The cloud circle's fierce attack splashes a lot of power lines.

The terrible burst completely engulfed Lin Yang.

People can't see what Lin Yang looks like.

But it doesn't matter!

Under such attack and killing, even if Lin Yang wanted to live, he was afraid that it would be as difficult as heaven.

All of a sudden.


The clouds burst.

The figure inside shook, and then a figure flew out of the clouds and fell heavily on the mountain not far from the hall.


The top of the mountain burst on the spot, and the mountain split.

People breathe a tight, look up, that hit the mountain is Lin Yang!

As for the Supreme Xuanqing Pavilion, he still carried his hands behind him, wrapped his body with Qi and stood in the sky.

That powerful and domineering posture, so many people admire!

The guests were amazed.

The people of Shengyi mountain villa are also stunned and eye opening.

"Long live the supreme!" A Xuanqing Pavilion disciple couldn't restrain his inner excitement and raised his fist to shout.

"Long live the supreme!"

"Long live the supreme!"

"Long live the supreme!"

Others couldn't help shouting.

Outside the hall, there was the sound of a tsunami.

There is no joy or sorrow on the supreme face of Xuanqing Pavilion.

Maybe cleaning up such a person doesn't bring him any sense of achievement.

But that's it.


There are some big stones falling down from the mountain.

Then a man came out slowly from the crack of the mountain!

It's Lin Yang!

The mouth of the shouting people froze and couldn't make any more sound.

"It's not dead?" Third hand doctors are also shocked.

"It's the body of martial god. How can you die so easily? But Xuanqing Pavilion seems to have broken his anger just now. I think even if he doesn't fall down now, it should be almost the same! " The saint doctor glanced at Lin Yang and said with a faint smile.


Just stand up Lin Yang has not gone two steps, suddenly.


A mouthful of red blood gushed from his mouth.

The nervous chief Xing and others immediately let out a sigh of relief.

"I said it! This guy is obviously holding up! I thought he couldn't die! "

"Ha ha, you can still stand up after my father's strike. Lin really has some skills, but he is too stupid! Against my father! He's dead today! "

A few people sneer.

Xuanqing Pavilion is the most important one.

"It's funny. I'm not dead yet! It's a pity that you are at the end of the storm, not my opponent! Bow down and surrender as soon as possible, so that I can give you a whole body, otherwise, I can only tear you to pieces. " Xuanqing Pavilion is the supreme one.

"Will you tear me to pieces? I'm afraid you can't do it yet! "

Lin Yang is hoarse and laughs.

"Then I'll try!"

Xuanqing Pavilion is the most important one. It's time to start again.

But at this time, Ziheng and Ziyi couldn't sit down any more. They looked at each other and stopped Xuanqing Pavilion.

"Ziheng! Ziyi! If you stop again! Don't blame me for not recognizing you Xuanqing Pavilion is exasperated.

"Supreme! We are good for Xuanqing Pavilion! Please stop at once

"Otherwise, you will not only harm yourself, but also the Xuanqing Pavilion!"

Two people clench teeth to drink to shout, the facial expression is particularly firm.


Xuanqing Pavilion is in a rage.

The elders of Xuanqing Pavilion here can't sit any more and rush forward together.

"Martial uncle Ziyi! Martial uncle Ziheng! How can you be so bold? How dare you help outsiders deal with the supreme? Are you going to betray Xuanqing pavilion? "

Xing Qing points to two people and shouts angrily.

They knew that if they didn't confess, they were afraid that they couldn't explain it clearly. Ziyi simply gritted his teeth and said, "Xing Qing! I'll tell you the truth! We were instructed by you to kill Dr. Lin last night! No success! Because we were subdued by Dr. Lin the moment we entered his bedroom! "

"The strength of Dr. Lin is not as young as his young appearance! This man is powerful and terrible! We are worried that... The supreme is not his opponent! " The son constant sink a voice to shout a way.

The speech fell to the ground and the audience was silent.

Everyone is looking at Ziyi and Ziheng with shocked eyes.

They two... Were actually subdued face to face by Lin Yang?

What's more, they are worried that the Supreme Xuanqing Pavilion is not the opponent of this person?


It's like the world's best!

But these words... Come from the mouth of Ziyi and Ziheng in Xuanqing Pavilion!

What they said, what a weight

Who dares not believe it?

But who dares to believe it?

For a moment, people were silent., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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