The banquet continues.

This evening, Xing Qing and the senior officials of Shengyi villa are planning not to get drunk.

What people on both sides drink is dark and confused.

But actually both sides have their own ideas.

The people on this side of Shengyi mountain villa want to hold back the strong people in Xuanqing Pavilion, so as to avoid them going to find Doctor Lin for revenge.

The people of Xuanqing Pavilion want to hold down the experts of Shengyi mountain villa, so that they can act easily.

So, the banquet was peaceful, and both sides pushed the cup to change the cup. You came and I went, and it was very enjoyable.

But the courtyard where Lin Yang lived was full of murders.

Lin Yang slowly opened his eyes, looked at the windowsill, then dressed and got out of bed.

At this moment, the members of the team who were placed around the courtyard of the holy medical villa were dying one by one.

They were killed in silence.

The other side is very good at assassinating. They appear from the dark like ghosts, cover their mouths, cut their necks, and then deal with the corpses quietly.

The means are simple! It's neat!

It's only twenty minutes!

All the experts sent by the holy medical villa have been disposed of.

Then out of the dark out of two hands full of blood figure, came to the gate.

The guard in front of the gate's disciple is already asleep.

They didn't plan to kill the disciple either. They looked at the gate and went in directly.

Their steps seemed to be silent, and they walked like cats.

When they quietly opened the door and were ready to start, they were shocked to find that the light in the room had been on.

Lin Yang is sitting at the table, poured three cups of tea

"You two have been working hard. Come on, sit down and have a cup of tea." Lin yangdan road.

They were breathing hard and their faces were very ugly.

Maybe they have never met such a thing!

The other side obviously expected their existence!

Two people look at each other, one of them shows the intention of killing, pinches the dagger in his hand, and intends to force his hand.

But another man pressed his arm in time and shook his head secretly.

The man was not willing, but he listened.

Another man closed the door and looked at Lin Yang, then walked over and sat down slowly.

The rest of the people just sat down.

Two eyes such as a sharp blade, staring at Lin Yang, nerves all taut.

As long as Lin Yang has the slightest rash move, they will cut Lin Yang's head into 18 pieces in an instant.

But Lin Yang didn't have any difference. He just tasted his own tea and said with a smile, "why don't you drink it? Don't worry. It's not poisonous. The tea I made should taste good. "

"We're not here for tea!"

One of them said coldly.

"Yes? I wish you were here for tea Lin Yang put down his tea cup and said with a faint smile.

"What are we doing here, you should know!" Another man said in a light way, "but you still make tea when you know our purpose. I think you should be prepared?"

"Naturally." Lin Yang said with a smile.

"So... What is your preparation? I wonder if we can handle it? "

That person stares at Lin Yang, the killing intention in the eye is more and more intense.

Obviously, no matter how strong Lin Yang is, he wants to have a try!

He worried that Lin Yang was just bluffing.

Lin Yang shook his head and said with a faint smile: "you can't catch it!"

"You are so confident! In that case, please have a try! "

"Don't try." Lin yangdan road.


Their eyes were awe inspiring.

"Because you've lost."

Lin Yang said calmly., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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