
Hua Mu almost screamed.

The ambulance stopped at the side of the road with a sharp brake.

She was pale and rushed to grab Hua Qingsong's cell phone and dialed the number that had just been called.

But no matter how she called, the phone couldn't get through.

"What's going on? Didn't you say that the Medical Association of M has promised to treat my son? Why did they all of a sudden turn back? " Hua Mu shouts at Hua Qingsong.

"I don't know." Huaqing clenched his hands and clenched his teeth.

A moment later, he grabbed his cell phone and dialed several overseas numbers.

But after a moment, he still shook his head and said hoarsely, "I asked several friends from m country, and they all said that if it was the decision made by Vice President Anna, no one can change it, even the President..."

"how could this happen?" Hua's mother was as pale as death, sitting on a chair, and the whole person seemed to have lost her soul.

"I'm afraid... All this has something to do with Dr. Lin." Hua Qing holds the mobile phone to say coldly.

"The one named Lin?" Hua Mu raised her head abruptly.

"Do you remember a phone call he made when he left? Think about what he said when he called! "


after thinking, a trace of horror passed through her eyes. Obviously, she remembered the previous picture, and then her voice trembled: "impossible... This is absolutely impossible! How can a small Chinese medicine doctor order a medical association? And Miss Anna? Fake! It must be fake! "

Hua's mother obviously can't accept it.

That's the international medical organization! It represents the world's most advanced medical level, is how many people stretch their necks to contact.

The Chinese family has a good reputation in China. I have to make an appointment to ask the medical organization of M country for help. But Dr. Lin actually asked the Medical Association to refuse him as soon as he called?

Is it possible that Lin's face is bigger than that of the Hua family?

This is absolutely impossible!

Hua Mu was trembling. She couldn't believe it.

"Face the reality, do you remember Miss Anna came to Jiangcheng to watch the competition during the Chinese and Korean medical war?" Hua Qingsong said lightly.

"Do you mean..."

"I think the friendship between Dr. Lin and Miss Anna should have been established at that time. Dr. Lin represents Chinese medicine in our country, and medical organizations in M will naturally attach importance to Dr. Lin, so I think the friendship between Dr. Lin and Miss Anna is only based on interests! It's not reliable. "

"So it is..."

"it is surprising that Dr. Lin's energy is so vast that his hands have been extended abroad. In this way, our son's illness is not easy to cure..." Hua Qingsong sighed.

"No! It can't be like this! We just have such a son, we can't let him become a queen, can't! " "Qingsong, you have to think of a way, you must think of a way to save our son! You have to do something about it! "

She was shaking Hua Qingsong's hand.

Hua Qingsong shook his hand fiercely and murmured: "don't make any noise!"

Hua Mu sobbed.

"So far, I can only ask for help from the man surnamed Lin Hua Qing loose face has no expression way.

"What? Who is Lin? I've said that I'd rather die than go to the man named Lin! " Hua Mu screamed.

"Who else can we look for if we don't look for him? Didn't you ask me to save my son? Now that this is the time, do we have any other way to choose from? " Hua Qingsong glared at her and growled.

Hua Mu is silent.

Hua Qingsong took a deep breath. He wanted to light a cigarette, but looking at the closed carriage, he put the cigarette away again. He said coldly, "I know you have gas in your heart. Why don't I? But don't worry. Let's go and ask Dr. Lin for help. When we've settled this matter, we'll settle our account with him. "

"You mean I'm going to compromise first..." Hua's mother asked.

"Save the child first." Huaqing songdan road.

Hua's mother clenched her teeth in secret and still did not speak.


"Sir, what can I do for you?"

"Back up Dali immediately, and then go to the Pearl Hotel!"

"Yes, sir

Soon, the ambulance drove to the Pearl Hotel.


at the moment, Lin Yang stands in front of the French windows in the presidential suite of Pearl Hotel, enjoying the night view of Shanghai quietly.

He knows what the Hua family has done.

Ma Hai was taught a lesson, but fortunately he was not seriously injured. Lin Yang came here not only for the hospital, but also to solve the enemy of the Yanghua group.

But he's not going to use force anymore.

first, because the recent Canton Liu and the southern school have already attracted the attention of Yanjing, Lin Yang has placed an eye liner in Yanjing, and naturally knows the trend there. It is said that someone has come to Jiangcheng to investigate.Second, because the situation in Shanghai is much more complicated than before. If he moves his hand, it will only lead to more trouble.

Lin Yang's current focus is still on Yanjing. Before that, he didn't want to set up too many enemies.

Of course.

He didn't come here to ask for an apology from the Chinese family.

What he wants is a sum of money, a sum of money, how to calculate, how to calculate!

Buzzing... Buzzing...

at this time, the mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

Did the Hua family finally call?

Lin Yang put down his glass and went to the desk to pick up the phone.

But as soon as he looked at the number, his brow wrinkled.

Hesitated next, Lin Yang still connected the number.

"Are you Lin Yang?"

There was a cold, arrogant voice over the phone.

"It's me. Who are you?" Lin Yang asked.

Even though he knew who he was, he had to ask.

"I am the master! As for my name, you are not qualified to know my name, especially you, a wild animal Said the man coldly.


"Wild... Are you talking about me?" Lin Yang narrowed his eyes, and his eyes were full of killing intention.

"Or how many wild species do we have in the Lin family?" The man snorted and said, "it's said that there is a doctor named Dr. Lin in your Jiangcheng. It's arranged for you to contact Dr. Lin and investigate his identity. If possible, invite him to Yanjing, understand? Waste

"Why me? Do you think I can ask Dr. Lin for help Lin Yang light road.

"Why not? Everyone knows that Lin Dong, the miracle doctor of Lin, has a crush on your wife Su Yan. If you send Su Yan to his bed, can't you climb this big tree? Do well. This is the only chance. If you do it well, you can go back to the sidelines! "

The man said faintly, and then hung up the phone directly www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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