Lin Yang was taken to the guest room to have a rest.

"Don't go out without permission without the command of the virgin, otherwise there will be no amnesty for killing!" The Shenhuo island people who led him said coldly, then pulled the door and left.

Lin Yang shook his head. He was too lazy to take care of this man. He took out the medicine and acupuncture from himself and began to heal.

The rapid growth of the edge of the magma is completely due to the efficacy of Zaosheng pill prepared by Lin Yang. This pill can greatly improve the function and recovery ability of Lin Yang's body, and even make some non renewable organs grow, but the cost is very heavy, and it will make people poisoned.

So until the crisis, Lin Yang will not use this medicine.

One of the reasons for the use of drugs is to restore combat power quickly, and the other is to frighten the people of Shenhuo island.

Now it seems that the effect is very good.

After applying the medicine and the needle, Lin Yang went to sleep and conserved his energy.

It was late in the evening.

Bang bang.

There was a loud knock on the door.

Lin Yang was awakened in his sleep, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the door: "who?"

"Open the door, saint!" The people outside yelled.

Lin Yang was puzzled. He ran to open the door, but saw a Shenhuo Island man standing outside the door. He said coldly, "follow me quickly. The saint has set up a banquet to entertain you!"

With that, he turned around.

"Treat me?" Lin Yang was stunned: "well, why does the saint want to do this?"

"Why do you ask so many questions? Come here quickly The man cried impatiently.

Lin Yang frowned and thought, but he followed.

Soon, the man of Shenhuo Island led him to a huge building built on the hillside in the middle of the island.

At the moment, the building is full of wine and meat.

At first glance, there are two rows of tables on both sides of the hall, which are full of rich food. The elite high-rise doors of Shenhuo island are sitting at the table chatting about something, but no one moves chopsticks, as if they are waiting for someone.

As for the goddess of divine fire, she was still dressed in red, sitting on the top, like a queen, holding a glass of wine, quietly looking at the people below.

"Tell your holiness, Doctor Lin is here!" The people of Shenhuo island came forward to clasp their fists.

"Give me a seat."


The man then clasped his fist and said, "please."

Lin Yang looked at the seat, but there was only one seat next to the saint. He was puzzled and asked, "do I sit there?"

"Naturally." The saint nodded.

"All right."

Lin Yang is also not polite, big step meteor sat up, not polite.

Shenhuo island people on both sides all frowned.

"How kind of a man

"He didn't thank the lady. Didn't he know it was a grace from the Lord?"

"I'm afraid such a arrogant person can't get out of Shenhuo island!"

People whisper and spit.

But Lin Yang didn't care about the gossip. Instead, he said with a smile: "why do you hold a banquet for me? In principle, I still belong to the enemy relationship with Shenhuo Island, right

"It doesn't matter that the enemy is not the enemy. Our relationship can't be established before the master decides the result. The reason why we hold a banquet to entertain Dr. Lin is just to admire his medical skills." Said the virgin calmly.

"Is it?"

Lin Yang looked up and down around the saint. Suddenly the corner of his mouth rose. He seemed to understand something. He nodded gently: "interesting, interesting..."

The words fell into the saint's ear. Her slender willow eyebrows wrinkled and asked faintly, "why is Dr. Lin interesting?"

"My Lord, why do you know so well? I have already guessed three points of what you mean by setting up this game." Lin Yang said with a smile.

After hearing this, the virgin came to her interest and said with a smile, "OK, tell me about it."

Her smile really made the world pale.

Rao is also somewhat absent-minded.

This beauty, I'm afraid, can only be compared with Su Yan here, and Su Yan does not have her unique temperament, which is the temperament of the martial arts talents who have experienced countless waves of life and death

Lin Yang breathed and screamed fiercely. Then he said, "the purpose of your Majesty's banquet is just to see a doctor."

"What's wrong with me?"

"Your disease is very obscure, in the spleen, in the heart, in the lung, in the bone. At first, it seems to be all right, but if you look carefully, you can see a clue. It's a kind of substance that seems to be poisonous but not poisonous. According to my estimation, it may be the sequelae caused by your perennial practice of the fire burning skill of the divine fire venerable. In fact, it's not only you, but everyone here has it, but their illness is not as serious as you!" Lin Yang said.

The saint's eyes brightened when she said this.

"Dr. Lin really deserves to be a world-famous doctor. He is really powerful! Yes, I do have an injury. It's the sequela of practicing this fire skill. It's very difficult to remove it. I get sick once a month. Every time, I need my master's strength to suppress it for me. Otherwise, it will be extremely painful. If I don't suppress it in time, I may even die suddenly. Tomorrow is the day of my illness, Dr. Lin, Do you have a prescription to cure me? If you can be cured, master, how about I give you some good advice to save your life? " The sacred fire Saint said quite seriously.

Lin Yang pondered and shook his head: "there is no medicine to cure!"

"What did you say?" The flame Saint Liu Mei frowned again and said coldly, "can you see that I am ill, but I have no medicine? Are you kidding me? "

"Holy lady, I don't have the courage to tease you. To tell you the truth, there is a way to cure, but... You won't agree to use this method to cure, so there is no medicine in fact." Lin Yang light said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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