The island shakes when the sacred fire master leaves the pass.

All the strong people of Shenhuo Island gather in Shenhuo hall to welcome the dignitaries.

Inside and outside the Shenhuo hall, there are nearly ten thousand people. At a glance, they are all in flaming red, which is very spectacular.

All of them are very formal and dare not make mistakes.

Lin Yang, the disciple who killed the sacred fire master, was summoned at the first time.

Lin Yang went to Shenhuo temple with a worried mood.

Zhang Qiye's mouth describes that the power of the divine fire master is many times stronger than that of Lin Yang. If we really fight, Lin Yang will be dead.

But fortunately, she got rid of the sacred fire saint. I believe she should have said a few words beside the sacred fire venerable, and she should be able to be safe.

"Here comes Dr. Lin!"

With a cry, Lin Yang went to the main hall.

He looked up.

But she saw the goddess of divine fire standing in his highness, and on the top seat sat a middle-aged man with naked upper body, black leather pants and long red hair.

The man is tall and has swollen muscles. His body is covered with a large number of flaming lines. His skin is red all over, and there are flaming marks on his forehead. He looks like an ancient god of fire.

His breath is very rich, his expression is serious, and his eyes are especially domineering. There is a feeling of looking down at the world, and no one dares to look at him!

This is the god fire venerable!

"I have seen the venerable." Lin Yang said.


The master of Shenhuo looked up and down at Lin Yang and opened his mouth. His voice was like Honglei: "are you Doctor Lin?"

"Yes Lin Yang nodded.

"That's good." The master of Shenhuo waved his hand and said, "take this man down immediately, cut him to pieces, put him to death in a hurry, and then throw him into the magma and let him die!"

"Yes, sir

On both sides of Shenhuo Island, the strong people drank as much as they could, and then came forward one after another to capture Lin Yang.

Lin Yang was stunned.

He immediately looked at the flame saint.

The goddess of divine fire was also surprised.

Obviously, she did not expect that the divine fire master would directly ask to kill Dr. Lin.

It was so sudden that the goddess of fire chose to be silent.

She knew that no one could persuade her master to make a decision.

Lin Yang was also stunned. He bit his teeth and yelled, "stop, everyone!"

The people of Shenhuo Island slightly slowed down and were shocked by Lin Yang's voice.

"My Lord, why did you kill me?" Lin Yang asked the master of Shenhuo with a cold face.

"Don't you think it's funny that you killed my apprentice and asked me why I wanted to kill you?" The light way of God fire.

"When did I kill your apprentice?" Lin Yang cried out.

"At this time, are you still thinking about sophistry? Everyone saw that you killed our elder martial brother Cheng. How dare you deny it A disciple denounced.

However, Lin Yang repeatedly shook his head: "your elder martial brother Cheng was not killed by me, he was killed by himself!"

"What did you say?"

"Full of nonsense!"

"It's time to kill!"

They were so indignant that they didn't want to listen to Lin Yang's nonsense any more.

Lin Yang see this, immediately ready to go, ready to start.

But at this time, the sacred fire Master seemed to have an interest in general, raised his hand and cried: "don't be impatient, and listen to him! I want to hear what flowers he can say

People just stop.

"Dr. Lin, I have a bad temper and no patience. I don't want to waste time on people like you. I'll give you one minute and you'll give me your reasons. If it's far fetched, I will kill you myself. Do you understand?" The light way of God fire.

"For what reason?" Lin Yang asked.

"You said that my disciple's death was his own. Where did that come from?"

"Simple, four words, poor learning skills! He is dueling with me to see who can resist heat! His strength is poor, lost, I won, according to the agreement, he died! So didn't he kill himself? What does it have to do with me? " Lin Yang asked.

When they said that, everyone took a chill.

Cheng Ansheng is a master and an apprentice!

He said that he was not good at learning and his strength was poor

Isn't this hitting the god fire in the face?

For a moment, everyone's eyes all looked at the sacred fire venerable.

This time, I'm afraid the venerable is not going to be angry!

However, Shenhuo was silent for a long time, and then he waved to the crowd to disperse.

The people of Shenhuo island looked at each other and finally retreated.

Lin Yang sees this, taut nerve a little lax.

"I'm not happy to hear that, but you're telling the truth! Cheng Ansheng lost his skill to you. He is to blame for his death! But it's not my fault. I've taught all that I should. He doesn't work hard enough. He doesn't have talent! That's what's wrong with you. " The light way of God fire.

Lin Yang is silent.

But listen to god fire venerable again shout: "fire Eagle!"

"My Lord, the fire Hawk is here!" A man came forward to clasp his fist.

"Lead 50 people to Cheng's house, destroy the family! Kill all men, women, old and young, and leave none The light way of God fire.

When Lin Yang heard this, he suddenly raised his head and was frightened!

Everyone was stunned, but soon returned to normal without saying a word.

"Yes That's the fire hawk.

"What are you doing Lin Yang immediately asked.

"Cheng Ansheng is not good at learning. He was defeated by you, which made me lose face. I should be punished, but he is dead, so I can only find his family! Yes? Do you have a problem? " Shenhuo master Dan Dao, eyes overbearing looking at Lin Yang.

If other people, this time will not meddle.

But Lin Yang was not silent.

"Of course I have a problem! Although Cheng Ansheng and I are enemies of life and death, as the saying goes, we can't do as much harm as our wife and children! My Lord, is it too presumptuous of you to do so? " Lin Yang drank a lot.

Lin Yang boasts that he is not a good man, but he has a clear sense of gratitude and resentment.

How cruel is this extermination? He is a medical student. How can he bear it?

However, his words completely detonated the temple of divine fire.

"Son of a bitch! How dare you accuse the venerable

"Presumptuous! How presumptuous

"My Lord! This man should be killed! It's time to scratch his skin and cramp him to pieces! It's time to kill

"Beast! Asshole! rats! Why don't you get down on your knees? "

"To die!"

All the people yelled at each other, and their faces were red. They wanted to rush up and bite Lin Yang to death.

Even the virgin can't sit.

"Doctor Lin! You are too presumptuous! Get down on your knees and thank you

The virgin burst into a rage and yelled sternly.

She can't let Lin Yang die, and at this time, only kneel down to apologize, there is a chance of life.

But Lin Yang straightened his back and didn't kneel down at all.


The holy girl's eyes are to make a fire, that is to force Lin Yang to kneel down.

But at this time, the hand of the god fire venerable suddenly raised.

Everyone quieted down and looked at him.

But seeing that the master of Shenhuo had no expression on his face, he spoke in a low voice: "the doctor's parents are sincere. Doctor Lin, I didn't expect that you would risk your life to save your enemies. It's a little interesting. In that case, I'll give you a chance! Let's fight. If you win, I will not only not kill the Cheng family, but also let you leave the island safely. How about that? "

The whole audience was in an uproar.

Does the sacred fire Lord challenge?

What a fight?

Isn't this a direct sentence of death for Lin Yang? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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