Well, yes. Now Hua An and I have a cooperative relationship. I help him become the leader of the business alliance, and he gives me some information I need. If you don't cooperate with me, I will naturally choose him between you and him. " Lin Yang shrugged.

"You have some means. In that case, what else do you want to talk to me about?" White disaster water don't understand of ask.

Lin Yang took out a small porcelain vase from his arms and put it on the table.

"Let's make a deal. You tell me something about the meeting. I'll give you the medicine in this bottle, OK?"

"Just a few pills, like making me give in? Doctor Lin, you really look down on me. " White water said with a smile.

"It's not an ordinary pill." Lin Yang looks rather serious.

"What kind of medicine is this?" White water scattered asked.



White disaster water's expression suddenly a stiff, inconceivable looking at Lin Yang, Ning asked: "what did you just say? This is... What's Dan? "

"Stay! Yan! Dan Lin Yang answered word by word.

"In the face?"

White disaster water breathing slightly tight, looking at the porcelain vase on the table a little distracted.

No woman can resist the temptation to keep her face and youth forever.

It's a woman's nature to love beauty.

White water is no exception.

As for money and power, she doesn't pay much attention to them. As the leader of the business alliance, she needs them most.

But if it's long-term beauty... Then she has to be moved.

If someone else takes out a bottle of elixir and says it's Zhuyan elixir, the water of white disaster will definitely not believe it, but it's taken out by Dr. Lin, it's mostly effective

"How long will it last?" White disaster water stammered lower lip, light ask a way.

"One pill a year, there are 23 pills in it. You take one every other month, and after taking it all, your face will not change in 23 years, and will stay forever!" Lin Yang said with a smile.

Bai Yingshui didn't say a word and seemed to hesitate.

At this time, Lin Yang took out a small porcelain vase from his arms and put it on the table.

"It's enough for me to live more than 100 years in my life. It's a waste for me that you give more to YAN Dan." White disaster water swept a way.

"This bottle is not zhuyandan." Lin Yang said with a smile.

"What's that?"

"Back to YAN Dan!"

"Back... Back to YAN Dan?"

White disaster water brain bag trembled, fragrant tongue almost didn't bite, some inconceivable: "that... What pill is that?"

"As the name suggests, it's the elixir that can rejuvenate after taking it! Taking this pill can make your face return to 18 years old Lin Yang said with a smile.

This word falls, white calamity, the book in the sailor all cannot take firm.

She stares big autumn Mou, unbelievable looking at Lin Yang, for a long time, just Na Na of say: "you... Really can refine such medicine?"

"Master Bai Meng, you seem to be questioning my medical skills! Why don't you take it first and try it. When you think it's effective, you can talk to me. How about that? " Lin Yang said with a smile.

"OK... I have to try..."

White disaster water is almost without hesitation, immediately agreed to come down.

"In that case, let you have a try, lest you don't believe me."

Lin Yang picked up the bottle on the table and poured out two pills.

White disaster water sees this, not from a Leng: "what are you doing?"

"Since it's a trial, it won't be given to you completely. If you take these two pills first, it should have an effect in the next two months. But if you stop, the effect will dissipate, and the effect will regress. If you don't continue to take the medicine, it will still regress to the way it was before taking the medicine. When you believe it, you can get the medicine from me."

With that, Lin Yang got up and left.


The water of white calamity wants to talk and stops, but he gives up in the end.

She looked at the pills on the eye table and grabbed them in the palm of her hand

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